- Înscris
- 1 Sep 2010
- Mesaje
- 490
- Subiect Autor
- #1
Sal vin si eu cu o mica problema si nu stiu daca se mai poate face ceva! Astazi am facut o transfer de pe Coinbase in adresa wallet de la ThunderCore Hub, tranzactia a fost in ETH (Ethererum) mai exact 0.0282.... bun, faza e ca cei de la ThunderCore au pus o limita de minim 0.03 ETH si eu am trimis din Coinbase 0.028, avand in vedere ca nu indeplinesc minimul de mai pot recupera banii? Nui am nici intr-o parte nici in alta! Sunt pierduti acesti ETH?
Daca cineva stie va rog sa imi spuna ceva eu am contatcat cu suportul de pe thundercore si mi-au zis pur si simplu asta ,,
Hi there,
Thank you for your report.
It seems that your deposited amount is lower than the minimum deposit amount required.
Please note that the minimum deposit amount for ETH is 0.03 ETH. Please make sure to deposit over 0.03 ETH, so that you may view your assets in your wallet.
Thank you!
ThunderCore Support Team
Daca cineva stie va rog sa imi spuna ceva eu am contatcat cu suportul de pe thundercore si mi-au zis pur si simplu asta ,,
Hi there,
Thank you for your report.
It seems that your deposited amount is lower than the minimum deposit amount required.
Please note that the minimum deposit amount for ETH is 0.03 ETH. Please make sure to deposit over 0.03 ETH, so that you may view your assets in your wallet.
Thank you!
ThunderCore Support Team