Am incercat dar am primit urmatorul mesaj de la TrafficSwarm din care inteleg ca mi-a fost respins link-ul de la Donkey (luat din paid to promote) si nu pricep de ce...
Reason: Inappropriate Site
Sites that contain or link to any of the following are not appropriate - adult content, software piracy or content promoting illegal activities, content that is inflammatory, defamatory, etc. Rotator sites are not permitted since we cannot review all the content that might be shown. Please do not submit sites that aren't essentially "finished" and/or presentable. If your site is obviously still "under construction" i.e. lots of broken images, links don't work, etc. it will also be rejected.
Once your URL is ready for re-submission, simply login
to your account and click the"Edit" link next to
this URL in the "Manage Your Site Promotions" section. After
making the necessary changes, click the UPDATE button
near the bottom of the page for the changes to be processed.
Mentionez ca in TrafficSwarm am intrat pe:
Manage Your Site Promotions
Add a New Site Address - Register a URL (example: that needs more traffic.
URL Credit Cap Credit Cap Used Status
#1 Automatic - no minimum payout 0 0 [ Edit • View • Delete ] (D)
si nu cred ca asta-i o greseala, iar cand dau view spune ceva de pozitia link-ului in pagina;
In order to not waste any of your credits, your own link will never appear on your TrafficSwarm page. Your links will only be shown to real, live targeted prospects - which is why the TrafficSwarm system generates above-average results.
If you're curious what your link looks like in the TrafficSwarm system, click here to view a sample page and then imagine one of the 6 boxes looks like this:
Automatic - no minimum payout *
Is one of the oldest and most trusted PTC sites PTC, PTP, PTS, Manual Surf, Raffle, Free Games, Casino and many more.
Note: The position of your link is always random - your link has an equal chance of being in any given position, at any time, as any other users' link. Over time your links will appear in the top row, middle row, and bottom rows equally.
Efectiv nu stiu ce am gresit si de ce nu mi-l aproba spre afisare.
Poate cineva mai cu experienta sa ma lamureasca si pe mine?