Referalii sunt de 2 tipuri : RR si DR.
RR inseamna referalii inchiriati iar DR inseamna referali directi.
Referalii directi sunt iar de 2 tipuri : Cumparati sau Castigati.
DR cumparati pe ptcuri sunt 99.99% boti.
DR castigati prin ...munca sunt 95% oameni si 5% boti.
Cum poate sa fie un DR bot ? Pai prin 2 metode cel putin :
1. Adminul ii creeaza si pune la vanzare
2. Adminul ii poate crea si sa ii inscrie personal la siteul unde ai facut tu advertise-ul ca sa te faca sa mai cumperi spatiu publicitar.
In ambele cazuri DR boti nu vor da clickuri deloc sau o data daca adminul i-a (l-a) si folosit (logat prin el).
Totusi vrei si oricine ar vrea un DR pur sange, om , care sa fie activ , dar cum il castigam :
Raspunsul anterior "prin munca" este cat se poate de adevarat dar nu este detailat.
Deci sunt mai multe variante :
un ghid de 92 variante chiar a fost scris de un moderator pe lexiadz :
1. Post on GPT forums.
2. Tell friends and family.
3. Guild members and online friends.
4. Door-hang around neighbourhoods.
5. Walk through parking lots putting flyers on cars.
6. Write a blog.
7. Keep your referral link on your Sig. on all forums with a brief explanation.
8. Find chat rooms and groups that are aimed at "Easy Money Making"
9. Write a classified ad.
10. Talk to students at high schools and colleges.
11. Put a flyer up at work.
12. Advertise while you drive with flags, bumper stickers, etc.
13. Post your link at the end of your YouTube videos.
14. Attach a .txt in an RAR file with that you can upload with your referral link.
15. Give flyers for local businesses to hand out.
16. Send out flyers in a mailing list 4 PTC Referral Secrets
17. Get a bot/macro to post your link with a simple explanation on any server
you may be hosting/running
18. Make a website.
19. Tell people thru IM/PM
20. Link-Exchange
21. Paid advertising on other people's websites
22. Advertise on on-line games.
23 Print business cards and include your phone number to enter into business
drawings (like you find in a lot of restaurants)
24. Buy "paid to sign up" at other GPT sites
25. Buy banner space. Impression in high PR forums/groups.
26. Buy text links on blogs/forums/groups
27. Offer cash or other incentives for sign-ups
28. Add your ref. link or website to a filename of an mp3, video, or program
and share it over a file-sharing network like Bear Share or a torrent program.
29. Free traffic exchanges
30. Paid traffic exchanges
31. Google Adwords (makes website ads that link to your website or ref. link)
32. Mention that you get paid in US funds
33. Rent a billboard (Approx. $8-$15 per day)
34. Get a tattoo with your referral link on it
35. Go door-to-door and ask in person
36. Add your site/blog to digg, stumble upon, Bumpzee, del.icio.us, etc
37. Have a friend or network digg your site/blog to digg, stumble, etc
38. Get a custom made shirt with advertisement on the front and/or back
39. Radio advertisement for your referral link or website.
40. Set up an info-kiosk in front of your local store or empty lot.
41. Attach your referral link in your email address or sig.
42. Road-side signs & banners
43. Optimize your website for excellent search engine ranking.
44. Add regular content to your site or blog. Keep it updated with new info.
45. On your banner/images, use the "alt tag" with either your webpage/blog or
"keyword". Search engines can index/spider images, so adding the "alt tag" helps "define" the image!
46. Put a cheap ad in your local penny saver or thrifty nickel in the help wanted
or employment section
47. Make a fake wallet out of fabric and put fake money in it with your ref link 5 PTC Referral Secrets or website written all over it.
48. Put up an advertisement that says “free money”.
49. Put an E-book up for auction on Ebay with your blog or other website info
in it.
50. Before shipping eBay items, put an ad with your ref. link in the box.
51. Send email to all your contacts, and tell them to join with your referral link.
52. Tell people at school
53. Use the dot.tk so you can change your referral link completely.
54. Make a sign to put on a row of shared mailboxes
55. Sign up for a virtual business card and list your blog
under the money making forum. Once you sign up, visit other money making
blogs and drop your card on their site.
56. Build a huge friends list and dedicate the profile to your blog or website.
57. Place business cards with your referral link in shopping carts.
58. Put up a flyer that has your ref. link with tear off tabs on store bulletin
59. Go to the library and place business cards with referral links in books about
financing, debt, home businesses, etc.
60. Place business cards with referral link in public restrooms.
61. Place your referral link on counterstrike.
62. Text your link to all your friends/family.
63. Make a tag to your link or your blog.
64. Set your in-game username to a shortened link or your referral link.
65. Hold up a sign on a street corner just like a car wash.
66. Write a song about it
67. Put your URL in your PS3's comment.
68. Point out that this is not a scam such as "free to sign up”, post testimonials,
or "doesn't require confidential information such as credit cards, bank account, or social security info.
69. Print off fake/dummy checks and leave them at heavily populated places. Make it out to Uncle Sam for $23,000, sign it, and just below the dollar amount, put in case this check is found, please visit www.”yourwebsite”.com.
70. The idea is that if you have ever lost Money you can make it back at this
71. Hold a raffle drawing for a cheap product and give out raffle tickets with
your ref link or website on it.
72. Have a pilot write your ref. link in the sky with his plane.
73. Put business cards in the credit card slots at gas stations.
74. Make business card coupons with your website or ref. link and leave at different stores with a Take One – Free sign.
75. Buy a pack of blank CD’s and burn a run file of your website or a notepad
file with a copy of your blog or ref link.
76. Print free business cards at Vistaprint.com
77. Get pencils, paper, pens, magnets, etc printed with your link on them and "leave" them lying around.
78. Start up a free online game site full of free java and flash games and embed
your banner into the top of each game.
79. Paint your referral link on your car and go on a road trip across America.
80. Put the link on your msn name.
81. Pass out cards at a trade show.
82. Write your link on the back of a restaurant paper placemat.
83. Tell them if they sign up, and use the forums, they can see a dancing banana!
84. Get a rubber stamp and stamp your ref. link or website on envelopes that you use to mail bills.
85. Offer to help find their first referrals after signing up under you.
86. Write an article.
87. Paint your referral link on the street
88. "Brand" yourself with a familiar name on forums, articles, etc.
89. Reserve a booth at the next festival or fair and set up a wireless laptop for
90. Cross-link your website, blogs, articles, posts, and classifieds.
91. Get custom-made ink-filled shoes with your ref. link embedded on the bottom so everywhere you walk, it acts like a pen and stamps your link everywhere!
92.You can advertise your referral link with Pay Per Click Advertising on various sites.

Unele sunt absurde sau irealizabile in Romania sau prea costisitoare dar multe din ele sunt bune de aplicat.
O alta metoda ar fi de exemplu daca vrei sa faci DR ptr ,sa zicem NeoAds unde esti inscris, atunci dai cautare google ptr filme pe youtube sau bloguri. Daca ai posibilitatea sa comentezi acolo, atunci indrazneste si scrie si linkul tau de ref intr-un comentariu. E un fel de spam dar vad ca multi incearca si asa.
Cea mai buna metoda ar fi sa cumperi spatiu publicitar si sa faci reclama, cu cat siteul caruia ii faci reclama este mai nou si necunoscut cu atat ai sanse mai multe sa faci cativa DR din prima ..logic nu ? Altfel inchipuieti cata reclama ar trebui sa cumperi sa faci rost de un DR pentru neobux care este vechi si arhi cunoscut incat cred ca si pisica mea stie de el.
O alta metoda , faptul ca esti membru pe clubptc este sa faci un topic la acel site (numai daca nu l-a facut nimeni pana acum) cu descriere. Cu cat mai detaliata cu atat mai bine.
Pentru un incepator in ptcuri este foarte greu dar poti incepe cu varianta gratis de deschidere topic in clubptc, postare comentariu pe youtube sau pe un blog .
Un alt pont ar fi daca alegi sa faci reclama cu banner ar fi sa creezi un banner nou chiar daca siteul este vechi. Sansele vor creste cu 50% ca lumea sa dea click pe el sa vada despre ce site este vorba.
Cu cat te implici mai mult cu atat ai sanse mai mari ca macar 1 sa se inscrie. (asta se aplica in special ptr siteurile mai vechi)
Poate mai adaug cate ceva la urma cu editare sau in comentariu nou aici ,asa ca ramai pe felie si nu ezita sa intrebi daca nu intelegi ceva .
Edit: O alta metoda nu stiu daca e mentionata in cele 92, este sa te inscrii pe forumuri de facut bani, cum ar fi EMS forum, Money Maker Group, Bitcointalk (daca este vorba de castigat bitcoin), moneyfanclub forum sau/si alte forumuri (scrii pe google la search " online money making forums") si sa pui in semnatura ta de forum linkul tau de ref. De asemenea poti pune si pe ptcurile care accepta semnatura pe forum.
Fiind intr-un forum de bani international inscris asta te ajuta sa vezi si care este pulsul ptcurilor adica care urmeaza sa crape ,care este scam, si tot asa.
Cei mai dulci si mai activi DR vor fi cei cu care tii legatura sii ii tii la curent cu ce se intampla sau la care le recomanzi ponturi.
Toate astea in timp cu rabdare si ambitie o sa le faci , mai ales cand prinzi experienta in ptcuri.
Sanse mai mari sa faci DR sunt la ptcurile noi aparute, care au RR profitabili , atunci e bine sa faci reclama chiar platita. Multe siteuri noi si bune vor tine cam 6 luni cel putin ,cu cat te misti mai repede cu atat mai bine.
Insasi acest post care l-am scris ptr tine sa te ajut dovedeste ca eu pot sa fac macar un DR daca ma implic. Daca ai si tu rabdarea,simtul implicarii si vointa sa ajuti un viitor DR cu sfaturi cand sau daca va trebui ,atunci vei avea sanse mari sa faci DR in viitor
Cu alte cuvinte completez la cuvantul "munca" cu "si rabdare plus dedicatie"