- 10 ICE Bonus & 500+ ICE dupa 5 invitati (un click pe zi pentru minare)

12 Feb 2021
Aplicatia ICE a aparut luna aceasta si arata/functioneaza foarte bine!.
Este similara ca idee cu Pi doar ca ICE promite intrarea in cripto anul viitor iar aplicatia este net superioara fata de aia de la Pi.
Se pot obtine cateva zeci de ICE in fiecare ora (depinde de echipa/nivel) iar sesiunea de minare tine o zi deci este necesar doar un click pe zi!.
Procesul de instalare este extrem de simplu:
- Descarcati aplicatia:
- Inregistrati-va cu contul de Gmail
- Alegeti username-ul vostru si apoi treceti username-ul celui care v-a invitat ( al meu este: rzfree )

Se vad deja cei 10 ICE primiti!

Pentru cei 500+ ICE faceti primele sarcini:
- porniti minarea
- puneti poza profil
- follow Twitter
- join Telegram
- invitati 5 prieteni in echipa

Eu le-am facut pe toate de mai sus si aveam deja 600+ ICE in balanta asta in mai putin de trei ore (atat a durat pana cand am adus 5 prieteni)!

Exista si link de invitatie dar tot trebuie sa treceti manual codul (rzfree fara @ din fata) celui care v-a invitat.

Invitatia mea:

Screenshot_20230723_173619_ice.jpg Screenshot_20230723_173636_ice.jpg Screenshot_20230723_175432_ice.jpg 1690126006418.jpg
Ultima editare:
12 Feb 2021
Aici adica pe sunt info (la intrebari frecvente) despre planul lor pentru urmatorul an:

Phase 1 (July 7th, 2023 – October 7th, 2024) is dedicated to accumulation, where the ice members will grow their micro-communities and mine (earn) ice coins that they can use starting with next phase.

At ice, we’re committed to delivering value and utility for our community. In Phase 1 of our project, we will announce several use cases and decentralized applications (dApps) that will fully integrate with ice. These use cases and dApps will offer real-world applications for our community members and help to drive the adoption of our coin.

In Phase 2 (October 7th, 2024) the Mainnet will be released and the members will be able to use ice for sending, receiving, exchanging, or making payments.

More than that, we are developing solutions for merchants to integrate and accept ice into their retails stores and e-commerce shops.