WhiteBIT Crypto exchange

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
WhiteBIT Crypto exchange

Lansat în decembrie 2018, WhiteBIT este un schimb centralizat european care oferă tranzacții crypto-to-crypto și crypto-to-fiat cu comisioane de tranzacționare de 0,1%.

Cu licențe europene de schimb și custodie, WhiteBIT îndeplinește cerințele KYC și AML. Se afirmă că are peste 150.000 de utilizatori din UE, America de Sud și Asia înregistrați pe platformă.

WhiteBIT oferă tranzacții instantanee cu coduri P2P, posibilitatea de participare, API privat și public și o serie de instrumente de tranzacționare: limit, piață, stop limit și oprirea comenzilor de piață. Depozitele și retragerile rapide se efectuează cu InstantSend by Dash.


Leverage Your Crypto on the WhiteBIT Exchange
WhiteBIT is an Estonian-registered virtual currency exchange which was launched back in 2018. While the platform mainly focuses on European and CIS countries, it has a global user base of more than 300,000 traders in over 190 countries around the world. Enabling the company to support this large user base and develop new innovative tools, the WhiteBIT team has over 100 employees including about 65 experienced blockchain developers.

One of the most impressive innovative tools developed by the WhiteBIT team is the exchange’s margin trading terminal. Very popular for years among currency and stock traders, margin trading empowers traders to potentially earn much more than they can by just buying an asset that rises in value. In the crypto exchange market, however, few platforms can offer users the ability to leverage their assets with margin trading and just a handful of exchanges can actually offer an advanced margin terminal like WhiteBIT.

Link inscriere WhiteBIT

PS . pe WhiteBIT se poate face TRADE si EXCHANGE pt CRT , moneda celor de la DUALMINE


Am efectuat asa de proba o depunere BTC in valoarea de 0.00055 BTC , suma minima BTC de depunere este de 0.00050 BTC

cu cei 0.00055 BTC am inceput sa fac TRADE pe CRT/ BTC incepind cu data de 5.12 ,dupa citeva tranzactii efectute BUY/ SELL dupa 2 zile adica azi 7.12 am dublat suma BTC depusa initial , paritate CRT/ BTC avind o volatilitate destul de buna , precizez ca CRT este moneda celor de la DUALMINE




Inscriere DUALMINE -100 free GH/S

CRT este listat aici exchange WhiteBIT

Link inscriere WhiteBIT

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Airdrop CRT oferit de WHITEBIT


The airdrop with Cryptonits is underway

Are you up for getting rewards? Join our airdrop with Cryptonits on Airdrops io and become one of 1000 randomly chosen lucky winners to receive 20 CRT each.

To get in, take the following steps:

✅ Sign up on WhiteBIT (no KYC required) via this link (https://whitebit.com/referral/b6ba3dbf-2a4c-43ac-84b3-098154ac7139).

✅ Follow Cryptonits on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/CryptonitsCRT/), Telegram (https://t.me/CryptonitsCRT), and Twitter (https://twitter.com/cryptonits).

✅ Make a tweet about CRT, tag CRT and 3 friends.
✅ Fill in this form (https://forms.gle/uBwvnNUXPg6X5sqA7).

The airdrop begins today at 12:00 p.m. UTC and ends at 12:00 p.m. UTC on the 17th of December.

Tap here (https://airdrops.io/cryptonits/) to take part.

WhiteBIT Team
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Cryptonits provides safe and fast transactions without revealing the user's identities. It is owned and operated by CRYPTONITS LTD. They have their own exchange called Dualex.io and they provide the best possible rates by comparing a wide range of reliable trading platforms and work with many cryptocurrencies that are constantly increasing.

Cryptonits and WhiteBIT are jointly giving away a total of 20,000 CRT to 2,000 lucky participants. Create an account at WhiteBIT from the below link, complete simple social tasks and submit your details to the giveaway form for a chance to win 20 CRT.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Create an account at WhiteBIT
  2. Join their Telegram channel.
  3. Follow them on Twitter, post a tweet about Cryptonits and tag Cryptonits and 3 friends.
  4. Follow them on Facebook.
  5. Submit your details to this giveaway form.
  6. Two thousand lucky participants will be randomly selected after the campaign and will be rewarded with 20 CRT each.
Ultima editare:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Am vindut CRT obtinut de pe DUALMINE pe WHITEBIT si am si efectuat o retragere BTC , retragere procesata aproape INSTANT

aici este CRT care l-am retras aseara de pe DUALMINE pe WHITEBIT si azi dimineata il aveam waletul CRT WHITEBIT


aici este confirmarea pt retragerea BTC de pe WHITEBIT in waletul personal COINBASE



Inscriere DUALMINE -100 free GH/S

CRT este listat aici exchange WhiteBIT

Link inscriere WhiteBIT
