ySense - ySense.com

13 Aug 2013
Nu pot fi adaugate alte "survey routers" in afara de cele 3.
Optional, poti bifa la "Preferences" sa primesti email cand e un sondaj nou sau sa instalezi extensia lor pentru browser "ClixAddon".
Unde bifez acea optiune cu preferinte ca sa primesc mail-uri pt sondajele aparute? Multumesc! :)
18 Aug 2012
Asa am patit si eu o data...si nu am idee de ce.

Raspuns la ticket:

"I'm sorry but we are not able to pay you for this survey as they have not paid us, at least not right now. When completing one of these surveys you are supposed to be redirected back to our 'congratulations' page -- this is the page that triggers the automatic payment.

It could be that this survey is not correctly setup or some other glitch happened, so we have reported it for fixing. Now we can only hope that they will pay you for this survey at reconciliation time. That may take several days to a few weeks and there is no guarantee however that they will credit you.

If they do decide to credit you for this survey you will be paid automatically. You don't need to ask us to look into this again.

Thank you"