
Business Club
Team Leader
15 Noi 2013
Cei de la IBM ,google au deja calculatoare quantice...cryptourile Vor ramane PE urma joaca DEA bursa (manipulate),SI VA ramane ASA probabil.ceapa masi .vom vedea ce se va intampla..oricum treaba tot merge momentan.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Cei de la IBM ,google au deja calculatoare quantice...cryptourile Vor ramane PE urma joaca DEA bursa (manipulate),SI VA ramane ASA probabil.ceapa masi .vom vedea ce se va intampla..oricum treaba tot merge momentan.

nu cred chiar tot ce se posteaza pe net , chiar daca au calculatoarele quantice nu le folosesc pt asa ceva .
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Stadiul lucrarilor la noua FARM MINERS cu locatia in KARELIA , preconizata pt a fi functionala la capacitate maxima de 60MW si 40000 de MINERI instalati in vara anului 2020, la 1 noiembrie 2019 o sa fie utilizati 10 MW din capacitatea totala preconizata.


Ultima editare:
5 Feb 2016
Cei de la IBM ,google au deja calculatoare quantice...cryptourile Vor ramane PE urma joaca DEA bursa (manipulate),SI VA ramane ASA probabil.ceapa masi .vom vedea ce se va intampla..oricum treaba tot merge momentan.
Nu exista inca calculatoare cuantice si nici nu vor exista prea curand in urmatorii 500 sau 1000 de ani cel putin. Fizica cuantica presupune ca un electron poate fi in acelasi timp in 2 locuri deodata ca un fel de auto-clonare in timp real , limitata la doar acel electron (cam pe acelasi principiu ar fi si universul paralel (de tip oglinda) de unde si unii savanti incep sa creada ca exista dimensiuni/universuri paralele) . Se lucreaza la asta cu calculatoarele dar nu au reusit mare branza. Ca sa se reuseasca ceva in domeniul cuanticii la calculatoare ar trebui stapanita fizica cuantica si asta e inca un domeniu gri cu mai multe presupuneri decat dovezi. Puterea de calcul cuantica inseamna putere infinita (viteza instant) pentru ca 1 bit de informatie este format din electroni si atunci acel bit de analizat va intra si va iesi in acelasi timp in si din CPU . Cand fizica cuantica va fi stapanita si vor apare calculatoarele cuantice tot atunci se va putea lucra din plin la teleportare daca tehnologia va permite mutarea electronului autoclonat (electronul cuantic) pe distante fie ele si mai mari decat 1 milimetru. Dar iti deama ca daca se inventeaza teleportarea cuantica si functioneaza pe oameni atunci va trebui ucis originalul ca sa ramana copia teleportata daca e una de sine statatoare si nu depinde de original . Ceva gen filmul "Unicul" doar ca nu aduni vreo superputere :D
Suntem inca o specie prea noua pe pamant si inca prea primitiva si inca ne dam cu presupusul cam ce se intampla in universul inconjurator. Abia cu vreo 5 vieti de om in urma se credea ca pamantul este plat dar daca am avansat asa repede asta nu inseamna neaparat ca peste 5 vieti de om adica vreo 500 de ani vom avea CPU cuantic. S-ar putea ca niciodata sa ajungem sa descoperim SFuri de tip cuantificari, teleportari , etc, ci doar sa ne perfectionam tehnologia care o avem.
Cand se va stapani fizica cuantica atunci cel mai probabil nu vor mai fi nici boli incurabile pentru ca atunci un calculator cuantic va putea rula combinatiile de cromozomi si de gene in timp instant si nu o sa mai trebuiasca sa ajuti tu cu calculatorul tau de acasa ca sa donezi putere de calcul pentru institute medicale si datele de procesat de la cele 10-20 radiotelescoape din lume care se aduna din scanarea universului nu vor mai dura ani sau luni de zile pana sa fie procesate. Daca avea IBM asa ceva atunci aveau mai multi pentru ca aici vorbim de miliarde de dolari profit din vanzari si ar fi cumparat si google macar unul :D Ca spune IBM ca poate a reusit cumva mutarea/clonarea unui bit in timp real asta nu stiu, dar este ca si cum ii dai cuiva o picatura de apa si el spune ca are un ocean in curte , e o diferenta mare daca a reusit un experiment cu un bit si pana la sa ai CPU cuantic deja.
Iar ce spun unii pe net ca daca vor apare calculatoarele cuantice atunci vor fi sparte toate walleturile din lume o sa citez pe altcineva care a spus ca "tot atunci vor fi si masuri cuantice de prevenire a hackerilor " :D
Dar noi traim prea putin ca sa apucam era cuantificarii , poti dormi linistit in privinta asta. Ramane datoria generatiilor viitoare sa lucreze mai cu spor la asta in baza experimentelor de zeci de ani in cuantificare, asta daca nu vrea vreun asteroid urias sa dea "reset" la viata inteligenta pe pamant cu bune cu rele .
E normal ca bitcoinul sa devina un bun de manipulat la bursa ca doar este un proof of work, ca si aurul , ca si graul, ca si curentul electric, ca si fierul, ca si orice altceva dar ar fi mai logic ca o cryptomoneda sa devina banul viitorului (sa inlocuiasca fiat money) si chiar daca nu ne place , bancile ar putea sa devina minerii (sa detina ASICurile) care sa aprobe tranzactiile.
Scz pentru offtopic, dati report sau il sterg mai incolo dupa ce a citit schoolOFdj.
Ultima editare:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
CryptoUniverse Cloud Mining Review
by admin · September 11, 2019

If you are looking for bitcoin mining without getting into the complexities of maintaining your own hardware, cloud mining might be your best option. So, what is cloud mining? Cloud mining is simply mining your bitcoins and earning by using the rental services of data mining centres based in remote locations.
Thereare different factors governing the cloud mining market and one of the most important factors being the coin price. If the coin price increases, more miners are attracted to the market and starts mining which results in an increase in the network hashrate and lower mining outputs in the network. A decrease in the coin price results in low network hashrate and losses to miners.
The cryptocurrency market is extremely volatile. came up with a unique solution to provide full benefits to crypto investors to earn independently without depending on market factors. CryptoUniverse intends to change the price of the contract in accordance with the volatility of the market factors.

How is cloud mining with CryptoUniverse?
CryptoUniverse allows people to earn and own crypto coins easily through the process of cloud mining. All they have to do is register to the company’s website, deposit an amount and choose a contract plan. There are different contract plans available on the platform.
  • The standard rates with low service charges are for users who want to invest a minimum hashrate amount. The price depends on the length of the contract.
  • The VIP rates with lower service charges help investors to maximize their profit margins.
  • The Tariff ‘2025’ rate is valid up to January 1, 2025, and is profitable for investors who are looking for long-term benefits.
In addition to that, two new contract plans have been added recently with prepaid service charges and 100% return on mined funds.
CryptoUniverse also allows its users to buy mining equipment so that they can resell them to the miners and return the funds at the end of the mining contract. The cryptocurrency market is booming and there has been a steady increase in the price of this mining equipment which will give users an extra profit margin in addition to profit from cloud mining.

Recommended Post: Top 10 cloud mining websites

Benefits of Cloud Mining through CryptoUniverse
The cryptocurrency market is prone to hackers and the market loses billions of dollars every year for hacks on exchange platforms and illegal bitcoin mining due to lack of proper security systems in the mining pools. This is a major drawback and CryptoUniverse aims to solve this problem by working and improving on its security features. Here are some other advantages that will help you to get started with CryptoUniverse.
  • The interface is simple and allows you to get started within minutes.
  • Multiple contracts plan especially for users with low investment budget. There are no hidden costs.
  • Your account gets credited within 24 hours and you can withdraw your funds anytime during the day.
  • The hashrate ‘2025’ allows you to sell your Bitcoin2025 and Litecoin2025 at the hashrate auctions.
  • A safe mining platform secured by multiple levels of security features.
  • CryptoUniverse follows all the legal protocols in accordance with international mining laws and practices.
  • Customers can also earn through CryptoUniverse Affiliate Programs and Partnership Programs.

What makes CryptoUniverse one of the most secure mining platforms?
One of the fundamental motives of the creators of CryptoUniverse is to provide maximum security to its cloud mining pools and to its customers.
CryptoUniverse is monitored 24/7 and has some very efficient IT professionals on duty which makes it relatively impossible to hack the system. Customer funds are protected through encrypted private keys and cold wallets. The servers are audited every month for inspection. All transactions are manually audited and the platform has 700 thousand dollars of share capital to cover loss due to security breach.

How does the Affiliate Programs work?
The Affiliate programs are a unique way that helps interested candidates to earn a passive income simply by referring the sites to their friends and family. All you have to do is register to the affiliate site and you will get a referral link. Share the link information with new visitors, friends, and families and earn up to 10% of the funds of each new registration to the link.

Cryptocurrencies and payment methods
Currently, CryptoUniverse is accepting payments through Bitcoin and Litecoin. Customers can pay through SWIFT and SEPA money transfers to their account. Recently, CryptoUniverse has partnered with Connectum which is an online bank that accepts VISA and Mastercard.

CryptoUniverse Mining Centers
The main data centres are located in Kirishi, Irkutsk, and Siberia in Russia. The cold Russian climate especially Siberia provides access to hydropower, fast cooling of hardware and is more energy-efficient.

Why Siberia?
CryptoUniverse is planning to open a new data centre in Siberia this year.
  • Siberia has an extremely cool climate favourable for cloud mining. The hardware especially the GPU chip and ASIC circuit need to be cooled down. So, now no need to buy a separate cooling device; thanks to the extreme cool climate of Siberia.
  • Crypto mining is energy-intensive. Russia thankfully has huge coal reserves and has high gasoline supplies making crypto mining cost-effective.
  • There is extensive uninhabited cheap land in Russia suitable for setting up of data centres.
  • Cheaper electricity cost

Final Words: CryptoUniverse Review
CryptoUniverse is operating since 2017 and providing mining services in BTC and LTC. The data centre operates on a total mining power of 20 MW with around 12000 miners working 24/7. Customers can buy contracts at a minimum value of $23.9 for 1 Th/s. You can also earn a discount of 4% for payment of advance maintenance fees. For additional information please follow the latest news at social media portal.

Why Siberia?
CryptoUniverse is planning to open a new data centre in Siberia this year.
  • Siberia has an extremely cool climate favourable for cloud mining. The hardware especially the GPU chip and ASIC circuit need to be cooled down. So, now no need to buy a separate cooling device; thanks to the extreme cool climate of Siberia.
  • Crypto mining is energy-intensive. Russia thankfully has huge coal reserves and has high gasoline supplies making crypto mining cost-effective.
  • There is extensive uninhabited cheap land in Russia suitable for setting up of data centres.
  • Cheaper electricity cost.

Final Words: CryptoUniverse Review
CryptoUniverse is operating since 2017 and providing mining services in BTC and LTC. The data centre operates on a total mining power of 20 MW with around 12000 miners working 24/7. Customers can buy contracts at a minimum value of $23.9 for 1 Th/s. You can also earn a discount of 4% for payment of advance maintenance fees. For additional information please follow the latest news at social media portal.

hy Siberia?
CryptoUniverse is planning to open a new data centre in Siberia this year.
  • Siberia has an extremely cool climate favourable for cloud mining. The hardware especially the GPU chip and ASIC circuit need to be cooled down. So, now no need to buy a separate cooling device; thanks to the extreme cool climate of Siberia.
  • Crypto mining is energy-intensive. Russia thankfully has huge coal reserves and has high gasoline supplies making crypto mining cost-effective.
  • There is extensive uninhabited cheap land in Russia suitable for setting up of data centres.
  • Cheaper electricity cost.

Signup for CryptoUniverse -----

Final Words: CryptoUniverse Review
CryptoUniverse is operating since 2017 and providing mining services in BTC and LTC. The data centre operates on a total mining power of 20 MW with around 12000 miners working 24/7. Customers can buy contracts at a minimum value of $23.9 for 1 Th/s. You can also earn a discount of 4% for payment of advance maintenance fees. For additional information please follow the latest news at social media portal.

Ultima editare:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
According to the legend CryptoUniverse platform specializes in cloud mining, where each user from anywhere in the world can purchase a contract for the purchase of hashrate or buy a modern miner for personal use. The company’s data center has more than 12000 different ASIC miners that generate profits from mining Bitcoin and Litecoin, and in the near future, the launch of the equipment for mining cryptocurrency Ethereum is being prepared. The company's specialists conduct round-the-clock monitoring of the condition and stable operation of the equipment in order to bring mining performance to the maximum level, which allows us to be confident in reliability and safety for the invested funds. The site is owned by MIOTECH IMPEX LP, registered in the UK from 16 June 2017 of the year (reg. Number: SL031818). There is also an official representative office of “Cryptouniverse OU” in Estonia with reg. 14423879 number. Design The site is unique, has a corporate look and a functional interface. On the resource pages, a good information background is transmitted, the presentation turned out to be excellent with texts, numbers, video materials, which undoubtedly arouses interest among potential users. At the moment, the online platform is translated in eight languages, including translation into Russian, greatly facilitating familiarity with the project. Personal account is very convenient and simple, inside we offer even more languages to choose from. The functionality has not yet been fully developed, the administration is working smoothly on improving the service, in the near future a hash auction will work, where it will be possible to trade existing contracts, various materials will appear for partners and much more, which of course pleases. Investment program includes three groups of tariff plans with different terms, minimum contributions, different amounts of hashrate, different profitability and other differences, which makes for each plan to look at individually. All tariff plans are bitcoin or lightcoin mining under certain conditions, you can also purchase any number of miners from the best manufacturers and receive daily returns from their work. The calculation of profit for each group of plans can only be approximate, since it depends on many factors, in particular, such as the value of a coin, the complexity of its extraction. There are a lot of proposals for investment in the project, they change from time to time, new ones appear, so we will consider all the existing ones today.

Conclusion: CryptoUniverse is one of the largest mining centers, created by 1.5 a year ago, but gained fame only in the network this year. The project is positioned as an international cloud mining with a real multi-functional service and data center. As an investment, we are being offered to acquire capacities under numerous conditions and consistently receive dividends from mining. There is an option with the purchase of miners, which will bring daily profits, and at the end of the contract period it will be possible to pick them up, sell them and thereby earn extra money. All tariff plans are characterized by a moderate yield of up to 20% monthly for a period from 360 days to 5 years. The review shows the approximate profit at the time of publication, after a while earnings may differ, depending on fluctuations in the rate of coins, mining complexity, electricity prices, etc., also new rates may appear in the framework of marketing. The internal interface is convenient, replenishment is possible with the help of Fiat, credit cards and cryptocurrencies, withdrawal is possible only to Bitcoin or Litecoin wallets. When paying contracts at BTC, you will additionally receive a bonus of + 4% to the paid capacity. Around the world, there is a very powerful offline development, you can find online reports on television, articles in the media, the company participates in international and Russian Blockchain conferences. All this creates a positive background around the project and excellent prospects for long-term earnings.






Ultima editare:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
First Cryptocurrency Mining Boutique Opens in Russia

Russia has been taking several steps regarding virtual currencies, crypto mining activities and regulations around Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). Now, the first boutique for purchasing cryptocurrency mining hardware has opened its doors in Saint Petersburg. This will potentiate Russia as a crypto mining country and would allow new users to purchase mining hardware.

Crypto Mining Boutique in Saint Petersburg
The Russian company CryptoUniverse, has decided to launch the first boutique to buy crypto mining hardware in Saint Petersburg. As a member of the Russia Association of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain (RACIB), the shop will start selling ASIC mining hardware for Bitcoin (BTC) and Litecoin (LTC).

The store is located in a shopping center known as “Piterland” in the central area of Saint Petersburg. Moreover, the shop has been designed for people without experience in mining or virtual currencies. At the moment, it offers customers the possibility to decide what to buy, and pre-order in case a product is not in stock.
At the same time, Crypto Universe is able to host the ASIC miners that are bought by users. This would help individuals with little experience in crypto mining activities to easily set their rigs up. Users have to pay between $60 and $80 dollars if they want to leave their miners at Crypto Universe’s datacentre.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Community in Russia
Russia has a very important cryptocurrency community with developers, enthusiasts and a government that have embraced blockchain technology. At UseTheBitcoin we have several times how the country was getting involved in the crypto market.
The government has announced that it wants to develop a virtual currency known as CryptoRuble. It would help the government to avoid international sanctions in case western countries decide to sanction the country.
Additionally, the Moscow government has decided to implement a blockchain solution for its voting platform known as Active Citizen. Working with Ethereum, the intention is to allow citizens of the city to vote in projects that would improve Moscow and its surroundings.
Finally, Russia has launched the first blockchain school that will focus on the technical aspects of the Ethereum network.