PocketOption Broker Announces:
Entering payments through stable cryptocurrency (stablecoin) PAX and Tether
Add funds to your Pocket Option trading account, and withdraw from your account using two popular "stablecoins": PAX or Tether. The funds are automatically credited after receiving the required number of confirmations in the blockchain. Please note that we do not accept payments through Smart Contracts.
About stable cryptocurrencies (stablecoins)
Both Paxos Standard (PAX) and Tether (USDT) combine the stability of the US Dollar with the efficiency of blockchain technology. Like any other cryptocurrency, funds can be moved instantly, anywhere in the world, at any time of any day. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, PAX and Tether are stable and covered 1: 1 by the Dollar, which includes traditional currency and cash equivalents, etc. Thus, the funds are carefully protected, audited and regulated.
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