Platile mele OXBTC

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Cam asta apare la My Order:

DE azi 9 .01 incepe sa se contorizeze ce cistigi , promo acesta dureaza 3 zile , deci ai 3 zile de minarea BTC si ETH , daca vrei sa investesti ceva iti recomand ETH miners from new user iti poti seta ce putere de minare vrei de la 1 MH/S pina la maxim 10 mh/s , poti cumpara o singura data acest pack , deci daca vrei sa zicem sa cumperi 5 mh/s si peste inca citeva zile alti 5 , nu merge sa mai cumperi , trebuie daca vrei sa cumperi toti cei 10 mh/ s o data , avantajul la cest pack este ca incepi minare a 2 zi de la data cumparari , la celelelate packuri , minerre incepe dupa 15-25 zile de la data achizitiei

PS . la minare ETH -B7 ai mantenace /day adica plata la curentul consumat foarte mic , iti recuperezi bani investiti cam in 3 luni la minarea ETH-B7
Team Spirit
2 Dec 2011
mai este valabila oferta cu cei 200 $ la inregistrare ?
Team Spirit
2 Dec 2011
inca ceva, ce reguli sunt ? ca nu gasesc pe site...sau lasa'mi un link...
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
inca ceva, ce reguli sunt ? ca nu gasesc pe site...sau lasa'mi un link...

dupa ce te inscri , dupa o zi se activeaza cei 200 $ PUTERE DE MINARE , 100 pt BTC si 100 $ pt ETH , ACEST BONUS in putere de minare este valabil 3 zile , dupa cum se vede in imaginea de mai sus , inscris pe data de 8.01 si de pe data de 9.10 este activ pina pe 12.01
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
inca ceva, ce reguli sunt ? ca nu gasesc pe site...sau lasa'mi un link...

Vezi atașament 19509
dupa ce te inscri , dupa o zi se activeaza cei 200 $ PUTERE DE MINARE , 100 pt BTC si 100 $ pt ETH , ACEST BONUS in putere
inca ceva, ce reguli sunt ? ca nu gasesc pe site...sau lasa'mi un link...

citeste ce am postat mai sus si sa dati clik si pe imaginea de mai jos , complectati chestile de acolo si obtineti puncte pt loterie la care puteti obtine putere de minare , btc , eth , diverse chestii

chestia de mai jos merge mai bine de pe smartfone sa o faceti , scanati QR respectiv

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Tutorial inscriere oxbtc folosind codul OX5ZOOXPL072 , clik pe complectat datele personale de inscriere si la Invitation Code se scrie codul acesta OX5ZOOXPL072

I am participating in OXBTC 6th Anniversary campaign to share hashrate worth 60,000,000 on OXBTC. Please open the APP or vist its website , fill in 【OX5ZOOXPL072】 to join my team, and win the first prize together! New Users who register on this platform can get

free hashrate worth $200!

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Primele 2 faze ale concursului The 7th Prize Pool, themed 6th Anniversary sau terminat eu am obtinut urmatoarele BONUSURI , la prima faza ce de 30 % am obtinut 171 MH/S ETH putere de minare pt ca impreuna cu echipa mea TEAM 2 m-am clasat pe locul 2 , si azi 21.01 inca 41 MHS ETH putere de minare pt ca de data asta cind sa ajuns la 70 % m-am clasat cu echipa mea TEAM 2 pe ultimul loc , locul 3 , concursul ramine valabil in continuare cind se ajunge la 100 % 1BTC se imparte tuturor participantilor asa ca va puteti inscrie in continuare

200 $ FREE to register and use this code OX5ZOOXPL072 from to screnshot , tanks .



Team ranking in phase I when the prize pool reaches 30%:
NO.1: Team 3
NO.2: Team 2
NO.3: Team 1

Team ranking in phase II when the prize pool reaches 70%:
NO.1: Team 3
NO.2: Team 1
NO.3: Team 2

All Participants will Divide 1 BTC and Share ETH Hashrate Worth 18 Million in Phase III

Dear users,

The 7th Prize Pool, themed 6th Anniversary, was launched on Dec.25 and the first phase (0%-30%) ended on Jan.17, the second phase ended at 11:00(SGT) today, and then entered the third phase. All participants will share 18 million ETH hashrate, divide 1 BTC in the following phrase and have a great chance to win the big prize, 0.06BTC+0.6ETH+6FIL!

In the first two phases, the three teams competed fiercely. Advisors and players worked together to complete tasks and earn points. Then let's take a look at the results in these phases.

Team ranking in phase I when the prize pool reaches 30%:
NO.1: Team 3
NO.2: Team 2
NO.3: Team 1

Team ranking in phase II when the prize pool reaches 70%:
NO.1: Team 3
NO.2: Team 1
NO.3: Team 2

About the Prizes:
1. Hashrate Sharing: 24 million hashrate will be automatically shared tomorrow⏰ afternoon (January 22);
2. Lottery Prizes:
(1) Coins, electricity pack, and hashrate: they have been distributed to your account in real-time.
(2) Free electricity: It will be distributed to your account in the form of electricity packs after the prize pool reaches 100%.
(3) Mysterious Prize: please contact customer service and provide the required information. Our platform will deliver it after the prize pool reaches 100%.
(4) Hashrate Bonus: It is applied to the current phase; (e.g. if you get it in phase II, it will be used for the hashrate sharing in phase II.)
3. Phrase Bonus and Team Ranking Rewards & Punishments
Phrase Bonus: the +15% bonus obtained by the NO.1 team will be used for the hashrate sharing in phase III.
Team Ranking Rewards & Punishments: they will be applied to the current phase. That is, according to the phase II ranking, team 3 (+30%), team 1 (+5%), team 2 (-30%), used for the hashrate sharing in phase II.

The last phase of the 7th prize pool is coming, let's seize the good opportunity of taking part in it to divide 1 BTC, share ETH hashrate worth 18 million, and claim valuable prizes.

200 $ FREE to register and use this code OX5ZOOXPL072
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Ca sa intrati mai usor pe OXBTC si sa parcurgeti pasi pt BONUS 1 BTC dupa ce va logati scanati QR respectiv bineinteles cel al vostru si instalati si pe smart aplicatia OXBTC 1611234223938.png

asa va apare pe smart , clik cind apare acesta imagine
pasul 1


pasul 2 , dat scrol pina in josul pagini pina la no 5 si clik pe Go to campain page si va apare ca in imaginile de mai jos , ca sa va inscrieti in echipa mea TEAM clik pe MY TEAM si la code scrieti acest cod OX5ZOOXPL072 apoi pt a cistiga puncte deci implicit $ clik ca in ultima imagine pe GO POINTS , si complectati cit mai multe din optiunile care le aveti acolo , procedura respectiva poate fi facuta si de cei deja inscrisi anterior acestei postarii pt a cistiga puncte




200 $ FREE to register and use this code OX5ZOOXPL072
Ultima editare:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Situatia contului meu OXBTC azi 24.01


si ce am acum in waletul BTC si ETH , dupa cum se vede acum in waletul ETH am 0.01590 rezultati numai din BONUS HASHRATE ETH obtinuti datorita puteri de minarea postat mai sus , putere de minare obtinuta in primele 2 faze ale concursului The 7th Prize Pool, themed 6th Anniversary care cam in 4 zile se termina pt ca se ajunge la 100 % , am sa prezint mai jos situatia la zi , inca va puteti inscrie pt cistiga

All participants will share 18 million ETH hashrate, divide 1 BTC in the following phrase and have a great chance to win the big prize, 0.06BTC+0.6ETH+6FIL!





200 $ FREE to register and use this code OX5ZOOXPL072
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Situatia concursului The 7th Prize Pool, themed 6th Anniversary la data de 1.02 , dupa cum se vede in imaginile de mai jos sa ajuns la 95 % , si avind in vedere ca se fac cam in jur de 2 % /zi ar mai fii inca 3 zile pina la terminarea concursului , cind se ajunge la 100% 1 BTC se imparte tuturor participantilor CHIAR daca au investit sau nu , pt a cistiga cit mai mult dim BONUSUL de 1 BTC trebuie sa acumulati cit mai multe puncte , puncte care se fac dind clik pe GO POINTS si complectind taskurile ca in imaginea de mai jos , adica clik pe canaulul oxbtc telegram descarcare aplicatie pe smart, folow twiter etc , dupa ce complectati taskurile respective o sa aveti si puncte pt LOTTERY , dati clik pe LOTTERY DRAW si cistigati si de acolo divese BONUSURI cel mai substantial fiind DE 0.06 BTC , 0.6 ETH si 6 FIL , eu am cistigat asa la lottery draw putere de minarea BTC si ETH aditionala hash rate bonus , pack electity etc

PS . dupa cum se vede echipa din care fac parte TEAM 2 acum este pe locul nr 1 , deci orice punct care il aduceti conteaza , ECHIPA DE PE LOCUL 1 PRIMESTE +30 % BONUS la terminarea concursului , tot ce am zis mai sus se poate face numai de pe smart deci trebuie descarcata aplicatia



200 $ FREE to register and use this code OX5ZOOXPL072
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
January close $31,141 .. phase5 has started!
We only know for sure when we have more data and run the cluster analysis, but for now I mark December as the month where we transitioned to phase5. Note S2F multiple drops to ~0.1 ($31K/$288K). 2021 will be spectacular

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Volatility price ranges for 2021: $80K Bitcoin and $3K Ethereum? | Interview with Frank Holmes

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Last 72 hours to claim 1 BTC


Don't miss 18 million ETH hashrate

Hey, how time flies! It's February. How's it going? Hope everything goes smoothly.

Since the 7th Prize Pool is launched on Dec. 25, 2020, there are many users taking an active part in it. Until now, it is in the third phase and has reached 97.25%. 18 million ETH hashrate will be shared together when it reaches 100% and all participants will claim and divide 1 BTC in 72 hours. Check the relevant data below:

As of 16:00(SGT) on Feb.2, 2021:

Progress: 96.86% (Phase III)

Current points: 2,918,515 (3,000,000)

Current Team Ranking:

NO.1: Team 1 (Points:278,176,Members:38,046)

NO.2: Team 2(Points:271,032,Members:39,396)

NO.3: Team 3(Points:268,494,Members:37,447)

Congrats to the following lucky users who participated in the lucky draw and won the first prize in the Prize Pool, 0.06BTC+0.6ETH+6FIL!



*The prize has been in their account.

Join now and divide BTC together!

As the 7th prize pool is going to be concluded, the 8th prize pool is under preparation and the new round of advisor recruitment starts. The new prize pool will be launched in the form of competition in three teams. Each team consists of multiple advisors( that's the advisor alliance), leading the team to compete with another two teams for the first place, and share more hashrate from the prize pool.

So what're the rewards to be an advisor?

1.Get 15% of bonus points by referral from the prize pool, which means you can directly get points from the purchase of the friends you invited to join your team. Then you can share more hashrate in the prize pool.

2.Get up to 500 USDT as rewards

If advisors maintain the character until the end of the prize pool, they can get the following rewards according to the ranking:

NO.1: 500USDT

NO.2: 250USDT

NO.3: 150USDT

*When the prize pool reaches 100%, the ranking will be based on the purchase amount of users invited by each advisor. The more purchase amount, the higher ranking.

And who will be qualified to be an advisor?

1.Users who are advisors in the 7th prize pool can also contact the customer service team to apply for being an advisor.

2. Position Amount: users whose historical position amount on OXBTC is equal to or more than $1500.

3. Personal Influence:

Users who have a personal website with high traffic or personal social media account including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Tiktok, Forum, etc. with from 100,000 to 1,000,000 followers.

*There is no limit to the number of advisors, as long as one of the above requirements is met. And those with other high-quality resources, the above requirement can be lowered as appropriate, which means you can also apply for being an advisor.

How can I sign up and become an advisor?

1. Contact our key account manager, Fiona (Her Telegram account: @Fiona_Ke, Email: to apply for being an advisor. You should provide your personal information, including your name, contact information, OXBTC account, a brief introduction about yourself, and the requirements you met to be an advisor. Our platform will select qualified advisors based on their position amount and personal influence.

* During the period of the prize pool, users who meet the requirements for advisors can also contact our key account manager to apply for signing up, and become an advisor after review;

2.Our platform will contact users who are qualified to be advisors and talk about more details. Users are entitled to be an advisor voluntarily.

In addition, the price of ETH hit $1435 today and our platform launched the hot-sale product ETH-B7 to meet users' requirements on ETH mining.

Pros: Cost-effective, stable performance, faster payback.

About ETH-B7:

Ethereum is the king of public chains and the best choice for mainstream crypto mining. As ETH mining enables revenue to increase rapidly and the 4G graphic card has been phasing out, ETH-B7 with an 8G graphic card outstrips other ETH miners with more profits.


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Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
update la Current Team Ranking: acum la ora 19.15 -2.02 , acum TEAM 2 echipa in care sint si eu este pe locul 1 cu 2630 puncte avans , cred ca mai dureaza numai o zi pina se incheie concursul asa ca inca mai este timp sa va inscrietiti aici

si la codul de ref scrii asta


Current Team Ranking:

NO.1: Team 1 (Points:278,176,Members:38,046)

NO.2: Team 2(Points:271,032,Members:39,396)

NO.3: Team 3(Points:268,494,Members:37,447)
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Concursul The 7th Prize Pool, themed 6th Anniversary sa terminat , pt a beneficia de bonusul 1BTC for all Participants trebuie sa dati click pe CLAIM dupa ce dati clik va apare ca mai jos Claimed , timpul este limitat , numai 3 zile aveti pt a cere CLAIM .


14 Mar 2020
Nu te lasa sa scoti ce faci din 3 zile de minare daca nu cumperi un pack de la ei?Intreb pentru ca in wallet ce a minat apare ca non withdrawable balance.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Numai 72 ore aveti pt CLAIM BTC , dupa ce ati dat clik o sa va apara ca in imaginea de mai jos , CLAIMED

1 BTC se imparte NUMAI la cei care au dat CLAIMED in decursul celor 72 ORE , asa ca au ramas numai 2 zile pt a face acest lucru .

