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Honeygain este o aplicatie recent lansata care te plateste practic, fara sa faci nimic.
Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa-ti instalezi aplicatia, o conectezi la internet si asta e tot.
Ea te plateste ca sa-ti foloseasca internetul in scopul cercetarii
Va las aici descrierea in engleza a aplicatiei ca sa intelegi mai bine despre ce vorbesc:
What is Honeygain?
Honeygain is a crowdsourced network company which enables other businesses to conduct intelligence, market, and business research. It is an application which, when turned on, allows you to reach your unused internet’s full potential by making your device a gateway.
Where will the traffic come from?
From data scientists who enable other businesses to run intelligence, market, and business research.
Honeygain clients use our infrastructure to run brand protection campaigns, perform SEO monitoring, as well as conduct ad verification services.
How it works:
Is my personal data safe with Honeygain?
100%. We don’t keep any data of our clients. The only data we will have is what will be necessary for the service. This includes your email address, your IP address, how much traffic you make per month and your chosen payout methods.
How is my payment calculated?
You earn credits for every KB of data you bring in, and after collecting enough of credits, you can convert them to USD. You earn 1 credit for 10MB of traffic that goes through you. So for 10GB you’ll earn 1USD.
How much data Honeygain uses?
You can expect usage of up to 2GB per day, although take note that based on your network speed, we can reach a maximum of 15GB per day.
Can I protect myself from using my whole data plan?
Yes. You can do that by simply turning off the mobile data usage in the Honeygain app settings menu. Or if on Windows - right-click Honeygain bee icon and select “quit” to turn off the app.
Will Honeygain’s network usage interfere with my everyday data usage?
You shouldn’t feel any difference with our app running in the background. We set our app to never use more than 10% of your available network bandwidth.
Cat de mult poti castiga cu aplicatia asta?
Castigi 1 credit/10mb iar un 1 credit = 0.001$ deci 10 GB=1$
Daca lasi aplicatia pornita 24/7, poti face 50$/luna, ceea ce mi se pare o suma bunicica, avand in vedere ca nu trebuie sa faci nimic Cat de mult internet consuma?
Undeva la 2GB pe zi, depinde de viteza de internet, dupa spusele lor, maxim 15GB pe zi.
*Poti selecta daca vrei sa-ti consume din datele mobile sau nu
*Ofera 10% din cat castiga referalii tai
*Minimul de retragere este de 20$
*Plata prin Paypal, in curand se vor adauga si alte metode de plata
*Poti sa conectezi maxim 6 dispozitive pentru aceeasi adresa IP
*Aplicatia este momentan disponibila doar pe Google Play, in curand va fi disponibila pentru Apple Store si Windows
Aplicatia din cate am vazut, pare legit, sunt si cativa care au retras banii si au postat dovezi
Eu inca n-am ajuns la minimul necesar dar sper sa ajung cat de curand si o sa postez si eu dovada
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