1800 banners

9 Aug 2009
pentru ads-urile de la ei vizualizate sau clickuite in site-ul tau primesti credite. creditele pot fi transformate in bani sau pot fi transformate in publicitate pe celelalte site-uri care sunt inscrise si afiseaza ads-uri de la 1800 banners.

linkul meu de referal: http://www.1800banners.com/?ref=23462
27 Oct 2008
Eu nu am gasit nicaieri pe site faptul ca poti trasforma credite castigate din impresii in bani. Uite ce scrie la faq:
"A free banner exchange is a group of participating Web sites that display each others' ad banners in exchange for credits; the more impressions you display the more credits you receive. The credits are then converted into ad spaces for you to display your ad banner on participating Web sites."
9 Aug 2009
dap cam greu cu banii dar oricum merge partea cu bannere :)

Apply For Revenue Sharing
Earn up to $0.25 CPM and $0.15 PER CLICK!

To get started please fill out the application below.

# Your websites must have at least 5,000 unique vistors daily.
# You must place the banners/code on your site before requesting approval.
# Only one of each ad size may be present on each page.
# The website must not have to many ads on it, and should look clean/organized.
# Illegal websites and sites containing adult content are not accepted.

# To maximize your earnings place the ads in top level positions where your audiance is most likely to see the ad. We pay on a CPM and CPC basis.

Whats the minimum required for payment?

$20.00 cashout minimum, payments are made on 1st through the 5th of every month via paypal. Payments are made automaticly when you have reached the minimum requirement for payment.
Can I still participate in the ad-exchange with a revenue sharing account?

Yes, you will earn credits as normal, you can use those credits to advertise your own campaigns or you can choose to convert your credits to cash.
I was denied approval, when can I resubmit for approval?

If you are denied a reason will be provided, please address the reason and re-submit for approval.
9 Aug 2009
am adunat 1300 de impressions in 2 zile. mi-am bagat si eu o campanie ieri. azi a fost aprobata asa ca am un banner de 125x125 care ma costa 0.5 impressions pe afisare, cu 30 de afisari pe ora si care se plimba prin toata lumea acum. :D