S-au golanit.
In urma cu cateva saptamani am observat ca-mi lipsesc $20 dintr-un order de $45 (din care trebuia sa primesc $36 dupa taxe).
Am contactat customer support si dupa aproape 3 saptamani primesc urmatorul raspuns:
Hi there,
Truly sorry for this issue. The problem is that back in December there was an issue where the earnings from an order or two cleared twice and you were then able to use/withdraw said earnings thus creating an imbalance in your account. Later our system found the issue and to restore the imbalance took some of the earnings from this order you've mentioned. In the end, you have not lost any earnings as you simply got some before you should have.
Warm regards,
Le-am cerut Order Number sa verific si pauza.
Am avut zeci de comenzi in perioada aia. Nu stau sa le iau la mana ca ma enervez, poate mai gasesc fonduri lipsa.
Stiu, veti spune ca nu au ce face cu $20 de la mine. Asa e, nu au. Dar nu sunt singurul. Uitati-va pe
http://forum.fiverr.com sa vedeti ca sunt mai multi in aceeasi situatie ca mine.
Probabil din banii astia fac ei promotiile cu 25% back.
PS: nu spun sa nu folositi Fiverr, dar va sfatuiesc sa verificati panoul Revenues dupa fiecare Order Completion. Ca-i pacat de munca noastra.