
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Simulare cistig contract 30 TH/s- 180 days , practic pe zi o sa cistigati 10.88 $ din care scadeti cei 1.8 $ curentul consumat zilnic plus inca 4.9 % din ce cistigati , adica inca 0.54 $ , bani care reprezinta management fee, cistigul NET ar fi 10.88 - 1.8 - 0.54 =8.54 $ / zi

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Mining equipment prices are rapidly growing in China. During the plunge of the bitcoin after the May highs, miner prices retreated slightly, but now the prices of some models increased by almost one and a half times. As a rule, this marks a new growth phase in the cryptocurrency market capitalization.
At the same time, the increase in equipment prices also entails a decrease in mining profitability in the short term and increasing the payback period for related projects. What should you do to get the best profit-to-cost ratio by the end of the year CryptoUniverse is one of the largest hashrate operators in the EU, offering profitable cloud mining services. CryptoUniverse data centers are located in the north of Russia near hydroelectric power stations, which are powerful sources of renewable energy. They are equipped with efficient cutting-edge equipment, which guarantees users significant flexibility in terms of renting a hashrate or buying miners.
As a result of the reconstruction of hydroelectric power stations carried out in 2014, they have turned into exemplary green energy facilities, therefore, mining with CryptoUniverse is one of the “cleanest” in Europe. If Musk was aware of this fact, Tesla may have spent $3 billion on "clean" hashrate from CryptoUniverse, rather than $1.5 billion on "dirty" bitcoins!
Hashrate rental is one of the most attractive services that allows to get manifold profits in a bull market and save capital during market failures. When trading on the stock exchange, a trader may lose a deposit due to an incorrectly selected leverage or entry/exit point. By renting hashrate, you can also work on the exchange using the liquidity obtained from mining, but you will enjoy both guaranteed returns and reliable protection from risks.
If you are planning to buy miners in China, the right moment has already passed. Since the beginning of 2021, mining equipment prices in China on the resale market have increased several-fold, and requests for new equipment are accepted by manufacturers with delivery in 2022 at the earliest. However, CryptoUniverse offers a solution to this problem - now there is no need to own your miners, just rent hashrate and forget about operating costs.
CryptoUniverse has built data centers, and hosts and maintains equipment there in full accordance with the modern concept of green mining. Every bitcoin from CryptoUniverse in your pocket does not only mean a stable income, but is also our common contribution to green energy, improving the image of the entire global cryptocurrency industry!
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Situatia contului meu CRYPTOUNIVERSE la data de 23.09.2021 , am retras asa de proba minimul de retragere , 0.005 BTC , pe care i-am primit cam in 24 ore de la efectuarea cereri , am retras numai atit pt ca am platit maintenance la toate contractele BTC , la cei 176 TH/s pt 30 zile , de acum cred ca am sa retrag saptaminal concomitent si cu plata maintenance la contractele si mineri BTC , vreau sa platesc in avans maintenance pt 90 zile si apoi sa fac acelasi lucru si la cei 4850 GH/s contracte LTC .



Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Si inca o plata ceruta azi 27.09 , si primita ca in 6 ore de la efectuarea cererii



Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
se face upgrade la server ,

service provider or hosting are changing or upgrading their servers.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Salut , daca nu reusiti sa va logati incercati asa , am utilizat Bitdefender VPN si m-am logat fara probleme

Support CryptoUniverse (cryptouniverse)
Nov 24, 2021, 18:10 GMT+3
In some countries there might still be a problem with entering the site. Try to use VPN please

Support CryptoUniverse (cryptouniverse)
Nov 24, 2021, 17:42 GMT+3
Try to reset the browser cache (CTRL+F5) or change the browser to log in to your personal account. You can also reset the password using your email.

If you have additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us again
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Situatia contului meu CryptoUniverse la data de 21.12.2021 , 171 TH/S putere de minare BTC , contractele BTC fiind cam 90 % pe 5 ani , expira la data de 1.01.2025 , maintenace de acum am sa il prelungesc la fiecare contract pt minim 90 zile .



PS. contractele LTC nu l-am activat inca pt ca pretul la LTC in acest moment este destul de scazut , dupa ce ajunge iar la macar 220 $ am sa le activez si pe acestea .Screenshot_23.pngScreenshot_24.pngScreenshot_28.pngScreenshot_29.pngScreenshot_30.png
14 Oct 2013
vad ca nu se mai poate cumpara putere de minare, si nici contractele actuale nu se mai pot prelungi nu ? tu le-ai cumparat de la inceput pana in 2025 ?
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
vad ca nu se mai poate cumpara putere de minare, si nici contractele actuale nu se mai pot prelungi nu ? tu le-ai cumparat de la inceput pana in 2025 ?

si eu am avut contracte care au expirat , in primavara -vara aveam 200 th/s putere de minare , da am cumparat contrate 5 ani in 2019 atunci cind erau in oferta , de atunci o parte din echipa de manageri sa mai schimbat , cei noi au venit cu alta strategie referitoare la contracte , si eu as mai vrea sa cumpar macar inca 50 th/s contracte 2-3 ani pt ca la anul , mai am inca contracte care expira si vreau sa ma mentin la macar 200 th/s sai contracte LTC tot pe 5 ani pina la data de 1.01.2025 , cam 4850 MH/S , dar inca nu leam activat sint in frozen , datorita pretului prea mic la LTC , imi trebuie un pret la LTC de macar 230-240 $ ca sa merite sa le activez , adica macar sa produc dublu si ceva peste decit asa plati maintenance pt ele.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
eu genul acesta de contracte am cumparat in 2019-2020 , atunci cind BTC ajunsese si la 3500-4000 $ , am riscat dar dupa cum se vede , am mizat corect .

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Salut , va prezint o nou optiune de la CryptoUniverse


Sold Out in Cloud Mining? New Year’s Surprise
Dear friend!
The CryptoUniverse team is here and on the eve of the New Year, we are sincerely glad that you are with us! It's time for New Year's miracles and surprises. First of all, we wish you good health and financial success in 2022, so that the whole year will be cool as New Year Spirit. And we would like to share the important news with you! In the conditions of a total sale in the segment of cloud services, we carefully studied the market for a possible way out of this, and tried to find services suitable for a reliable partnership.
Do you remember when the first sold out happened in the cloud, we implemented a joint project with Binance Pool? Co-buying was really cool because it was sold out in a matter of days! We are still proud of that project, but today we have something new!
Time does not stand still, the mining industry is constantly evolving and changing. Cloud mining was an acceptable substitute for traditional mining, but today it does not guarantee maximum profit. If you haven't heard about earnings in DeFi yet, then it's time to find out more about it. We would like to introduce you to the Minto project that meets our high security and reliability criteria and at the same time provides income that exceeds any known mining models.
So, briefly about the main things. No more rentals, contracts and personal accounts! If earlier you rented part of the pool mining power for a certain period, now everything is much more technologically advanced and simpler. Now to make a profit from mining, it is enough to buy BTCMT (Bitcoin Mining Token) tokens.
100 BTCMT = 1 TH/s
The token is an exchange asset, it is easily sold and bought by any anonymous player, bringing daily income from mining!
We have counted so many advantages, but perhaps this list is still incomplete:
  1. The token does not have an expiration date, like a contract. Bought today, sold tomorrow, there are no limits!
  2. The token is traded on the exchange, you can sell or buy it profitably
  3. You receive daily income in bitcoins directly into your wallet and can immediately spend it as you wish
  4. No more registering and personal accounts, DeFi is decentralized finance, where there are no names and passports
  5. You can always check the project hashrate on F2Pool (one of the largest mining pools in the world)
  6. A multiplier is indicated on the project's website, it shows how many times your income is higher than the estimated one. The point is the rewards are paid from the entire project hashrate and distributed among the token holders accordingly. Since the project is still at an early development stage, less than half of the issue has been sold, which means that the profit is more than twice as high.
  7. Today from 100 TH/s (10,000 BTCMT) you would get $88.5 per day. It’s quite good! Look at the profitability comparison table:
Traditional miningHashrate rentalBTCMT staking
Price per 100 TH/s, $$14000$9,700$20,000
Avg. annual profit, %65%101%162%
Avg. daily profit, %$25$26.9$88.5
Annual profit per $10,000$6,520$10,120$16,150
What do you say? It looks like we have found something really interesting and are ready to offer it to you instead of hashrate rental. Keep in touch! Details are coming soon...
Sincerely, your CryptoUniverse team


Dupa inregistrare de pe linkul de mai sus , clik aici pe Get BTCMT token pt a cumpara tokenul respectiv.

Get BTCMT token
Ultima editare:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Guide: How to purchase BTCMT (Minto) [UPDATED]

Aug 11·6 min read

You decided to purchase BTCMT tokens but don’t know where to begin? Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Steps to purchase BTCMT tokens:

1. Create a MetaMask wallet and connect it to Minto
2. Add HT (Huobi Token), USDT (Heco-Peg USDTHECO Token), BTCMT (Minto) tokens to your MetaMask wallet
2. Purchase HT to pay for gas
3. Purchase USDT (in HECO chain) to pay for BTCMT
4. Add Huobi ECO Chain Mainnet to Networks in MetaMask
5. Add USDT to Tokens in MetaMask
6. Add BTCMT to Tokens in MetaMask
7. Transfer HT and USDT (in HECO chain) to your MetaMask
8. Purchase BTCMT on the Minto website

  1. Download a MetaMask application
MetaMask is an Ethereum crypto wallet, which works through a browser and a mobile application.
If you have no such wallet, you have to download it.

Download a MetaMask browser extension


Download MetaMask mobile application:


The next step is to configure your wallet. First, come up with a password of at least 8 characters. Next, the program will generate a seed phrase for you to write down and keep in a safe place. With this seed phrase, you can restore your wallet or move it to another PC.

2. Connect MetaMask to Minto, desktop

Here we will consider connecting a browser extension to the desktop Minto version through a mobile application.

Go to the site and connect the wallet.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
CriptoUniverse and Minto Became Closer Before Listing!
The CryptoUniverse team is here and we would like to share important news with you. We have entered into a partnership with the Minto project because we are confident it is a much more high-tech solution than cloud mining. Do you remember we implemented a joint project with Binance Pool? Co-buying was really cool because it was sold out in a matter of days. We continue to be proud of this project, but cooperation with Minto is a new step!
If you haven't heard about earnings in DeFi yet, then it's time to find out more about it. We would like to introduce you to the Minto project that meets our high security and reliability criteria and at the same time provides income that exceeds any known mining models. We launched the Minto landing page directly on our website. Take a look at this while you read on!
No more rentals, contracts and personal accounts. No more maintenance fees, blocked accounts or KYCs on centralized platforms, energy bills and withdrawal delays. Only one DeFi token with an opportunity to trade your hashrate and get your net BTC reward from the smart contract whenever you wish! If earlier you rented part of the pool’s mining power for a certain period, now everything is much more technologically advanced and simpler. In order to make a mining profit, it is enough to buy BTCMT (Bitcoin Mining Token) tokens!
100 BTCMT = 1 TH/s
The BTCMT token is a highly liquid asset traded on the MDEX exchange, you can buy and sell it without any barriers, earning additional income on the difference in exchange rates. But most importantly, you will receive daily mining rewards in bitcoins by staking BTCMT tokens, since by owning BTCMT, you own a bitcoin hashrate! The Minto project ensures the highest profitability in the hashrate tokens’ segment and accelerates its development every month.
We have collected the main advantages of the BTCMT tokens:
  1. A multiplier is indicated on the project's website, it shows how many times your income is higher than the estimated one. The point is the rewards are paid from the entire project hashrate and distributed among the token holders accordingly. Since the project is still at an early development stage, less than half of the issue has been sold, which means that the profit is more than twice as high.
  2. The token does not have an expiration date, like a contract. Bought today, sold tomorrow, there are no limits!
  3. The token is traded on the decentralized exchange, you can sell or buy it profitably
  4. Very soon, the token will be traded on one of the largest centralized exchanges
  5. You receive daily income in bitcoins directly into your wallet and you can immediately spend it as you wish
  6. No more registering and personal accounts. DeFi is decentralized finance, there are no names and passports
  7. You can always check the project hashrate on F2Pool (one of the largest mining pools in the world)
Join Minto and earn on mining in a new way!
Sincerely yours, Minto team

31 Aug 2022
Nu mai sunt contracte disponibile, ca tot zicea Valentin pe topicul de Binance Mining ca vrea sa reactiveze vechile contracte. Eram curios ce oferta au momentan.
8 Mai 2017
Nu mai sunt contracte disponibile, ca tot zicea Valentin pe topicul de Binance Mining ca vrea sa reactiveze vechile contracte. Eram curios ce oferta au momentan.
Eu am contracte si mineri aprox 140 TH cumparati in bullrun dar i-am pus pe pauza pentru ca nu mai era profitabila minarea si de asta spuneam ca as incerca sa reactivez contractele
31 Aug 2022
Am priceput acum. Pai acum cred ca are sens reluarea minarii avand in vedere si pretul scazut al bitcoin. Ma uitam acum pe alt site si ofera contracte pe 12 luni, 1 Th/s la 41.9 $. O diferenta semnificativa fata de oferta cryptouniverse postata la inceputul topicului.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Eu am contracte si mineri aprox 140 TH cumparati in bullrun dar i-am pus pe pauza pentru ca nu mai era profitabila minarea si de asta spuneam ca as incerca sa reactivez contractele
Eu am activat așa de proba o parte din contracte , dar cînd Btc era 24k era cam pe zero , așa că recomand la cei care au contracte la cryptouniverse sa le activeze începând de la minim 25k Btc și la contract Ltc de la 140 $ ltc-ul , anul trecut ltc a avut halving , precizez că eu am contracte ltc pe criptouniverse de 4500mh/svalabile pina in 1.01.2025 , dar acum șint pe pauza ,aștept să crească prețul la ltc macar la 140$ pt a le activa