
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
BitPay Exec: ‘Something Unforeseen’ to Push Bitcoin Over $20K in 2020 (
Will Litecoin Initiate Another Bullish Breakout For Bitcoin?
Last year’s crypto rally which began in April was largely the catalyzed by a major move from Litecoin. Technical signals are now turning bullish for LTC
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Situatie cont CRYPTOUNIVERSE dupa 1 an de CONTRACTE si MINERII BTC si 1 an si 5 luni CONTRACTE LTC , acum actuala putere de minare de 190 TH/s este compusa numai din CONTRACTELE BTC de 3 ani si BITCOIN 2025 si MINERII , la CONTRACTELE LTC actuala putere de minare de 5085 MH/s este compusa numai din CONTRACTE LTC 2025 .

PS. mai jos sint postate si grafice pt BTC si LTC cu tendintele pt acest an si nu numai, asa ca recomandarea mea este pt cei care doresc sa investeasca aici , acum este monentul sa o faca pt ca saptamina aceasata deja au inceput sa se configureze un TREND ascendent pe piata CRYPTO.




Pt . mai multe detalii putem vb si pe Telegram

Telegram: Contact @cryptouniverseminingfarm

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017

According to CryptoBull, we are currently up 1,338% since the last halving. Although based on the price at that time of $650.63, that should give us a current price of around $9350.

Unfortunately we aren’t quite there yet, but based on a current bitcoin price of around $8670, we get a current ROI of 1,233%. So can we make it 5,333% before the halving? [actually my calculations give us 5,185% and a target price of $34.4k, but who’s counting?]

Is it possible to gain an extra 4,000-ish% ROI in the next four months?

Well, if we pretend for simplicity’s sake that our target is $34,680, this is exactly four times the current $8670 price, which represents a 300% increase.

Bitcoin ROI from 1st halving to 2nd halving: 5,333%.

We are currently up 1,338% since the 2nd halving.

5,333% from 2nd to 3rd halving gets us to $34,838.

Less than 4 months to go.

$33k by July secured.
Ultima editare:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
BITCOIN There is no turning back now! BOTTOM CONFIRMED



I am going to be short and plain on this study. Just like Bitcoin is with the current strong rise that broke above the Channel Down (started in t June), which delivers a clear message:

"There is no turning back now !!!"

Why? Apart from the obvious break out from a multi-month bearish pattern , the price held the 1W MA150 (which acts as a Support) just like it did at the start of 2016 during the previous Bitcoin Cycle.

** The Parabolic Channels **
That Cycle gave me the idea of drawing its full trend within a Parabolic Channel. As you see the from 2014 right up until the end of 2016, Bitcoin respected the full width of the Parabolic Channel and completed a Full Cycle (All Time High to All Time High) without breaking the Symmetry. During the current Cycle (2018 - 2020) from May until October 2019, as we all witnessed, BTC broke above its Parabolic Channel purely based on overly optimistic market fundamentals. That move was corrected back within the Parabolic Channel with the most recent Channel Down. We are back within the Channel, supported by the MA150 and there seems to be no turning back!

** RSI and LMACD Supports **
While the MA150 clearly provided support, the other two important BTC indicators ( RSI and LMACD) also show a hidden bullish signal. On the 1W chart, the RSI bounced on a 7o angle trend line turning bullish for the first time since May. During the previous Cycle a 7o angle trend line also supported the RSI up until the December 2017 ATH . As for the MACD , not only did it just make a Bullish roll over for the first time since February 2019, but also kept the 11o angle trend line intact. During the previous Cycle, a 11o angel trend line also supported BTC up until the December 2017 ATH .
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
CryptoBull: Bitcoin ar trebui să ajungă la 33.000$ până în iulie

CryptoBull: Bitcoin ar trebui să ajungă la 33.000$ până în iulie
Analistul CryptoBull este de părere că Bitcoin va ajunge la valoarea de 33.000 de dolari până în iulie. Argumentele sale se bazează pe analiza evoluției istorice a Bitcoin pe baza ROI (return-of-investment).
CryptoBull a luat în calcul evoluția prețurilor în funcție de evenimentele de înjumătățire a recompenselor de bloc. El a subliniat că, între primul halving din noiembrie 2012 și al doilea, din septembrie 2016, prețul BTC a crescut cu 5333%.

ROI Bitcoin de la primul halving la al doilea halving: 5333%.
În prezent suntem în creștere cu 1338% de la al doilea halving.
5333% de la al doilea halving până la al trilea halving înseamnă 34.838 de dolari.
Mai sunt mai puțin de 4 luni.
Ajungem la 33k USD până în iulie.”

Pe baza formulei propuse de CryptoBull, prețul BTC în acest moment ar trebui să fie de 9350$. La ultimul halving din septembrie 2016, Bitcoin valora aproximativ 650 de dolari.

Cât de posibil este ca Bitcoin să acopere diferența de ROI în următoarele patru luni?
Având în vedere că prețul actual este de aproximativ 8.900$, pentru a atinge targetul de 34.680$ BTC ar trebui să crească cu 300%.

Anul trecut, BTC a crescut cu 200% în patru luni, de la 4.000$ la 12.000$. De altfel, în 2017, în perioada septembrie-decembrie, BTC a crescut de la 4.000$ la 20.000$. Acesta reprezintă o creștere de 400% în doar trei luni. Așadar, o creștere de 300% într-o perioadă atât de scurtă nu este imposibilă.

În plus, creșterea de preț a criptomonedei se manifestă în general după ce reducerea recompensei de bloc are loc. Așadar, un Bitcoin de 33.000$ de dolari in iulie pare să fie un target ce poate fi atins.

Pt . mai multe detalii putem vb si pe Telegram

Telegram: Contact @cryptouniverseminingfarm

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Bitcoin Breaking This Single Level Will Spark a Parabolic 800% Rally

Bitcoin’s Ongoing Rally Could Soon Turn Parabolic if Bulls Push it Above $14,200

In order for this ongoing rally to be more than just a fleeting relief pump, bulls will need to build major strength and push it above $14,200.
NebraskanGooner – a well-respected cryptocurrency analyst on Twitter – spoke about the importance of this level in a recent tweet, telling his followers that a weekly close above this price would open the gates for a rapid parabolic climb to fresh all-time highs of $75,000.
“History tells us that a weekly close above the 0.65 fibonacci will send BTC into a new parabolic bull run. The 0.236 fib has often acted as a bottom and the 4.23 fib has been exceeded each time. This means a weekly close above $14,200 would see BTC reach over $75,000,” he explained while referencing the levels marked on the below chart.

Other Analysts Agree: Fresh All-Time Highs May Be Right Around the Corner

NebraskanGooner isn’t the only analyst who is noting that Bitcoin is on the cusp of a major rally, as Galaxy – another prominent analyst – recently told his nearly 60k followers that BTC is close to breaking a key multi-year trendline that could catalyze a move to $100,000.

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017

BTC’s Rally Could Turn Parabolic If Next Upswing Leads It to Over $14,200

Although this fractal does suggest that there will be another prolonged multi-month correction before BTC moves past its 2019 highs, it is important to note that the key level it needs to break above in order for it to set fresh all-time highs is $14,200.
“History tells us that a weekly close above the 0.65 fibonacci will send BTC into a new parabolic bull run. The 0.236 fib has often acted as a bottom and the 4.23 fib has been exceeded each time. This means a weekly close above $14,200 would see BTC reach over $75,000,” NebraskanGooner, a popular cryptocurrency analyst on Twitter, explained in a recent tweet.

Ultima editare:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Prepare for Pump? Bitcoin Halving Now Falls on The Same Week as NY Consensus And Co.

January 27, 2020
Prepare for Pump? Bitcoin Halving Now Falls on The Same Week as NY Consensus And Co.
Bitcoin Halving Pump

The chances that the value of the world’s leading cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC) could soar in the next four months see more reasons to be accurate, as notable Bitcoin-influencing events will take place in the same month expected for the Bitcoin halving.

Coincidentally, the Bitcoin halving which is estimated to occur on May 12, 2020, according to, is likely to happen during the Blockchain Week in New York City, which features some of the most significant crypto events of the year include Consensus, and Magical Crypto Conference.

Precisely, Consensus is scheduled to hold from 11th to May 13. It is seen as one of the major global conferences that unite entrepreneurs, developers, traders, academics, students, etc., to collaborate, explore, and debate the future of cryptocurrencies and blockchain.

With the goal of deliberating on ideas and thoughts in a way that showcases the geographically and technologically diverse nature of crypto and blockchain Industry, Consensus since its inception in 2015, has set to become “state of the industry” event for matters that relate to the Industry.

Meanwhile, the Magical Crypto Conference (MCC2020) will be a two-day event starting from May 9 to 10; two days before Consensus. It tends to unite anyone, including technical decision-makers and strategy influencers around the world to discuss the technical approaches of Bitcoin.

How Consensus, MCC2020, And Bitcoin Halving Could Raise BTC Price

Cryptocurrency events can have an impact on Bitcoin price for the good, in the same manner as “Media Influence,” given that both help individuals gain a better knowledge of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin, which potentially attract new people to the Industry.

Having a better knowledge of cryptos, especially Bitcoin, creates a level of trust for the system, hence, would enable such people to invest or companies to launch new products around Bitcoin and the crypto space in general. Often dubbed the “Consensus Pump,” other major announcements are made which somewhat influence the price of Bitcoin and the rest of crypto market to soar.

In an earlier post, we talked on how Bitcoin’s 2020 halving could affect BTC price. Most traders and investors today are purchasing more Bitcoin with the likelihood that the price will skyrocket after the halving in May, as was seen in months after the 2016 Bitcoin halving

Even recent Google Search charts suggest that the halving is still not priced in, making everything at this point appearing like the perfect setup for a massive bitcoin price movement.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Bitcoin Price Is Up 32% This Month, On Track for $152,000 Year-End?

As Jan 2020 comes to a close, bitcoin is up 32% this month. As one analyst points out, if this continues every month, BTC will reach $152,000 by the end of the year.


On the upside, a break above the $70 will propel LTC to rally above $80. If the bulls are successful, the silver coin will be out of the downtrend zone. Meanwhile, Litecoin is above 80% range of the daily stochastic. This implies that the pair is in the overbought region of the market. The cryptocurrency’s upward move will be hampered in the overbought region as buyers will be unavailable to push the coin upward.1580472898526.png
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017

Hello, it's Cryptouniverse Today we want to talk to you about viruses. Unfortunately not about computer ones. Beside the fact that cryptocurrency is produced by ASIC miners, it's humans who design, build, deliver, mount and set them up.
Our Chinese colleagues and partners have to evacuate their employees to safe areas because of developing coronavirus epidemy. Factories, logistic hubs and customs are under quarantine and closed until at least 9th of February. Production and shipment are partially stopped.
We were informed about soon possible mining equipment price rise and increase of shipping period. The price of contracts and miners will remain the same for you as long as possible, but our stock isn't infinite. That's why we want to notify you in advance that our services will cost more in some near future. There is also an option that all equipment deliveries will be totally cancelled for some uncertain time in case that epidemiological situation In China becomes worse.
We strongly recommend you not hesitate buying a contract or a miner if you planned to buy one.
We wish to be in good health and in order to decrease the risk of infection we recommend you to wash your hands with soap as often as possible, less visit public places, wear safety mask when you are among people and immediately see a doctor if you don't feel well.
Criptouniverse team. You buy - we pay and be healthy.

Cei care doresc sa cumpere CONTRACTE sau MINER ar indicata sa o faca cat mai repede , pt ca nu se stie cit o sa dureaze situatia din CHINA ,pt. ca prea mult timp nu cred ca o sa mai fie MINERI si CONTRACTE pe STOC la CRYPTOUNIVERSE .

Pt . mai multe detalii putem vb si pe Telegram

Telegram: Contact @cryptouniverseminingfarm
