Sunt si eu inscris pe e-bani, si in seara asta am dat urmatoarea cerinta:
Because of many users complaints we introduced an activity checker.
Every active eBani user must send $1.00 in order to validate his activity on eBani
eBani will hold to this payment until the user reaches the withdraw limit, when $1.00 will be returned to the user
Please be advised that if you do not validate your account it will be deleted.
stiti ceva despre asta? Nu am mult, de fapt aprx 90 centi, as vrea sa stiu daca se merita. Oricum limita de retragere am vazut ca e de 10$, nu stiu cum ati scos sumele alea (cumva sunteti premium?). Si inca ceva: Observati asemanarea izbitoare cu
Toate cele bune si spor la bani!