- Înscris
- 16 Ian 2016
- Mesaje
- 14
20 ani amParca esti frate cu mine . Ce varsta ai ?
Eu cand zic 68 (nu pot sa mint , atata am in profil) si ma da afara dau vina pe varsta .
20 ani amParca esti frate cu mine . Ce varsta ai ?
Eu cand zic 68 (nu pot sa mint , atata am in profil) si ma da afara dau vina pe varsta .
You have now been credited $2.00for the Project #1574338 that you completed on6 Feb 2018.
Members, we are writing to inform you that there is a delay in processing Payza withdrawals. This short delay happens each time they change the bank we make our wire deposits to. It's usually only a few days before our deposit is credited so hopefully in the next day or 2 this will be resolved. As soon as our deposit is credited we will process your Payza cashout.