
Membru Banat
18 Aug 2015
- La precedentele 2 halving-uri nu eram in pandemie si criza economica.
Si ambele au avut crash major dupa halving. Ai vazut ce s-a intamplat in 11-13 martie si weekend-ul trecut? Cand volumul slab a fost manipulat si s-a dus mult in jos?

- Acum e nasol si nu sunt bani. Au intrat pe crypto sa faca rost de fiat.

- Ti se pare ca 9600 e pret mic? De fapt e 50% din bullrunul din 2017 cand totul era roz. ICO-urile in floare.

Tot nu ai raspuns.​
* Esti pe profit actualmente daca nu iei in calcul referalii?
* Erai pe LTC. Actual disabled. De ce crezi ca l-au dezactivat?
* Daca ai intra acum fara referali, ai fi profitabil in conditiile in care recompensele din minerit sunt injumatatite si fees de transfer sunt foarte mari? Adica dai retragere la 45k sats si fee sunt de 1-2$. Rentabil?


Bitcoin are potential target 7800$. Si poate noi, la indemnul tau il platim cu 9600$. Nu trebuie sa luam in calcul si volatilitatea? De exemplu Daca am avea 500$ si am lua btc la 7800$ si l-am vinde la 9500$ adica o fluctuatie normala ce a fost in ultimele 2 luni, nu ar fi mai rentabil decat sa blocam in cloud-mining?

Uite de ce nu e rentabil cloud-mining-ul

Doar speculand gap-urile de pe CME din ultima perioada ( sa nu-l pun si pe ala din februarie) aveai 90% profit in perioada 11 martie - 14 mai.

Asta inseamna ca cu 500$ luai 0.1 btc in 13 martie si prindeai o vanzare singura cu 85% profit in 53 zile, si inca una cu 10% profit in alte 6 zile.

Deci sa facem calculele pentru 500$ perioada 11 martie - 14 mai.

500$/5000$ un btc= 0.1 btc achizitionat in 14 martie​
Tinut sa se dea fill la GAP 53 zile, si vandut la 9000$​
asta insemna 900$​
Asteptăm un nou crash. Luam la 8900$​
900/8900=0.10112359 btc​
Stiind ca e gap ramas la 10k il tineam. Nu aveam de unde stii ca se da fill in 1 saptamana.​
Deci 0.10112359 * 9900=iaca 1000$.​
Plus ca joi m-au intrebat colegii de pe chat unde sa il astepte dupa ce au vandut ( deci da, sunt colegi pe chat-ul de unde faci si tu parte si stii ca dau predictii bune ) si le-am spus la 9188. Iaca nici 2 zile si azinoapte a fost 9188.
Sa punem si ultimul val de azinoapte cand le-am sugerat sa vanda la 9500?

Intelegi acum de ce nu e rentabil cloudmining-ul? Voi nu minati. Ei se folosesc de banii vostrii si va da cu taraita pe un script fix ca la hyp-uri, in rate, banii vostri. Si de acolo cat le tine figura.
Poate va treziti odata.
Ultima editare:
Team Spirit
22 Ian 2018
- La precedentele 2 halving-uri nu eram in pandemie si criza economica.
Si ambele au avut crash major dupa halving. Ai vazut ce s-a intamplat in 11-13 martie si weekend-ul trecut? Cand volumul slab a fost manipulat si s-a dus mult in jos?

- Acum e nasol si nu sunt bani. Au intrat pe crypto sa faca rost de fiat.

- Ti se pare ca 9600 e pret mic? De fapt e 50% din bullrunul din 2017 cand totul era roz. ICO-urile in floare.

Tot nu ai raspuns.​
* Esti pe profit actualmente daca nu iei in calcul referalii?
* Erai pe LTC. Actual disabled. De ce crezi ca l-au dezactivat?
* Daca ai intra acum fara referali, ai fi profitabil in conditiile in care recompensele din minerit sunt injumatatite si fees de transfer sunt foarte mari? Adica dai retragere la 45k sats si fee sunt de 1-2$. Rentabil?


Bitcoin are potential target 7800$. Si poate noi, la indemnul tau il platim cu 9600$. Nu trebuie sa luam in calcul si volatilitatea? De exemplu Daca am avea 500$ si am lua btc la 7800$ si l-am vinde la 9500$ adica o fluctuatie normala ce a fost in ultimele 2 luni, nu ar fi mai rentabil decat sa blocam in cloud-mining?

Uite de ce nu e rentabil cloud-mining-ul

Doar speculand gap-urile de pe CME din ultima perioada ( sa nu-l pun si pe ala din februarie) aveai 90% profit in perioada 11 martie - 14 mai.

Asta inseamna ca cu 500$ luai 0.1 btc in 13 martie si prindeai o vanzare singura cu 85% profit in 53 zile, si inca una cu 10% profit in alte 6 zile.

Deci sa facem calculele pentru 500$ perioada 11 martie - 14 mai.

500$/5000$ un btc= 0.1 btc achizitionat in 14 martie​
Tinut sa se dea fill la GAP 53 zile, si vandut la 9000$​
asta insemna 900$​
Asteptăm un nou crash. Luam la 8900$​
900/8900=0.10112359 btc​
Stiind ca e gap ramas la 10k il tineam. Nu aveam de unde stii ca se da fill in 1 saptamana.​
Deci 0.10112359 * 9900=iaca 1000$.​
Plus ca joi m-au intrebat colegii de pe chat unde sa il astepte dupa ce au vandut ( deci da, sunt colegi pe chat-ul de unde faci si tu parte si stii ca dau predictii bune ) si le-am spus la 9188. Iaca nici 2 zile si azinoapte a fost 9188.
Sa punem si ultimul val de azinoapte cand le-am sugerat sa vanda la 9500?

Intelegi acum de ce nu e rentabil cloudmining-ul? Voi nu minati. Ei se folosesc de banii vostrii si va da cu taraita pe un script fix ca la hyp-uri, in rate, banii vostri. Si de acolo cat le tine figura.
Poate va treziti odata.
In sfârsit cineva care explică clar si la obiect si deamascheaza "industria" asta de cloud shit hyip mining. Dacă aș avea bani te as angaja ca si consultant financiar pe btc :)))
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Bitcoin Price Charts Hint at the Most Exciting Breakout in Over a Year
If Bitcoin closes above $9200 this week, it's an incredibly bullish sign — and perhaps the biggest since the 2017 bull run — for the coming weeks and months.

Bitcoin Price Charts Hint at the Most Exciting Breakout in Over a Year

Market Analysis
The price of the top-ranked cryptocurrency by market capitalization, Bitcoin (BTC), is set to explode in the coming week providing the weekly candle opens above $9,200. This would signal the end of a 46-week descending channel that BTC/USD has been locked in since it nearly tapped $14,000 in the summer of 2019.

So is this the time to expect a new all-time high from the leading digital asset?

Daily crypto market performance

Daily crypto market performance. Source:

The weekly view
BTC USD weekly chart

BTC USD weekly chart. Source: TradingView

At the time of writing, the price of Bitcoin is currently trading over $9,500. It almost seems inevitable that closing above $9,200 is a sure thing. But there are no definite results when it comes to Bitcoin.

However, with renewed post-halving retail interest it certainly does look likely, especially since Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling recently tweeting to her 14.6 million followers asking for someone to explain Bitcoin to her. This may certainly spark renewed public interest in BTC. Though, if crypto Twitter didn’t blow it by acting like baboons with cringeworthy replies that no one found funny, the chances of this would be higher.

Resistance flips to support
BTC USD daily chart

BTC USD daily chart. Source: TradingView

Moving over to the daily Bitcoin chart, and we can see that the previous resistance on the descending channel has now flipped to support, and using the Fibonacci retracement tool, it provides a little glimpse of where Bitcoin could go next.

The price is currently sitting just under .618, making the next immediate moves either being to the upside around $11,600 (.786) or to the downside around $8,790.

While a move to the downside is always a possibility, if that happens in the week ahead, it would mean that the support on both the daily and weekly has failed, which would not be good for Bitcoin.

However, each week that support gets lower within the channel. So while I’m generally bullish on Bitcoin at the moment, I don’t think a breakthrough of $10K again would hold for long — not until we start seeing a new path emerge on the charts.

Daily MACD shows signs of a reversal
BTC USD daily MACD chart

BTC USD daily MACD chart Source: TradingView

While the charts generally look bullish on higher time frames, some indicators on lower time frames are starting to show signs of weakness. The moving average convergence divergence (MACD) indicator, recently saw a bearish cross, and despite nearly crossing bullish a few days later, it has since resumed a downward trajectory.

Given that the weekly MACD is still looking very bullish, I wouldn’t be too worried about this in the medium term. However, in the short term, it looks as if a small pullback is imminent as people rush to take pre-10K level profits, which I would view as a temporary pullback.

The Relative Strength Index
The Relative Strength Index

The RSI is looking equally bearish on the daily chart as it’s approaching overbought territory. However, you have to keep in mind that during 2017 the RSI was constantly showing as overbought and it just kept going.

That being said, if you look at the weekly chart, we’re not even there yet, which suggests that while a small pullback is likely, overall it’s looking good for the price of Bitcoin in the medium term.

The Relative Strength Index

Mining difficulty reduction
BTC Mining Difficulty Adjustment

BTC Mining Difficulty Adjustment Source:

Another key metric that has proved useful in assessing the future price of Bitcoin is the Bitcoin mining difficulty, which at the moment is starting to decline and is set to be reduced by over 2% next week.

However, with the halving now behind us, more adjustments to the downside are to be expected since mining is currently no longer profitable. Yet despite this, there has been a surge in hash rate, topping out an average of 115 EH/s, which is an all-time high for BTC. That's 115 quintillion (115,000,000,000,000,000,000) hashes per second.

Historically, when the hash rate is rising, the price always follows, and as this number continues to explode, it seems only likely that Bitcoins price will follow suit.

Bullish scenario
Closing above $9,200 today will be the single most bullish sign that Bitcoin has seen since before the 2017 bull run. This would put $9,980 as the next level of resistance before opening up $11,600 as the next target.

Bearish scenario
Not managing to hold above $9,200 would put $8,790 as the first level of support followed by $7,600. However, at this stage, a bearish outlook for Bitcoin is simply not something I see as likely. Even if the price fell to $8,790, I would still maintain a bullish bias. Nevertheless, losing this level would drastically reduce the likelihood of an imminent bull run.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Trendul dificultati de minarea dupa HALVING-UL BTC este in scadere

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Bitcoin Breaking Out of Re-Accumulation Phase Likely to Ignite “Another Parabolic Rally”

by AnTy
May 19, 2020

Since June 2019, Bitcoin has been in a re-accumulation phase, shared Tuur Demeester. He explained on Twitter how a year back bitcoin broke out of its accumulation phase that lasted about nine months only to start the re-accumulation.
As such, “a break out of this band will likely ignite another parabolic rally,” he said.

Bitcoin can Rally to $50k -$100k in Next Bull Cycle
Involved with Bitcoin since 2013, Demeester has been here when the world’s leading digital asset went through its first “crazy bubble” that took BTC from $1 to $30.
This time, he believes the bottom is in and the next bull market is here. This cycle according to him could easily take us to $50,000-$100,000. Demeester said in a conversation with Messari,
“Now we're back in a bull market. I think for sure $3,000 was the bottom and I don't think we'll go below $6,000 again. I think a price target of like $50,000 is not insane at all especially given just how crazy the money printing is. I would even say like between fifty and a hundred thousand.”
However, it all depends on the buying power of the USD, for instance, if inflation takes the cost of a bicycle from $200 to $2,000, bitcoin would have to discount that.
Institutions are here, Retail is to come
Currently, bitcoin is trading around $9,800, up 157% from the March lows, and recording nearly 34% gains YTD. But, “retail is still not paying attention,” said Demeester.
According to him, they have been shaken out and there's lots of despondencies. Whoever stayed invested probably got burned between 2018 and now and that's gonna keep people away for a while still, he said.
But they will only come back once when we are close to 20,000 or beyond that. What’s driving the current market is institutions.
“Right now it's institutions that are interested and it's kind of like a land grab phase where this is gonna get big.”
Bitcoin is not correlated with the traditional financial system which is in all kinds of trouble. Moreover, it's really scarce so these institutions are just kind of staking their claim and then see what's gonna be built on top of it later.
So, the price right now is driven mostly by institutions — billionaires, family offices, and large institutions such as Paul Tudor Jones.
As such, the bitcoin market is still in the infrastructure phase despite JP Morgan becoming the bank for Coinbase and Gemini. It's all about building the rails, both legal rails and financial bridges between the financial industry and Bitcoin.
He expects 2020 and 2022 to be the deployment phase where we really go mainstream and people can start using it for many different purposes.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Crypto Traders Explain Where Bitcoin Price Can Go After Fifth $10K Test in 11 Days
The price of Bitcoin continues to reject the $10,000 resistance level, crypto traders explain where BTC is headed next.
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Crypto Traders Explain Where Bitcoin Price Can Go After Fifth $10K Test in 11 Days


The price of Bitcoin (BTC) tested $10,000 a total of five times in the past 11 days. The price action can be considered as a bullish or a bearish trend based on varying perspectives. The quintuple test of a key psychological level at $10,000 can be analyzed in two ways: The $10,000 resistance level is getting weakened with every test, or the resistance is so strong that buyers are not able to break out of it.
Many top crypto traders believe that the mid-$9,000 area is a starting point to a new extended rally to the $14,000-to-$15,000 resistance range and with $20,000 as a medium-term target. Others foresee a sizable pullback to the $7,000-to-$8,000 region first, before Bitcoin’s price can aim for $14,000 and then attempt to break the record high.
The short-term, bullish scenario for Bitcoin
Traders who expect the price of Bitcoin to reclaim the $10,000 resistance level as support and see a rally to key levels above it predict that the resistance area was weakened with multiple spikes to the $9,800-to-$9,900 range.
Bitcoin tests the $9,900–$10,000 resistance range five times in 11 days

Bitcoin tests the $9,900–$10,000 resistance range five times in 11 days. Source: Tradingview
Traders continue to debate whether the current price trend of Bitcoin the start of a bullish uptrend following the highly anticipated block reward halving on May 11. Fundamentally, the block reward halving is a highly optimistic event for Bitcoin’s price because it directly affects the supply of BTC, as it halves the amount of Bitcoin mined, decreasing the rate, at which new BTC is produced and, subsequently, how much is sold on the market.
Historically, the halvings of 2012 and 2016 both resulted in at least a 2,500% increase in price. Hence, the bullish trajectory of BTC is that the halving will push the price of Bitcoin forward in both the short-term and the long-term.
Related: Cointelegraph Research: Demand for Bitcoin Grows After Halving
According to cryptocurrency researcher Philip Swift, an indicator called the 2-Year Moving Average Multiplier shows BTC reached its bottom at $3,600 and broke out of a multi-year trendline at $5,800. At a macro level and in a more long-term scenario, Swift noted that the indicator suggests the next reasonable target for BTC is the all-time high of $20,000. Swift tweeted:
“$BTC has been super bullish since it broke out above the 2yr MA. We got our chance to accumulate below it b4 the hedge fund guys got all excited about Bitcoin. Next stop now the 2yrMA x5 [over $20,000].”
Bitcoin price with 2-Year MA multiplier

Bitcoin price with 2-Year MA multiplier. Source: Philip Swift
Similarly, Bitcoin trader Nunya Bizniz said Bitcoin is showing a “golden cross” at a high time frame, which has only happened seven times in Bitcoin’s history. The last golden cross was triggered when BTC was hovering at around $5,000 in early 2019 when it recovered from a plunge to $3,150. Bizniz tweeted:
“BTC Golden Cross (GC): GC = 50dma moves above 200dma. There have been 6 occurrences. Of those, only one has occurred while the 200MA is rising. A 7th GC is about to occur with a slight rising gradient in the 200MA.”
A golden cross typically indicates the start of an extended bull trend. However, the risk is that BTC’s price could potentially drop below this cross point when it happens, which then makes it a death cross with a bearish structure.
The seventh golden cross in the history of Bitcoin forms

The seventh golden cross in the history of Bitcoin forms. Source: Nunya Bizniz
For most of the macro bullish trends of Bitcoin to remain intact, BTC has to remain above $9,000 over the next week and continue to retest the $10,000 resistance level. The positive sentiment among professional traders also coincides with the moving average convergence divergence, or MACD, indicating an additional upside on a weekly Bitcoin price chart.
Bitcoin weekly price chart with MACD

Bitcoin weekly price chart with MACD. Source: Satoshi Flipper
With Bitcoin remaining above $9,000, cryptocurrency investor known as “Light” emphasized that the sentiment around Bitcoin among top traders is generally positive, tweeting:
“I am yet to run into a single competent trader/investor who is bearish on Bitcoin in this current moment. And those who are long are bullish with conviction. In hindsight it’ll either look incredibly obvious, or it’ll turn out that we’ve all run grossly ahead of ourselves.”
However, when the majority of the market is bullish, it often leaves BTC vulnerable to a correction before another uptrend. That is the risk of a deep pullback other highly regarded traders see in the near-term.
The bearish Scenario for Bitcoin over the next few weeks
If the optimistic predictions on Bitcoin revolve around the positive effect on the price of BTC a halving can have, negative projections also primarily revolve around the halving. In the previous two halvings, Bitcoin’s price dropped after the halving, and the real uptrend did not initiate until 8–12 weeks after the halving.
The tendency of Bitcoin to fall after a halving combined with the failure to break out of the $10,000 resistance level following five unsuccessful attempts has fuelled most bearish predictions for BTC. Bitcoin trader known as TraderXO said in a tweet that BTC’s price is likely to drop to the low-$9,000s in the near-term, with the mid-$8,000 region as a lower area of support.
Bitcoin price range based on its price action since early May

Bitcoin price range based on its price action since early May. Source: TraderXO
Based on market data, approximately 72% of the Bitcoin futures market is taking a long position. That means the overwhelming majority of traders are expecting Bitcoin’s price to go up. While this is typically a positive piece of data, it also opens up the possibility of a long squeeze.
Across BitMEX, Bitfinex and Binance Futures, there is about $716 million worth of active longs. In contrast, only $273 million worth of shorts is filed. The large discrepancy between longs and shorts decreases the probability of a short squeeze and increases the likelihood of a deep pullback.
Variables outside of price action
The fundamentals of Bitcoin such as on-chain activity, liquidity and sentiment slightly declined after the halving. Liesl Eichholz, the head of growth strategy at Glassnode, wrote:
“Bitcoin on-chain fundamentals dropped slightly in Week 20. GNI registered a 1 point decrease over the week, pushing its overall assessment of the Bitcoin ecosystem to 73 points. This downturn was mainly driven by the Network Health subindex, which decreased by 8 points.”
The minor decrease in overall liquidity and sentiment was mainly caused by a decline in interest toward Bitcoin pre- and post-halving. Before the event, the number of transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain network and activity across various platforms increased.
Considering the pre-halving hype, Eichholz emphasized that the slight drop in fundamentals is not necessarily a negative indicator. A positive factor, however, is an increase in the number of addresses holding more than 0.1 BTC, or around $970.
Related: Bitcoin Halving Was Not the Apocalyptic Event Some in Crypto Feared
Bitcoin has the image of a currency that is widely owned by whales — i.e., individual investors who hold a large portion of the asset’s supply. However, data shows that the distribution of the supply of BTC has improved, with more people owning BTC. Rafael Schultze-Kraft, a researcher at Glassnode, tweeted:
“There are now more than 3 million #Bitcoin addresses holding at least 0.1 $BTC (current value: $975 USD). That’s 14% more addresses than one year ago today.”
External factors such as on-chain data and fundamentals show that there are no major events that could have a significant impact on BTC’s price in the short-term. That leaves the current price action of BTC along with macro trend projections as the two factors that are likely to sway BTC’s price in the coming weeks.
For bears or sellers, Bitcoin’s price dropping below $9,000 to avoid a golden cross at the mid-$9,000 region and an optimistic breakout on the weekly chart would indicate the resumption of a bearish trend.
For bulls or buyers, Bitcoin’s price remaining above the $9,500-to-$9,600 range would indicate that despite strong overhead resistance, there is enough demand across spot, futures, options and institutional markets to sustain the uptrend of BTC.
12 Iul 2014
Hai ca merge daca e.
Se castiga bani frumosi aici. Numai pe minus stam cu castigul.

Cand o sa fie topicul mutat la spam?
Membru Banat
18 Aug 2015
Eu v-am atentionat ca tot ce este cloud-mining si cu referali, e hyip mascat.

Am avut niste incercari prin NiceHash prin 2016-2017. Am luat de la ei putere de minat si mi-am minat niste monede. Cum le-am minat? SImplu mi-a dat indicatii cu setarile pool-ului de minare ( adica eu mi-am setat minerul dupa acele indicatii din pool de minare). Am avut inclusiv walletul ptr primire monede.

Initial am fost tare entuziasmat ( adica la inceput inainte sa iau acel power hash) si cand am facut totalul, -40%. Adica exact comisionul lor.
Am avut inclusiv miner si a mers super ok DOUA LUNI in 2018 ( de la jumatatea lui decembrie pana la jumatea lui februarie). Adica fix cat a tinut bullrunul. Si dupa aia mort.

Tot ziceti ca in Siberia sau Islanda e ieftin curentul si ca acolo se mineaza optim. Da, se va mina, dar pt ei nu ptr voi.
Voi sunteti platiti din banii vostri si ai altora ce intra in sistem, in timp ce ei isi mineaza mai departe cu aparatele lor, sau altele noi ce le vor cumpara mai performante pe banii vostri.
Cine e in avantaj din tot sistemul asta?
Ala ce prosteste lumea sa ii intre referali. Ptr ca aduna pe langa investitia lui si comisioanele din referali. Si da din goarna ca totu e bine, wow ce bullish e piata. Ca se duce la cer.

Bruh, wake up.

btw daca te uiti la topicul asta, 80-90% sunt articole shareuite. Analize care nu au nicio legatura cu subiectul topicului. Din 27 pagini peste 20 sunt doar cu analize.
Si daca luati saptamanal bitcoin ( sa nu zic lunar ) ieseati mult mai bine ca prostia asta de website. Si doar urmarind GAP-urile de la CME faceati profit mult mai bun. Apropo de GAP a fost iar unu ce si-a dat fill aseara. Prezentasem 2, iaca inca unu rapid.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017

Now hash rate rental contracts work as prepaid.
Till this moment maintenance fee has been charged automatically everyday. Now it’s your turn to decide. The whole process is similar to regular electricity bills. What does it mean?
  1. It's up to you to choose when and for how long you want to pay. Keep the contract active only when you want it.
  2. Payment options. Now similar to contract options: PAYEER, bank cards, BTC, LTC.
  3. Beneficial. We prepared discounts for those who want to pay for a long time period.
This update changes only hash rate rental contracts, but we will introduce the same mechanic for miners if you`ll find it preferable.
CryptoUniverse Team
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Se lucreza la alta interfata pt CRYPTOUNIVESE pt a adauga optiuni noi una di ele este minare ETH si USDT , inca este in BETA VERSION asa ca daca la un moment dat nu va puteti loga nu este nici o problema


SI trebuie sa va faceti verificare la cont , eu am deja contul verificat de anul trecut

14 Oct 2013
mai platesc astia? ai scos zilele astea ? eu m-am uitat azi si am vazut ca aveam in cont 340$, i-am retras acum catre portofelul virtual in bitcoini de la coinpaiments, sa vad daca primesc bitcoinii...
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
mai platesc astia? ai scos zilele astea ? eu m-am uitat azi si am vazut ca aveam in cont 340$, i-am retras acum catre portofelul virtual in bitcoini de la coinpaiments, sa vad daca primesc bitcoinii...

in max 48 ore primesti btc , dar vezi sa confirmi efectuarea retrageri , in momentul cind retragi primesti email automat de la ei si trebuie sa dai clik pe confirmare retrageri ca sa se proceseze
Team Spirit
6 Iun 2012
@cornel64 ,tu ce document ai trimis pentru verificare, ca eu nu reușesc sa trec de acea verificare, pentru ca nu am nici un document fizic, doar virtual. Factura curent este doar online, extras banca doar online, nu au fost acceptate...