
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
pai si o sa plateasca ,o sa mearga treaba bine?

DA, o sa plateasca fara probleme , pt ca CONTRACTELE deja cumparate au acoperire in MINERI instalatii in cele 3 feme deja existente , problema este ca pe viitor daca mai vrei sa cumperi CONTRACTEsau MINERII sar putea sa nu mai aiba pe STOC daca situatia din CHINA nu se imbunatateste curind , ca sa intelegi ai observat ca la MINERII aveau oferta si pt S17+ /67 TH/S ,cel mai bun miner de pe piata la ora actual privind raportul pret / maintenace /th/s , cu incepera minarii la 5.03. 2020 pt ca atunci preconizau ca o sa il aiba instalat in fermele lor de minare si acum apare pe site OUT of STOC pt ca chinezii din moment ce au inchis fabrica datorita coronvirusului nu il mai pot livra la data respectiva ., deci ce mineri si contracte care mai apar acum in stoc si pot fi cumparati sint numai cei efectiv care sint in RUSIA sau deja plecati din CHINA spre CRYPTOUNIVERSE , si urmeaza sa fie instalati in fermele lor de minare .

PS. asta este traducerea la e-mail de la cryptouniverse postat mai sus

Bună ziua, este CryptoUniverse. Astăzi vrem să vă vorbim despre viruși. Din păcate nu despre cele pe calculator. Pe lângă faptul că criptomoneda este produsă de minerii ASIC, oamenii sunt cei care le proiectează, construiesc, livrează, montează și configurează-le.
Colegii și partenerii noștri chinezi trebuie să-și evacueze angajații în zone sigure din cauza dezvoltării epidemiei de coronavirus. Fabricile, centrele logistice și vamalele sunt în carantină și sunt închise până cel puțin pe 9 februarie. Producția și expedierea sunt parțial oprite.
Am fost informați despre creșterea cât mai curând posibilă a prețurilor echipamentelor miniere și creșterea perioadei de transport. Prețul contractelor și minerilor va rămâne același pentru dvs. cât mai mult timp, dar stocul nostru nu este infinit. De aceea, dorim să vă anunțăm în avans că serviciile noastre vor costa mai mult în viitorul apropiat. Există, de asemenea, opțiunea ca toate livrările de echipamente să fie anulate în totalitate pentru o perioadă de timp incertă în cazul în care situația epidemiologică din China se agravează.
Vă recomandăm să nu ezitați să cumpărați un contract sau un miner dacă ați planificat să cumpărați unul.
Ne dorim să fim în stare bună de sănătate și pentru a reduce riscul de infecție, vă recomandăm să vă spălați pe mâini cu săpun cât mai des posibil, să vizitați mai puțin locurile publice, să purtați mască de siguranță atunci când sunteți printre oameni și să vedeți imediat un medic dacă nu te simti bine
Echipa CryptoUniverse. Cumperi - plătim și să fim sănătoși.

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
‘Litecoin Leads Bitcoin’ — LTC 65% Gains Echo Start of 2019 Bull Run

However, the 65% jump caught traders’ attention for one reason in particular. As popular Twitter personality Loma noted on Saturday, Litecoin put in a similar performance in March last year.

After doubling its price over four weeks, Litecoin gave way to Bitcoin, which began a three-month bull-run culminating in a 19-month record of $13,800.

Analyzing current sentiment, Loma and others now see the potential for the pattern to repeat itself.

“Litecoin leads bitcoin,” investor Michael Flaum summarized on Twitter on Friday.

The road to $100K begins
As Cointelegraph reported, multiple trading sources have recently flipped increasingly bullish on Bitcoin’s prospects for this year.

Having broken out of the $6,000 range, commentators are now broadly convinced that a return to those levels is highly unlikely.

In a Market Discussion on Friday, two well-known crypto YouTubers added to the sense of anticipation, arguing that at current levels of $9,400, BTC/USD is already in the bull cycle, which could reach at least $80,000.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Bitcoin Bull Market Is Here But Won’t Top $100K in 2020, Says Trader




At the moment there’s a lot of misinformation being thrown around. Yesterday Cointelegraph reported that some crypto YouTubers are forecasting that Bitcoin price will rise to $100,000 in 2020. As a crypto YouTuber myself, I find this sort of prediction embarrassing and unsubstantiated, as historically the price of Bitcoin doesn’t start to take off until between 6 months to a year after the actual halving date.

As a crypto YouTuber myself, I find this sort of prediction embarrassing and unsubstantiated, as historically the price of Bitcoin doesn’t start to take off until between 6 months to a year after the actual halving date.

In November 2012 when the first reward halving happened, Bitcoin was trading at around $10, and the price didn’t start to gain traction until March 2013 when the price climbed to $30.

However, this wasn’t the first time Bitcoin hit $30. Bitcoin had actually between in a 2-year bear market in the run-up and beyond the halving date as the price was $31 in June 2011.

After Bitcoin reached $30 again the price did admittedly go parabolic. In April 2013 Bitcoin price reached a high of $269 before falling back to around the $130 zone until the end of October 2013 and this is the point where the price dramatically took off and reached a price of $1,176 by November 2013. However, this was 12 months after the halving date.

The last halving date was July 2016 and again the numbers aren’t that exciting. At the point of the halving itself, the price was around $650, around 45% lower than the all-time high. The price gained around 10% by December 2016 but didn’t exceed the previous all-time high until March 2017, 10 months after the actual halving date.

So with that in mind, how likely is it that Bitcoin could even reach the previous all-time high of $20,000 in 2020, let alone a figure 5 times that? As such, it is more reasonable to expect steady growth through 2020, and possibly a parabolic move in 2021 rather. With that being said, traders need to take this market one week at a time.

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017

Dacă BTC reușește să se mențină peste acest prag, sunt șanse mari să depășească și pragul psihologic de 10.000 în perioada următoare.

Evaluarea totală a pieței a depășit 260 miliarde dolari, un semnal pozitiv și pentru altcoins. Multe criptomonede de top au înregistrat de asemenea un trend ascendent în ianuarie.

Cu toate acestea, dacă Bitcoin se menține peste 9.500 de dolari, o vânzare la altcoins nu ar fi o surpriză. O astfel de compensare apare frecvent când volatilitatea Bitcoin crește.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Ultimile noutati de la CRYPTOUNIVERSE la ferma de minare din KARELIA , ofera si seviciul de HOSTING MINER , pt cei care aveti deja minerii si doriti sa ii instalati in ferma respectiva , se ofer contracte avantajoase avind in vedere pretul energiei electrice de numai 0.035 $ /KW , cei ce este un pret foarte bun , fata de ex . cit este la noi in RO , 0.15 $/kw

You already know about the launch of our data center in the Republic of Karelia.

We offer you to place your mining equipment there for free!

What is the process? We discuss your pieces of mining equipment, check it and conclude a contract. Then your farm or ASIC miners are installed to our data center and you get access to an account where you can real-time monitor its work.

The only thing to pay is electricity.

For the price of legal electricity from $0.035 (equal to night prices in big cities) we can offer 24/7 maintenance by qualified engineers, licensed security, regular tests, ideal temperature, full dust isolation. And yes, no noise in your home. You can choose either 65% uptime or 100% uptime.

Pt . mai multe detalii putem vb si pe Telegram

Telegram: Contact @cryptouniverseminingfarm

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Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Bitcoin Price May Hit $27K All-Time High by Summer, Predicts Tom Lee

BTC 2020 growth can beat 2019
Bitcoin, in fact, gained closer to 30% in January before continuing its growth to hit recent highs around $9,450.

For some analysts, the cryptocurrency’s most successful January since 2013 is a sign that its next long-term bull cycle is already beginning.

Lee also considered 2020 to have larger returns in store for BTC investors than last year, despite 2019 delivering gains which at one point crossed 300%.

Like many, he highlighted May’s block reward halving as a “catalyst” for Bitcoin price expansion. Not only will the event reduce the new Bitcoin supply by 50%, it will also take its inflation rate below that of both gold and the 2% inflation target of the United States Federal Reserve.

A historically accurate price forecasting model, Stock-to-Flow, predicts the halving will trigger a bull run to around $100,000 by the end of 2021.

Last month, Lee said the halving event was nonetheless not “priced in.” At the time, before the moving average crossover, he said that he envisaged Bitcoin’s 2020 gains topping out at 100%.

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
LTC consolidating, close to longterm triangle resistance for BITFINEX:LTCUSD by nagihatoum
Price is now above previous resistance. Break over triangle resistance will send it straight up to $350

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Anthony Pompliano Believes Bitcoin Price Climb to $100K Has Started


Bitcoin price has surpassed $10,000 on Feb. 9, breaking its key psychological level and in doing so reached its highest point since October last year.

But to many, $10,000 is just the beginning before the top cryptocurrency reaches a much higher level. Anthony Pompliano, co-founder & partner at Morgan Creek Digital believes that Bitcoin’s price can hit $100,000 at the end of 2021 due to limited supply and increased demand:



Pt . mai multe detalii putem vb si pe Telegram

Telegram: Contact @cryptouniverseminingfarm

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
O NOU OFERTA DE LA CRYPTOUNIVERSE - valabila in perioda 10. 02 -23 .02 la orice miner sau contract cumparat se ofera dublarea puteri de minare timp de o luna .


PS . am cumparat inca 5TH/S CONTRACT 3 ANI si am primit pt inca o luna 5TH/s GRATIS

Ultima editare:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Bitcoin Price Has Set $8.2K Floor, $100K Coming Before 2022 — Analyst

This is around the date of Bitcoin’s block reward halving, which would kick off the “bull run” sending the cryptocurrency to $100,000 before December 2021.

PlanB released the predictions describing them as his “2 sats on Bitcoin price.” In a previous update in January 2019, he claimed BTC/USD would stay above its 200-week moving average (200WMA), which historically had always grown.

As Cointelegraph reported, that 200WMA growth rate was 3% in December last year, while now, it has increased to around 4%.


BTC halving impact “can be lagged”
Stock-to-flow uses two indicators to chart Bitcoin’s price trajectory: the number of Bitcoins already available versus the number of new Bitcoins added to circulation.

Historically highly accurate, the model puts Bitcoin on par with gold in terms of its status as hard money with a supply that is virtually impossible to manipulate, unlike fiat currency.

In the long term, PlanB expects BTC/USD to trade at an average of $100,000 between 2021 and 2024. After that, however, fiat weakness may reach such an extent that Bitcoin appreciates to “a factor” of $100,000, at which point stock-to-flow would ironically become less useful.

In the meantime, PlanB disputed criticism about the impact of May’s block reward halving on price. Responding to a debate which included analyst and researcher, Nic Carter, he argued that the relationship between stock-to-flow and price was “verifiable by anyone.”

“The effect of a certain cause can be lagged. It is unscientific to claim that the halving effect must occur in 1 day,” he explained.
14 Oct 2013
am facut niste calcule

-in 2012 bitcoinul era 10$, a fost primul halving in 2012 si in 2013 bitcoinul a crescut de 100 de ori a ajuns pe la 1000 $, dupa care a scazut la 200$ [dar tot putem vorbi de o crestere de 20 ori]

-in 2016 pretul bitcoinului era 600-700$ si dupa al doilea halving din 2016 bitcoinul ajunge in 2017 la $20000 - deci o crestere de 33 de ori

dupa halvingul din mai 2020 nu va creste asa de multe ori ca in 2013 sau 2017 dar tot se asteapta o crestere semnificativa, asa ca nu e de mirare ca in 2021 sa fie bitcoinul spre 100000 $
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
un garafic pe temen scurt pina la 1.03


si grafic pt having photo_2020-01-24_23-47-44.jpg
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
BTC Price Not Going Back to $6,000 or $4,000, Says Analyst PlanB But $300k “Absolutely”
While sharing his “2 sats on bitcoin,” PlanB said in 2020, the flagship cryptocurrency would stay above $8,200. According to him, we would not be seeing $6,000 or $4,000 again as others are predicting.

In 2020, Bitcoin won’t be dropping to this level and after jumping above $10,000 in the next three months, the bull run will officially start. Continuing in 2021, the analyst who is known for using stock-to-flow model to determine BTC price says, price will top $100k before December 2021.

And what if PlanB goes, wrong, what about a plan C. Well, the analyst does not have any as he answers to a Twitter user, “live by S2F model, die by S2F model.”

As we reported recently, PlanB sees bitcoin overshooting the $100,000 in Dec. 21 because the last two halvings in 2012 and 2016 BTC overshot S2F model values as well by at least a factor of 3.

With awareness, adoption and demand increasing while over hundreds of bitcoin on-ramps emerging around the world in compared to the last bull cycle in 2017, we can “absolutely” see the next top around $300k according to him.

Dupa cu se vede cred ca BTC o sa aiba acelas trend ascendent ca anul trecut , trend ascendent care tot cam acum un an a inceput ,dela aprox 3000 $ IN FEB-MARTIE in 2019 si in vara a ajuns la aproape 14000 $ deci a facut x 4.5 , acum a plecat cam de la 7600 $ si daca face aceisai figura o sa ajunga la un 35000 $ in apropierea HALVINGULUI deci cam prin MAI 2020 si apoi tot trend ascendent o sa aiba si nu este exclus ca la sfisitul anului 2020 sa ajunga la 100000 $ .

PS . vada ca deja au marit pretul la contracte si mineri , pt cine vrea sa cumpere CONTRACTE si MINERII cam acum ar fi momentul oportun de facut asemenea achizitii , mai ales ca cum in perioada 10.02-23.02 , este un PROMO la fiecare CONTRACT sau MINER achizitionat pt temen de 30 zile se ofera DUBLAREA puterii de minare cumparate .

Pt . mai multe detalii putem vb si pe Telegram

Telegram: Contact @cryptouniverseminingfarm

Ultima editare:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Salut , cei de la CRYPTOUNIVERSE incepind de azi 14.02 iti cer VERIFICARE , UPLOAD C.I , DRIVER LICENCE , etc , SELFIE si UTILTY BILL.

eu am trimis deja .

8 Mai 2017
Care ar fi avantajele acestei verificari credeam ca ne-au verificat la inceput cand am investit. Pai nu prea e corect de ce nu au facuto la investitie acum cand vor retrage multi cer verificare dar cand sau bagat zeci de mii in companie nu a cerut la nimeni. Hmm incep si astia cu magarii?
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Care ar fi avantajele acestei verificari credeam ca ne-au verificat la inceput cand am investit. Pai nu prea e corect de ce nu au facuto la investitie acum cand vor retrage multi cer verificare dar cand sau bagat zeci de mii in companie nu a cerut la nimeni. Hmm incep si astia cu magarii?

nu ,banuiesc ca sau schimbat legile referitore la CRYPTO si in RUSIA , exact ca la noi , de anul acesta 2020 se plateste impozit pe ce produci din CRYPTO asa ca aveti grija unde schimbati BTC produs , in momentul cind schimbi in FIAT suma respectiva este supusa impozitarii.

PS . am sa vb . pe TELEGRAM cu un director de la ei sa vad ce zice referitor la chestia cu verificare si am sa postez aici dar mai mult ca sigur au facut chestia asta de nevoie nu ca au vrut ei .
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
PROMO -CRYPTOUNIVERSE - 3 ANI DE ACTIVITATE , la CONTRACTE ACUM ESTE O REDUCERE INCEPIND CU 7% si pina la 20 % in functie pentru ce tip de CONTRACT optati si mai sint CONTRACTE CELEBRATION cu preturi foarte bune pentru 1 TH/s incepind de la 11.90 $ /TH/s , 12.90 $ /TH/s si 13.90 $ /TH/s , CONTRACTE disponibile la aceste preturi o perioada limitat de timp .






Pt . mai multe detalii putem vb si pe Telegram

Telegram: Contact @cryptouniverseminingfarm

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