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https://facembani.ro/subiecte/platile-mele-amz-doge.82274/post-816003Plata nr 3 de la DIGINETWORKS
Vezi atașament 22371Vezi atașament 22372
$5 bonus for signing up
When you complete tasks, you get another $5 automatically
On every $0.5 withdrawal proof posted on the global group.
You can collect $55 in your account from the VIP0 tasks and complete the amount to $100 to buy VIP1
Minimum withdrawal: $5
Withdrawal time: 5min-24hour
Withdrawal feet 0
Easy task, just tap and finish the job
Draw only on VIP1 or above
Level 1 $4 Day
Level 2 $12.50 Day
Level 3 $26 Day
Level 4 $45 Day
Level 5 $140 Day
Level 6 $290 Day
Referral Commission
Level 1: 10%
Level 2: 5%
Level 3: 2%
Task Commission
Lv 10.5%
Lv 20.3%
Lv 30.1$
nu ca as avea vreun master in finante, dar, practic, nu ai niciun avantaj in a cumpara level 2., 3, 4 etc
la level 1 castigi 4 dolari pe zi, adica 120 lunar, da?
la level 2 castigi 12.5 dolari pe zi, adica 375.
Daca cumperi level 2 scoti 300 din buzunar sa castigi 375. adica o sa ai un profit de 75$. adica RISTI 300 pentru 75?
Daca NU cumperi, inseamna ca vei face 120 lunar, atat cat tine site-ul, fara a mai investi.
sau ma pierd eu in calcule?