
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
@cornel64 ,tu ce document ai trimis pentru verificare, ca eu nu reușesc sa trec de acea verificare, pentru ca nu am nici un document fizic, doar virtual. Factura curent este doar online, extras banca doar online, nu au fost acceptate...

eu am facut verificarea anul trecut , scan C.I, selfie si factura de la net ,UPC pt ca este pe numele meu si este emisa tot pe adresa din C.I , in citeva ore sa facut verificare si acum este OK am contul verificat


la proof of residence iti trebuie factura utilitati care sa fie pe numele tau si sa fie pe aceiasi adresa din C.I1612300010470.png
14 Oct 2013
mai platesc astia ? am cerut azi o plata si s-au intors bitcoinii inapoi, in balanta ....


25 Noi 2017
Ce noroc aveti ca aia de la is prosti,nu le trece prin cap sa mineze ei :sneaky:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
mai platesc astia ? am cerut azi o plata si s-au intors bitcoinii inapoi, in balanta ....

eu nu am mai retras de ceva timp , pt ca am balanta negativa la contactele LTC , dar din data de 18.02 au bagat ale regulii , trebuie sa platesti MAITENANCE in avans pt contractele care le ai , cei care au balanta negativa au toate contractele suspendate , pt ale debloca si incepe sa minezi din nou trebuie sa sa depui sa ajungi la balanta 0 zero si inca ceva in plus ca sa poti plati maintenance la contractele care le ai pt minim 10 zile , apoi platesti maintenance din balanta
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017

Se pare ca au ceva probleme juridice din cauza ca au modificat conditile contractuale initiale

A major Russian mining firm is facing legal troubles in St. Petersburg, as three individuals are accusing the company of fraud. Cryptouniverse will now face a trial after a city court issued a criminal case order during the week.

A District Court Rejected to Launch a Criminal Case Against the Firm in 2020
According to RBC, the St. Petersburg City Court accepted the appeal of three customers of Cryptouniverse — a bitcoin (BTC) and litecoin (LTC) miner founded in 2018 — and considered the case should go before a trial.

At first, the legal case against the firm made the headlines in August 2020. Businessman Alexei Burik launched the legal initiative, who claimed that Cryptouniverse allegedly embezzled his crypto mining equipment and his mined coins worth 25 million rubles ($340,000).

At the time, the Kuibyshevsky District Court rejected the police decision to launch a criminal case on fraud, with the trio now involved, after the mining company filed an appeal.

As the St. Petersburg City Court accepted the plea of the three people, the criminal case is targeting Mikhail Kvasnikov, general director of Cryptouniverse, who owns around 60% of the firm.

Experts quoted by RBC have said that most of the legal cases against crypto mining farms, like Cryptouniverse, are related to a sudden change in equipment usage’s terms and conditions. Such changes, however, don’t favor at all the customers, stated the experts.

Is the Lack of Regulation on the Russian Crypto Mining Hurting the Business?
But the problem is deeper than it seems to be. The trade union of crypto miners in Russia is blaming the expensive costs of installing crypto mining rigs in homes. Thus, people are forced indirectly to rely on mining data centers.

According to Maxim Nikolaev, coordinator of the trade union of crypto miners in Russia, the lack of regulation in the crypto mining industry is triggering in some way this kind of legal trouble with mining firms.

Moreover, such lack of a legal framework opens the door to affect the profits of the crypto mining companies’ customers, experts say.

What do you think about this legal case against Cryptouniverse? Let us know in the comments section below.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
eu am cerut de cateva ori si s-au intors banii in balanta, cred ca e scam

daca ai ambele tipuri de contracte si BTC si LTC si pe LTC ai balanta negativa pina nu ajungi pe zero nu poti retrage , chiar daca pe BTC esti pe plus , incearca sa mai cumperi din balance un contract BTC cel mai mic de 5 TH/S , apoi incerca sa retragi iar
14 Oct 2013
am doar contract btc, am platit in avans fee pe 30 de zile,am cumparat acum si 3 TH/S , sa vad....
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
We could not wait to present you the first part of the huge transformation. CryptoUniverse is always trying to reach the highest level of transparency, so you can feel every hash/second is running near you, but without any noise, heat or space taken from your home.
Let’s start the introduction from the main one. Meet the new balance management system. Collected experience and vision allowed us to make the step forward. From now, every account will have its own balances for different purposes in our ecosystem that you can easily manage as you want from the new page called “Balances”. This unique feature comes with a reworked electricity payment system. We made it as similar to your usual life routine as possible. All assets are still pre-paid, but you can fully control it within the new balance designed for electricity that is simply called “Electricity account”. There you will find not only the amount required to pay, but also real numbers of electricity in kilowatts consumed by any of your assets.
CryptoUniverse wants you to have access to as many instruments as possible.That is why we added the opportunity to make flexible and fixed savings not only in BTC, but in LTC too. It grew by 500% in the last 6 months, so we all see again what results diversification can give. Beneficial and safe storage of your assets is one of our priorities.
New miners and contracts push your frontiers too. From now, the fee of our service is calculated in percents and is related to your mining income. It shows that we are interested in making mining as profitable for you as possible.
New instruments complicate user experience for some of us, so we thought it would be great to outweigh it by a significantly improved dashboard. Recent update includes a reworked “Dashboard” page and a new “Assets” page that can be used for managing and monitoring your assets in several clicks. There are dozens of other minor improvements, but we offer the intrigue to find it by yourself.
Our team worked a lot to make these changes possible, so we are pleased to hear any feedback on your experience with dashboard in social media or in support. To make your acquaintance more intense, use promo code GETPROFIT21. It provides you with a discount on our recent miners and contracts.
This is just the beginning, so keep an eye on it. Thank you for being with us.

Best regards

8 Mai 2017
i-am promis lui Cornel ca o sa postez plata din Cryptouniverse aici si chiar daca este de acum cateva zile ama sa o pun pentru cei care nu mai cred in corectitudinea acestei platforme dar si pentru cei care mai au contracte active aici si vor sa stie daca siteul mai plateste.ei bine plateste minarea merge bine daca iti platesti in avans taxele pentru electicitate ramai cu un profit destul de bun cel putin in cazul meu
Untitled.png gghh.png
Untitled.png jjkk.png
20 Iul 2011
Eu nu reusesc sa retrag


Am dat retragere si dupa cateva zile banii sunt tot in balanta. Ma poate indruma cineva cum sa fac?aaa.jpg
14 Oct 2013
-ai introdus codul primit pe email ?

-ti-ai verificat documentele ?

-ai platit electricitatea ?

la Profile unde scrie numele tau trebuie sa apara bifat cu verde "Account is verified "
20 Iul 2011
Am introdus codul de primit pe e.mail
Am contul verificat este pe verde
Electricitatea nu am platit.o ca nu stiu de unde...
Cand am cerut plata, mi.a venit un cod pe email si introdus, altceva nu am mai facut
Team Spirit
6 Iun 2012
Iti mai trebuie 0.0005 btc in cont pentru a acoperi comisionul de retragere pentru blockchain tu ai doar minimul de 0.005 btc de aceea nu poti retrage.
Acei 0.0005 comision se iau din suma care o retrage primește 0.0045. Încearca sa iei legătură pe Facebook cu ei. Eu asta am făcut când am avut probleme, au răspuns într-o zi parca. @Kilenya aici poți plăti electricitatea


  • Screenshot_20210419_172845.jpg
    151,9 KB · Vizualizări: 7
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Acei 0.0005 comision se iau din suma care o retrage primește 0.0045. Încearca sa iei legătură pe Facebook cu ei. Eu asta am făcut când am avut probleme, au răspuns într-o zi parca. @Kilenya aici poți plăti electricitatea

plateste in avans pt minim 10 zile curentul pt toate contractele care le ai si abea apoi retrage , pt ca daca retragi tot si nu ai platit curentul contracte se ingheata si nu o sa mai produci nimic , dupa noile reguli trebuie sa iti rezervi BTC in balance pt a plati curentul in avans , apoi il platesti din ce produci .
20 Iul 2011
Multumesc pentru raspunsuri!
Nu am butonul de ”pay mentenance fee” Fee.ul mi.l oprea pe fiecare zi din ce produceam
Am mai cerut o plata acum, am confirmat cu codul primit pe e.mail, imi arata ca este in procesare...Daca nu primesc nici acum le scriu pe facebookplotx2.jpg