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- #581
vad ca nu se mai poate cumpara putere de minare, si nici contractele actuale nu se mai pot prelungi nu ? tu le-ai cumparat de la inceput pana in 2025 ?
Sold Out in Cloud Mining? New Year’s Surprise Dear friend! The CryptoUniverse team is here and on the eve of the New Year, we are sincerely glad that you are with us! It's time for New Year's miracles and surprises. First of all, we wish you good health and financial success in 2022, so that the whole year will be cool as New Year Spirit. And we would like to share the important news with you! In the conditions of a total sale in the segment of cloud services, we carefully studied the market for a possible way out of this, and tried to find services suitable for a reliable partnership. Do you remember when the first sold out happened in the cloud, we implemented a joint project with Binance Pool? Co-buying was really cool because it was sold out in a matter of days! We are still proud of that project, but today we have something new! Time does not stand still, the mining industry is constantly evolving and changing. Cloud mining was an acceptable substitute for traditional mining, but today it does not guarantee maximum profit. If you haven't heard about earnings in DeFi yet, then it's time to find out more about it. We would like to introduce you to the Minto project that meets our high security and reliability criteria and at the same time provides income that exceeds any known mining models. So, briefly about the main things. No more rentals, contracts and personal accounts! If earlier you rented part of the pool mining power for a certain period, now everything is much more technologically advanced and simpler. Now to make a profit from mining, it is enough to buy BTCMT (Bitcoin Mining Token) tokens. 100 BTCMT = 1 TH/s The token is an exchange asset, it is easily sold and bought by any anonymous player, bringing daily income from mining! We have counted so many advantages, but perhaps this list is still incomplete:
Sincerely, your CryptoUniverse team |
Eu am contracte si mineri aprox 140 TH cumparati in bullrun dar i-am pus pe pauza pentru ca nu mai era profitabila minarea si de asta spuneam ca as incerca sa reactivez contracteleNu mai sunt contracte disponibile, ca tot zicea Valentin pe topicul de Binance Mining ca vrea sa reactiveze vechile contracte. Eram curios ce oferta au momentan.
Eu am activat așa de proba o parte din contracte , dar cînd Btc era 24k era cam pe zero , așa că recomand la cei care au contracte la cryptouniverse sa le activeze începând de la minim 25k Btc și la contract Ltc de la 140 $ ltc-ul , anul trecut ltc a avut halving , precizez că eu am contracte ltc pe criptouniverse de 4500mh/svalabile pina in 1.01.2025 , dar acum șint pe pauza ,aștept să crească prețul la ltc macar la 140$ pt a le activaEu am contracte si mineri aprox 140 TH cumparati in bullrun dar i-am pus pe pauza pentru ca nu mai era profitabila minarea si de asta spuneam ca as incerca sa reactivez contractele