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23 Noi 2013
YouTube starts auditing video views
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The video-sharing website YouTube said it has started to "audit" the number of views a video has received.

The move is aimed at preventing users from artificially inflating view counts which, YouTube said, mislead people about the popularity of a video.

There are concerns that some viewers are using tools like "redirects" or "buying" views to boost their count.

YouTube said it will now "periodically" validate the views on videos and remove the fraudulent ones from the total.

"Some bad actors try to game the system by artificially inflating view counts. They're not just misleading fans about the popularity of a video, they're undermining one of YouTube's most important and unique qualities," Google, which owns YouTube, said in a blogpost.

"While in the past we would scan views for spam immediately after they occurred, starting today we will periodically validate the video's view count."

However, the firm said that it does not expect the new approach to affect "more than a minuscule fraction of videos on YouTube".

Assuring advertisers?
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A view should be a metric that reflects genuine interest, not a gauge of how many people mistakenly or unknowingly ended up watching your video”

YouTube is the world's biggest video-sharing website.

With a large number of users watching videos on the site, it has also become an attractive advertising option for firms looking to attract consumers.

Analysts said the site's latest move to clamp down on fraudulent views was also aimed at assuring firms that their campaigns on the portal were reaching a genuine audience.

YouTube said it wants to improve the accuracy of view counts to maintain the trust of users
"A firm would look at the number of views a video is generating and its popularity when it decides to place its advertisement," Sanjana Chappalli, Asia-Pac head of LEWIS Pulse, a firm specialising in digital marketing, told the BBC.

"But if those views have been fraudulently generated - then it is likely to miss the target audience and have little or no return on investment."

'Maintain trust'
For its part, YouTube has previously warned users against generating views through automated means or by forcing or tricking viewers into watching videos.

According to YouTube these methods could include:

Purchasing views from third-party websites
Deceptive layouts on third party websites that trick viewers into playing a video when they click unrelated elements on the page
Serving pop-unders: a new window that appears under a current window
Redirects: when the URL changes and sends the viewer to a new page in the middle of a click
"A view should be a metric that reflects genuine interest, not a gauge of how many people mistakenly or unknowingly ended up watching your video," the website has said.

Ms Chappalli added that the growing popularity of other social media websites such as Facebook meant that YouTube needed to be even more careful with any fraudulent views.

"YouTube is just one of the many options on the social media that companies looking to advertise have," she said.

"As a result, it needs to maintain trust among advertisers for continued revenue growth."

Increase YouTube views

Buying and getting YouTube views through third-party services
Buying YouTube views through third-party services
Viewcounts serve as a way to recognize and surface great content. Since views are so important, it’s no surprise that an ecosystem of businesses has evolved around artificially helping creators get YouTube views, likes, and subscribers. However, paying for views obtained through some of these companies could be a violation of our terms, which exist, in part, to make sure the views on any YouTube video come from real, genuine people.

Views generated by some third-party businesses and services will not be counted or reflected on YouTube, and can lead to disciplinary action against your account, including removal of the video or account suspension.
What is a legitimate view?

A view is a user-initiated watch of a video where the primary purpose is to watch the video; this means that a real human being wishes to see a video, chooses which video to watch, and then acts on that choice.
A view should be a metric that reflects genuine interest, not a gauge of how many people mistakenly or unknowingly ended up watching your video.

What strategies for gaining YouTube views aren’t allowed?

Services that attempt to get YouTube views through automated means or attempt to force or trick viewers into watching videos are not ok. This could include the following:

Purchasing views from third-party websites (e.g. paying $10 for 10,000 views)
Deceptive layouts on third party websites that trick viewers into playing a video when they click unrelated elements on the page.
Serving pop-unders: A new window that appears under a current window.
Redirects: When the URL changes and sends the viewer to a new page in the middle of a click.
Ultimately, if you’re going to contract someone to help promote your content, it should be someone you absolutely trust, as you may be putting the fate of your channel (and your business on YouTube) in their hands. Find out how they promote your content and do your due diligence.


Cu astea fiind spuse de acum youtube va interzice vizualizarile facute artificial sau facute fortat cu site-uri sau programe gen syv, enhanceviews si altele....ma intreb daca si vizualizarile HR vor avea de suferit...deci o veste foarte proasta...si tocmai ca luna asta ma voi apuca si eu de PPD.... :(

Sursa: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-26043794
Membru Banat
22 Feb 2010
Prostii. Intotdeauna va fi o cale sa-l pacalesti. Degeaba fac ei modificari peste modificari. Do not worry.
13 Mar 2013
Gamestrade2013 a spus:
pletosul a spus:
Foarte bine daca se va intampla asta.

Dece? ca sa nu mai facem noi bani cu ppd? :))

Pe youtube se face spam la greu, sincer imi pare rau ca va strica "sursa voastra de bani", sper ca nu veti incepe sa faceti spam si pe facebook, pinterest etc.
17 Mai 2013
Ganditi-va sa redirectionati traficul catre video-ul vostru. Puneti titluri cat mai atragatoare
22 Aug 2012
sa-mi zica si mie cineva rezumatul, mi-e lene sa citesc tot :))
11 Oct 2012
rezumatul e ca incet incet se duce pe apa sambetei ...orice incercare de a face un banutz prin youtube...
23 Noi 2013
lucky21bastard a spus:
rezumatul e ca incet incet se duce pe apa sambetei ...orice incercare de a face un banutz prin youtube...

corect ...ma gandesc la alternative dailymotion,vimeo,vube ce zici e vro sansa sa faci ceva banuti? si normal site+seo ala va fi baza....
Business Club
3 Noi 2010
nu inteleg dece atata stress ? daca voi ati observat din trecut si pana acuma toate updateurile facute de google , youtube au fost un mare ajutor pentru multe persoane dar si un necaz pentru altele .. acuma depinde de voi a cui parte sunteti ;)
vor fii afectati cei care copie video , copie continutul "ai draq voi de puturosi cand imi copiati video si siteurile :)) " , totul va merge acuma pe calitate , si acest update afecteaza doar mici intreprinzatori care poate au scripturi platite sau copiate .. dar cei care fac scripturile intotdeuna vor gasii o solutie ..dar chestia este ca dureaza
de asemenea ce muriti in curul lui youtube ? mai sunt atatea siteuri ;)
bafta si spor la $$$
ps. cand a murit ptu , toti sau mutat pe ppd , doar cautati altceva , intotdeuna ceva moare si apoi apare altceva , asa e felul naturii ;)
Membru Banat
21 Mar 2013
Dar asta e si datorita flagarilor daca nu erau ei cu flagul nici nu se stia,dar oricum nu se va schimba nimic,si atunci de acel update cu commenturile nu prea s-a schimbat nimic :)
Business Club
24 Oct 2012
+1 Blondu90 :friends:

de sergiu4995 » 1 minut în urmă

si atunci de acel update cu commenturile nu prea s-a schimbat nimic :)

faza cu commentariile sa schimbat in Forte Mult Bine pentru cine a stiut sau inca stie sa profite de acele Up :D
Team Spirit
23 Iul 2010
A mai spus cineva mai sus , mereu va fi o cale de pacalit cate masuri au luat cei de la YouTube pentru conturi face-uri , vizualizari face etc ... si uite ca metodele tot apar si nu s-au dus ...
Business Club
3 Noi 2010
da corect ca intotdeuna va fi o modalitate , doar ca trebuie sa stiti unde sa o cautati , este exact ca nisele .. alea bune ajung la cine trebuie si apoi dupa ce le satura astia 75% din bani ...mai ramane restu 25% la alti :)
in general multora nu le place munca , de aceea sa dus tot yt de pl... copy paste peste tot si sau saturat si astia de duplicat :)) iti dai seama ca in fiecare zii se urca poate milionul de tera , giga ... dintre care poate jumate e copy ..si asa astia vor sa renunte la copy ca le tot umpleti serverele cu acelas continut prost si copiat ..
app zicea cineva de comenturi : eu nu am fost afectat de asta pentru ca am stiut de unde sa iau comurile ( u2bviews :)) si un site unde plateam )
bafta $$
ps. daca am fi fost o comunitate intelegatoare, fara criticisim , jigniri si ne-am fi ajutat reciproc , toti am fii avut de castigat ;)