Platile mele CATLY.IO

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Citiți și ce se postează pe Telegram oficial de la Catly Important Notice Regarding Token Sales on Your Account

Having trouble selling tokens from your account? Please read this explanation.

Due to recent policy adjustments by Binance, each user's deposit addresses have been increased from the previous single address to having up to 20 deposit addresses. Our authentication mechanism relies on Binance deposits for verification. Unfortunately, this change has led to some users exploiting multiple Binance deposit addresses to authenticate multiple accounts in order to claim CATLY airdrops. This practice violates our guidelines, resulting in the suspension of these accounts.

During this suspension, it's possible that some accounts associated with those Binance deposit addresses have also been suspended. However, please rest assured that we are only targeting accounts engaged in malicious activities.

If your account has also been affected by the suspension, it can be reinstated if you meet the following criteria:

1. You have purchased $CATLY tokens.
2. Your $CATLY token holdings exceed 800.

For account reinstatement, please contact our customer support via @Catly_IO_Bot.

Our team is available 24/7 to assist you promptly.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
♻️Update Notification:

Dear CATLY Guardians, to ensure that everyone is informed about the buyback fund status at all times, we have made the buyback fund wallet public on the official website. Here, you can easily access the balances of all wallets, providing great convenience.

Viewing path: > Token > Buyback Instructions.

If you are unable to view it, please clear your browser cache and revisit the website to access the information.

☕️Thank you all for your support as we work together to take $CATLY to the moon.
Team Spirit
22 Ian 2018
CATLY to Mint 5 Billion More Tokens, Total Supply to Reach 7.1 Billion

Following a poll conducted on the CATLY telegram channel, it has become evident that a significant majority of participants are in favor of token minting. In response to this sentiment, we are excited to announce our decision to mint an additional 5 billion CATLY tokens, thereby increasing the total supply to 7.1 billion tokens.

As $Catly approaches its next pinnacle, and now is the perfect moment to address the question that's been on everyone's mind:

Is CATLY a Ponzi scheme?

With CATLY's 3% staking reward, some might have concerns resembling those associated with Ponzi schemes. However, let's make it crystal clear – we are fundamentally distinct from any Ponzi scheme. All Ponzi schemes rely on new investors' money to pay profits to earlier investors, and they collapse when these payments become unsustainable. In contrast, $CATLY is on the path to being listed on exchanges, allowing every holder to trade and profit from their tokens. In fact, the potential for substantial returns, possibly tens or even hundreds of times, is not a fantasy. In the world of crypto, numerous tokens have proven this – generating incredible profits for early investors.

Our confidence in $CATLY being the next success story is grounded in the fact that CATLY boasts a vast community of hundreds of thousands of members. We've never witnessed a token amassing such a massive community before listing. Even many tokens with market caps in the billions lack such a robust following. While many of our community members might have joined through airdrops, observing and sometimes questioning. But when they witness CATLY's successful listing, their doubts will dissolve. And when they sell their airdropped $CATLY tokens at a premium, they will become a driving force behind CATLY's growth.

So, CATLY is poised to be the next best Meme coin, and our conviction in this belief remains steadfast.

[ CATLY development team ]
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Plata de azi 18.08 de la CATLY , eu ramin consecvent strategiei mele o zi retrag o zi ce produc pun la STAKE , vad ca in urma sondajului facut au mari cu inca 5 miliarde monedele CATLY , asta inseamna ca inca putem face $ frumosi cu cprocentul de la STAKE de 3 % / zi , dupa ce se termina perioada de presale si se listeaza nu o sa mai avem acelasi procent o sa fie mult mai mic , de acei zic ca acum este momentul sa intrati pt inceput cu macar 50 -100 $ usdt bep 20 din BINANCE

PS. acum au modificat si la inscriere trebuie sa treci BINANCE ID si adresa walet a ta Usdt bep 20


Link inscriere Catly
Team Spirit
22 Ian 2018
CATLY Decides to List Ahead of Schedule.

Starting from late July, the outflow of funds from daily buybacks has exceeded the inflow of funds from presale, and this trend is gradually expanding. Currently, the daily net outflow has reached as high as $200,000 USDT. Despite our implementation of strategies like token minting, the net outflow of funds has not decreased, but instead, it has significantly widened.

To ensure a successful listing of CATLY on exchanges, we have made the decision to halt the presale and buyback operations. The remaining net raised funds will be allocated towards CATLY's listing expenditures, including token listing, token liquidity, market promotion, token buybacks, and more.

Here's what's next on our agenda:

1. Release the new CATLY token contract.

2. Distribute tokens to holders' wallets.

3. List on encrypted exchanges.

4. Collaborate with market makers.

5. Token market promotion.

6. Ecosystem enhancement.

We appreciate your understanding and support as we work diligently to bring CATLY to the exchange .

The support system has been disabled, we will post the latest $CATLY news on this channel.

Cred ca asta e sfârșitul lui CATLY
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Era prea bun , prea ca la tara , oricum inca nu stergeti linkul si datele de logare poate totusi il listeaza macar pe dex tool , pancakeswap si poate o sa putem retrage ce avem acum in contul catly , eu nu mai redepun la stake ce produc in continuare ii las sa se acumuleze in balance , oricum vedem ceva mai fii in continuare , totusi nu este de bine din moment ce au inchis si canalul telegram de suport .

PS.Inscrieti va aici , nu trebuie depus nimic

Si pe acest airdrop SUPRA care va fi listat pe Binance

Airdrop that will be listed on Binance, you can check on the link below

Aici puteti verifica anuntul BINANCE referitor la Airdropul SUPRA

12 Apr 2019
De ce nu mai pot retrage banii si nici sa ii pun in Stake? Au anumite ore? De vreo 3 zile nu mai pot face nimic…
12 Apr 2019
Ieri, un amic a reușit, eu ma chinui de câteva zile, credeam ca nu merge nimănui.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
CATLY Decides to List Ahead of Schedule.

Starting from late July, the outflow of funds from daily buybacks has exceeded the inflow of funds from presale, and this trend is gradually expanding. Currently, the daily net outflow has reached as high as $200,000 USDT. Despite our implementation of strategies like token minting, the net outflow of funds has not decreased, but instead, it has significantly widened.

To ensure a successful listing of CATLY on exchanges, we have made the decision to halt the presale and buyback operations. The remaining net raised funds will be allocated towards CATLY's listing expenditures, including token listing, token liquidity, market promotion, token buybacks, and more.

Here's what's next on our agenda:
1. Release the new CATLY token contract.
2. Distribute tokens to holders' wallets.
3. List on encrypted exchanges.
4. Collaborate with market makers.
5. Token market promotion.
6. Ecosystem enhancement.

We appreciate your understanding and support as we work diligently to bring CATLY to the exchange .
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Presale si Stake la Catly este inghetat deocamdata , ei spun ca o sa incerce sa listeze Catly pe diverse exchange-uri unde putem schimba ce Catly avem fiecare in momenul asta in balance , acum ramine de vazut daca chiar o sa faca chestia respectiva, nu putem decit sa asteptam .

CATLY decide să listeze înainte de program.

Începând de la sfârșitul lunii iulie, fluxul de fonduri din răscumpărări zilnice a depășit fluxul de fonduri din prevânzare, iar această tendință se extinde treptat. În prezent, fluxul net zilnic de ieșire a atins până la 200.000 USDT. În ciuda implementării noastre de strategii precum baterea de token-uri, fluxul net de fonduri nu a scăzut, ci, în schimb, s-a extins semnificativ.

Pentru a asigura o listă de succes a CATLY pe burse, am luat decizia de a opri operațiunile de prevânzare și răscumpărare. Fondurile nete strânse rămase vor fi alocate pentru cheltuielile de listare ale CATLY, inclusiv listarea tokenurilor, lichiditatea tokenului, promovarea pe piață, răscumpărările de simboluri și multe altele.

Iată ce urmează pe agenda noastră:
1. Eliberați noul contract de token CATLY.
2. Distribuiți jetoane în portofelele deținătorilor.
3. Lista de schimburi criptate.
4. Colaborați cu creatorii de piață.
5. Promovarea pieței de jetoane.
6. Îmbunătățirea ecosistemului.

Apreciem înțelegerea și sprijinul dvs., deoarece lucrăm cu sârguință pentru a aduce CATLY la schimb.
31 Ian 2019
Salut Cornel64 vad ca tu cîștigi încontinu cu catly asta eu am cont de mult dar nu stiu ce trebuie facut sa cistig și eu te rog dă mai multe detalii cum se procedeaza
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Salut Cornel64 vad ca tu cîștigi încontinu cu catly asta eu am cont de mult dar nu stiu ce trebuie facut sa cistig și eu te rog dă mai multe detalii cum se procedeaza
Am cistigat , dar acum de 3 zile GAME OVER , nu mai plateste , ei spun ca o sa listeze CATLY dar nu prea cred , asa ca gata sa dus si asta .
6 Feb 2012
Am cistigat , dar acum de 3 zile GAME OVER , nu mai plateste , ei spun ca o sa listeze CATLY dar nu prea cred , asa ca gata sa dus si asta .
Pfff, si am zis ca nu scot pana nu ajung sa fac 500 Catly pe zi :)) daca vorbesc de contract nou si redistribuire token e clar..
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