Team Spirit
20 Mai 2013
WeContent se anunta a fi una dintre cele mai de seama conferinte de content marketing. Asadar, daca ai o afacere de profil sau pur si simplu te intereseaza domeniul, trebuie sa-ti iei bilet. In cadrul conferintei, vor fi prezente numeroase personalitati din domenii variate: SEO, vlogging, blogging, brand management, content marketing si altele. Pe scurt, aproape fiecare ramura serioasa a ceea ce inseamna content marketing va fi discutata.

WeContent Bucuresti 2018 va incepe in data de 1 noiembrie la Cinema Movieplex, din cadrul Plaza Romania, Bd-ul Timisoara, nr. 26, sector 6, etajul 2. Structura sa este complexa, existand atat seminarii, cat si workshop-uri pentru domeniile amintite mai sus, tinute de antreprenori, specialisti SEO, vloggeri, bloggeri si influenceri, copywriters si content writers, specialisti de marketing, comunicare si PR. Printre acestia, se numara:

Alex Dona, Managing Partner @TimesNewRoman

Mihai Holhos, Fondator @DozaDeHas & Viral Studios

Cristian China Birta, Blogger & Managing Partner @Kooperativa 2.0

John Burkhart, Fondator @TBC Global

Sonja Jefferson, Content marketing consultant and trainer @Valuable Content

Jon Mowat, Managing Director @Hurricane Media

Kevin Gibbons, Co-Founder & CEO Re:signal

Petru Cuciuc, Art Director @Amber

Mircea Criveanu, Content Marketing Adviser @MDC People Centric @ Sincos

Ralua Feher, Creative Director @ CAP

Laurentiu Dumitrescu, Managing partner @Digital Star

Cristian Lupsa, Fondator @Decat o revista

WORKSHOP-uri WeContent
Doi traineri britanici de renume vin pentru prima dată în România şi îţi oferă două super workshop-uri care te pot ajuta să îți propulsezi rezultatele la un nou nivel.

How To Grow Brands With Your Big Brain Not Budget
Keynote speaker and comedy marketing consultant Jon Burkhart brings his Content Curiosity content session to Bucharest having worked tirelessly to adapt everything to the average attendee’s 7-second attention span and irresistibly cynical nature. It’s content strategy and content creation on a shoe-string — all at the speed of a teen’s manic messaging thumbs. And don’t worry. The competition bit’s just there to help you learn quicker and retain more of the inspiring and practical goodness. With sleight of hand, Jon will Jedi-mind trick your brain into retaining all tips, tricks and hacks that will magic your customers into crazy-loyal fans.

How to Develop a Valuable Content Marketing Strategy that Leads to Sales and Growth
High quality content is key to successful marketing today, but if you want to make content marketing work you need a game plan. Kick off content marketing without a clear strategy and you’ll find that content creation is a piecemeal and ultimately unrewarding affair – both in terms of your time and in the leads it generates. It’s a tough game if you get it wrong! In this practical, hands on workshop you’ll learn what it takes to create an effective, hard working content marketing strategy for your business: a process and a plan to get you sales results using the content on your website and beyond.

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