Kickoffboss -

8 Iun 2024
Salutare tuturor, va prezint un site asemanator, care este detinut de acelasi admin, acesta se afla in stadiul BETA, apar schimbari de la saptamana la saptamana.
Acest joc se bazeaza pe detinerea unei echipe de fotbal pe care trebuie sa o gestionezi, iata cum poti face asta:
- iti asezi jucatorii si alegi tactica potrivita
- poti face upgrade la stadion, pana la 16 lvl ( 5euro/lvl) care va vor aduce venituri mai mari)
- locurile 1 si 2 din campionat te promoveaza in liga urmatoare ( exista o suma pe care o castigi in functie de locul pe care te plasezi)
- cupa, cu fiecare etapa pe care o avansezi ai castiguri mai mari
- poti vinde jucatori in sectiunea Markets> Player markets
- in sectiunea Stadium poti face upgrade la stadion si la facilitatile stadionului
- Stadium facilites de impart in 4 categorii:
  • Training Grounds - A higher level will increase the speed at witch the player training progress rises.
  • Youth Center - A bigger youth center will enable the club to have more youths per level. Level 1 -> 3 players, Level 2 -> 5, Level 3 -> 8, Level 4 -> 11, Level 5 -> 13
  • Medical Center - This is where injured players can be healed using medical supplies. A bigger medical center will enable more uses per season. Level 1 -> 1 heals, Level 2 -> 3, Level 3 -> 5, Level 4 -> 7, Level 5 -> 9
  • Legal Office - Where banned players (red cards) can be removed by using Discipline Complaints. Level 1 -> 1 complaints, Level 2 -> 3, Level 3 -> 5, Level 4 -> 7, Level 5 -> 9
Pentru a face upgrade unei facilitati trebuie sa platesti 10 euro/lvl.

- poti sa antrenezi echipa pentru a primit procente, la 100% poti alege un skill caruia sa ii faci upgrade.
- jucatorii poti fi de 1*,2*,3*,4*,5*; cu cat jucatorii au mai multe stele cu atat mai repede va creste procentul antrenamentului.
- poti cumpara juniori si antrenori in Youth center si Staff, pretul fiind intre 18-1776 gold la juniori si 7-710 gold la antrenori.
- Depozit min. 1 euro prin reselleri si min. withdraw 20 euro prin Skrill, Kiwi, Paypal, Netteler, Other.

Daca aveti alte intrebari, nu ezitati sa o faceti.

8 Iun 2024
Premiile UCL in joc pentru sezonul urmator au fost actualizate:

Season 2 (next) Prizes​

30,582.77 (805.23 Euros)
15,291.39 (402.62 Euros)
7,645.69 (201.31 Euros)
1/8 Final
3,823.25 (100.66 Euros)
Group Promotion
1,911.63 (50.33 Euros)

Inca nu stiu exact dar e posibil sa fie premii in gold si pentru meciurile din grupa.
8 Iun 2024
Update-uri noi pe viitor.

Leaving here a list of planned features for the future. They are not set in stone and the order may vary.

  • Conference League, similar to the Champions League, where teams from division 1 can qualify.
  • Player chemistry.
  • Older players tutoring youths.
  • Signing players available on free transfer.
  • Player loans between clubs.
  • A revamped commentary system for matches.
  • Setting player position duties as defending, attacking, or normal.
  • More items to boost your club and players.
  • Pre-planned substitutions.
  • Stadium infrastructure decay and repairs.
  • Federations run by managers with monthly elections. The elected committee will be able to change some local rules about leagues, teams, and taxes.
  • Youth league.
  • World Cup and national teams.