CoDe Tech -Pingexchange

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Salut va prezint platforma CoDeTech care printre altele are integrat si Pingexchange , exchange unde poti schimba tokenul CTN si XCB , eu am deja achizitionat de la ei minerul ORBi2 care imi mineaza XCB ,miner care este in HOSTING la o locatie din SLOVACIA , acum au lansat si un NFT ,NFT care il puteti achizitiona de aici

Link inregistrare

NFT respectiv are urmatoarele beneficii , minati XCB si aveti si 2500 CTN


CoDeTech a dezvoltat o platformă software numita CoreGroup concepută pentru a sprijini comunicațiile din secolul XXI, gestionarea datelor, identificarea, interacțiunea socială și soluțiile tranzacționale.

CoDeTech a construit un ecosistem global, descentralizat, bazat pe Blockchain, care este disponibil imediat, dar este pe deplin capabil să evolueze pentru a răspunde lumii viitoare.

Misiunea Grupului de bază este de a oferi un mediu de tranzacționare și de tranzacționare perfect, sigur, transparent și de încredere, atât pentru generațiile actuale cât și pentru viitoare.

Acesta este minerul meu ORBi2 si cit XCB am minat pina la ora actuala



Link inregistrare
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Salut sa lansat PINGEXCHANGE exchange unde putem face TRADE CU Tokenul CTN si coin XCB , coin XCB se poate mina cu smartphone , laptop , desktop

Tutorial video

Ping Exchange has initiated trading operations, marking a significant evolution for Core Blockchain following the simultaneous launch of CorePass ID for user authentication.

A new entrant in the crypto trading landscape, Ping Exchange recently commenced trading on Jan. 1 with a unique feature: the integration of CorePass ID for user authentication. This system leverages the Core Blockchain ecosystem, offering users a decentralized digital identity for secure and efficient trading. It fundamentally alters the login process, eliminating traditional methods like two-factor authentication (2FA) in favor of a blockchain-secured identity, transforming user experience with rapid, passwordless access.

Per the exchange’s blog, CorePass ID facilitates swift market access and enhances security, with personal information protected on the blockchain as an identity NFT. This innovative approach extends to its built-in HD wallet, simplifying transactions with immediate withdrawals and deposits of XCB and CTN, the exchange’s native cryptocurrencies.

In addition to its novel login system, Ping Exchange distinguishes itself with a “cutting-edge compliance platform.” Developed in collaboration with CorePass and Core Blockchain, it offers a user-friendly interface for KYC, AML, PEP, and sanctioned user management. This system adapts to various local and international regulations, ensuring it remains compliant in a dynamic regulatory environment.

As reported, Ping Exchange features trading in popular cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, LTC, and USDC, along with its native XCB and CTN. The platform also introduces a tiered system for users, with different tiers offering varying withdrawal limits and privileges based on the level of user verification and financial background.

Users of CorePass ID can use CTN tokens to purchase verification vouchers, which are then assigned to their wallets. Once verified, users are then redeemed in CTN tokens by applications such as Ping Exchange when data is requested for user registration, KYC, and AML purposes. The process means that users retain ownership over their data and are rewarded for sharing information with third parties rather than having to give away data for free as seen commonly in web2 applications.

A notable aspect of Ping Exchange is its distinction as the first platform to trade XCB and CTN. Core Coin (XCB) is noteworthy for its eco-friendly Proof-of-Work algorithm and high transaction speeds, positioning it as a sustainable alternative in the crypto space. On the other hand, Core Token (CTN) serves as a utility token within the Core ecosystem, facilitating transactions and data exchanges across services. These cryptocurrencies are available in various trading pairs, including ETH, BTC, LTC, and USDC.

Link inregistrare Pingexchange
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Hi guys, big news!
The Core Blockchain went live on 31 December 2023 with Corepass and PingExchage.

Here you will find all the important links to create your CorePass and to transfer and "claim" your Core tokens purchased in the pre-sale:


CorePass download
Download it now in your iOS and Android stores!
iOS: [CorePass for iOS]
( )

Android: [CorePass for Android]
( )

You want to trade on the Ping Exchange?
PING Exchange Ref-Link:

[Ping Exchange]
A short intro to what Core is:

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
✅Here are the steps to follow:✅

✅1. Get the App Corepass ID:
Experience the unique digitization, Tokenization, and monetization tool that rewards you with the CTN of Core Blockchain with XCB.

You can download the app now from the iOS and Android stores.

✅2. Register on PingExchange:
Enjoy a trade new experience with PingExchange by registering through the following link:

✅3. Start mining with your IoT device: Utilize your IoT device's CPU to mine CoreCoin XCB, generating opening income streams. On the CoreBlockchain platform, you can also earn passive income by doing regular activities on the Internet. Unlike other platforms, here you will be rewarded with a crypto asset that can be exchanged for various currencies, products, or services. offers low energy consumption of 9-20 watts per transaction as a Peer2Peer Network.

Additionally, you can explore the Core Explorer on and join pools on

It's worth noting that CoreCoin XCB is listed at the New York NASDAQ Wallstreet as a stock under Arax Holdings Corp ($ARAT), an achievement few projects, like XRP, haven't been able to accomplish over the years. $ARAT stock with
ARAX Holdings corp. SEC licensed

Tokenize your project today and leverage your possibilities with the infrastructure of Core Blockchain and Corepass Digital ID of CoDeTech.

Interesting Fact - EcoFriendly
Core Blockchain energy consumption comparison at this moment:

BTC - 7,412,400,000 W/transaction
ETH - 777,600,000 W/transaction
SOL - 2,707 W/transaction (POS)
XCB - 9.5 Watts/transaction (PoW like BTC!!!)
Core Coin XCB native Coin at
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Integrarea @CorePassCC și @PingHEX este o dovadă a puterii de transformare a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) în era digitală de astăzi, remodelând peisajul tehnologiei de încredere și stabilind noi standarde industriale pentru integritate, securitate, proprietate, conformitate. , și eficiență. Având în vedere că piața de blockchain pentru întreprinderi este proiectată să atingă o valoare impresionantă de 287,8 miliarde USD până în 2032, înregistrând o rată de creștere de 47,5% din 2023 până în 2032, importanța soluțiilor inovatoare precum CorePass și Ping Exchange nu poate fi exagerată.

CorePass apare ca o platformă revoluționară de gestionare a identității digitale și a portofelului, utilizând tehnologia blockchain pentru a oferi securitate și control fără egal asupra datelor personale și a activelor digitale. Revoluționează modul în care informațiile sunt partajate și gestionate, asigurând utilizatorii să păstreze controlul deplin asupra datelor lor personale și asupra asistenței digitale într-un cadru descentralizat, care pune în primul rând confidențialitatea. Această abordare unică abordează factorii actuali ai cererii, în special accentul pus pe partajarea securizată a datelor și pe protecția informațiilor sensibile, care reprezintă o parte semnificativă a cotei de piață.

Ping Exchange, pe de altă parte, introduce o dimensiune nouă în tranzacționarea cu criptomonede prin valorificarea autentificării CorePass ID, oferind utilizatorilor o identitate fără parolă și securizată prin blockchain. Această platformă inovatoare de schimb se remarcă prin concentrarea pe securitate, experiență utilizator și conformitate, răspunzând nevoilor în evoluție ale sectorului financiar și spațiului mai larg al blockchain-ului întreprinderii. Bursa oferă tranzacții reale, fără roboți, fără creatori de piață și are un portofel unic de stocare la rece a controlului activelor digitale de către fiecare utilizator, protejându-și activele digitale și menținând controlul deplin. Prin integrarea CorePass ID și oferirea de tranzacționare în monedele sale digitale native, $XCB și $CTN, Ping Exchange stabilește un nou standard pentru eficiență și transparență în domeniul tranzacționării cripto.

Împreună, CorePass și Ping Exchange exemplifică potențialul blockchain de a transforma procesele tradiționale și de a stabili un nou punct de referință pentru ceea ce este considerată tehnologie de încredere. Accentul lor pe descentralizare, împuternicirea utilizatorilor și conformitate se aliniază perfect cu tendințele și cerințele actuale din cadrul pieței blockchain-ului pentru întreprinderi. Pe măsură ce aceste platforme continuă să evolueze și să-și extindă acoperirea, ele vor juca, fără îndoială, un rol esențial în modelarea viitorului tranzacțiilor digitale, gestionării datelor și verificării identității, propulsând industria către cote mai mari de inovație și integritate.

Acesta este doar începutul suitei @CoDeTechCC de produse care urmează să vină.

The integration of @CorePassCC and @PingHEX is a testament to the transformative power of Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) in today's digital age, reshaping the landscape of trusted technology and setting new industry standards for integrity, security, ownership, compliance, and efficiency. With the enterprise blockchain market projected to reach an impressive value of USD 287.8 billion by 2032, experiencing a growth rate of 47.5% from 2023 to 2032, the significance of innovative solutions like CorePass and Ping Exchange cannot be overstated.

CorePass emerges as a groundbreaking digital identity and Wallet management platform, utilizing blockchain technology to offer unparalleled security and control over personal data and Digital Assets. It revolutionizes the way information is shared and managed, ensuring users retain full control over their personal data and digital asstes within a decentralized, privacy-first framework. This unique approach addresses the current demand drivers, particularly the emphasis on secure data sharing and sensitive information protection, which accounts for a significant portion of the market share.

Ping Exchange, on the other hand, introduces a novel dimension to cryptocurrency trading by leveraging CorePass ID authentication, providing a passwordless and blockchain-secured identity for users. This innovative exchange platform stands out for its focus on security, user experience, and compliance, catering to the evolving needs of the financial sector and the broader enterprise blockchain space. The exchange offers real trading, no bots, no market makers and has a unique cold wallet storage of digital assets control by each users protecting their digital assets and maintaining full control. By integrating CorePass ID and offering trading in its native digital currencies, $XCB and $CTN, Ping Exchange sets a new standard for efficiency and transparency in the crypto trading realm.

Together, CorePass and Ping Exchange exemplify the potential of blockchain to transform traditional processes and establish a new benchmark for what is considered trusted technology. Their emphasis on decentralization, user empowerment, and compliance aligns perfectly with the current trends and demands within the enterprise blockchain market. As these platforms continue to evolve and expand their reach, they will undoubtedly play a critical role in shaping the future of digital transactions, data management, and identity verification, propelling the industry towards greater heights of innovation and integrity.

This is just the beginning of the @CoDeTechCC suite of products that are still to come.

Data according to:… (
Enterprise Application Development Market Share Report 2032
The Enterprise Application Development Market is Expected to Accumulate a Value of USD 508.67 billion by 2032; at CAGR of 9.4%.

We're happy to share that Ping Exchange has begun the listing process on @CoinMarketCap! ✅

Register on PingExchange:
Enjoy a trade new experience with PingExchange by registering through the following link:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Thanks to CorePass, you can experience lightning-fast login and deposit speeds of XCB & CTN, and complete your Ping Exchange trades quickly and efficiently.

Start trading on➡️ now!

Ping Exchange (
Ping Exchange - Take control of your Assets
A hybrid platform with an unparalleled utilization of blockchain, a uniquely secure login, and the first exchange to offer Core Coin (XCB) and Core Token (CTN)

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
XCB has just been listed on two cryptocurrency price-tracking apps!



A live price chart for $XCB will soon also be visible on these platforms. Stay tuned for updates!

#crypto #market #trading #corecoin

Coincodex (
Core Coin Price Today - XCB Price Chart & Market Cap | CoinCodex
Track Core Coin price today, explore live XCB price chart, Core Coin market cap, and learn more about Core Coin cryptocurrency.

Start trading on➡️ now!

Ping Exchange (
Ping Exchange - Take control of your Assets
A hybrid platform with an unparalleled utilization of blockchain, a uniquely secure login, and the first exchange to offer Core Coin (XCB) and Core Token (CTN)