Evenimente Crypto!

Membru Banat
18 Aug 2015
Acest thread este destinat evenimentelor din sfera CryptoCurrency. Se pot specula aceste evenimente ptr ca in majoritatea cazurilor, in preajma evenimentelor anuntate, monedele respective au crescut in valoare.

Haideti sa actualizam acest topic si sa incercam sa speculam momentele respective.

Upcoming News & Events:
18th Sept » #LUN alpha release update
19th Sept » #IOTA Meeting with Dominic Sitaram in Beijing
19th Sept » #OKCASH online conference
19th Sept » #EDG news
19-20th Sept » #WINGS #OKCASH #BCC conference in Beijing (the big event)
20th Sept » #LISK Meeting in Korea
21th Sept » #CFI IC start Power Play ICO
21-23th » #NXT conference
22th Sept » #BAT important news
22-26th Sept » #LISK conference in India
23th Sept » #XEM block chain MeetUp and Meeting with Jeff MacDonald Berlin
24th Sept » #DASH Conference in London
25th Sept » #XEM Discussion meeting nem and ex-coo hsbc private bank
27th Sept » #NXC running game, great expectations)
29-30th Sept » #OKcash update a small purse. Currently, the purse is OK - version Coming update of the wallet (a small update) will give the purse Okcash version
2-3th October » #RISE conference
3th October » #XEM Forum blockchain solutions Barcelona
6th October » #EMC2 kernel Upgrade, reducing the supply and updating
16th October » #XRP conference in Toronto
17th October » #XEM meeting 2017 Australia
22th October » #XEM 20/20 conference in Las Vegas
24th October » #XEM blockchain Summit in Dubai
Business Club
9 Noi 2009
Acest thread este destinat evenimentelor din sfera CryptoCurrency. Se pot specula aceste evenimente ptr ca in majoritatea cazurilor, in preajma evenimentelor anuntate, monedele respective au crescut in valoare.

Haideti sa actualizam acest topic si sa incercam sa speculam momentele respective.

Upcoming News & Events:
18th Sept » #LUN alpha release update
19th Sept » #IOTA Meeting with Dominic Sitaram in Beijing
19th Sept » #OKCASH online conference
19th Sept » #EDG news
19-20th Sept » #WINGS #OKCASH #BCC conference in Beijing (the big event)
20th Sept » #LISK Meeting in Korea
21th Sept » #CFI IC start Power Play ICO
21-23th » #NXT conference
22th Sept » #BAT important news
22-26th Sept » #LISK conference in India
23th Sept » #XEM block chain MeetUp and Meeting with Jeff MacDonald Berlin
24th Sept » #DASH Conference in London
25th Sept » #XEM Discussion meeting nem and ex-coo hsbc private bank
27th Sept » #NXC running game, great expectations)
29-30th Sept » #OKcash update a small purse. Currently, the purse is OK - version Coming update of the wallet (a small update) will give the purse Okcash version
2-3th October » #RISE conference
3th October » #XEM Forum blockchain solutions Barcelona
6th October » #EMC2 kernel Upgrade, reducing the supply and updating
16th October » #XRP conference in Toronto
17th October » #XEM meeting 2017 Australia
22th October » #XEM 20/20 conference in Las Vegas
24th October » #XEM blockchain Summit in Dubai

În cazul în care ai postat un mesaj şi vrei să adaugi ceva la scurt timp după postarea lui, te rugăm să nu postezi un alt mesaj după mesajul deja postat de tine, ci să îl editezi pe cel existent folosind functia "Modifica" din post.

Pune si sursa data viitoare. (Din respect pentru cel care si-a facut timp sa le puna in ordine).
Membru Banat
18 Aug 2015
2pac, am fost moderator 7 ani pe doua comunitati diferite. Cunosc cerintele unui forum chit ca nicio comunitate nu se compara cu alta.
Insa una este descrierea threadului si alta e discutia in parte, ce va urma dupa descriere.
Nu puteam incarca descrierea cu ceea ce da fiecare zi pe monedele respective.
Membru Banat
18 Aug 2015
evenimente in perioada urmatoare:


De urmarit Ripple, Neo si Emc2.

La emc2 va fi un burn masiv de monede in 25 octombrie. Deci aveti sansa unui x2 daca sunteti pe faza.
Membru Banat
18 Aug 2015

  • Dupa cum stiti Neo semneaza parteneriate in aceste zile, Astfel moneda a avut ieri un spike destul de bun. Sugestia mea e daca tot ati pierdut trenul cu btc si eth, sa urmariti aceasta moneda.
Un comunicat al adminului de pe grupul care fac eu parte legat de Neo:​
Kurt Connolly
Moderator ·

NEO Monthly Wrap up
I would add the link, but most are to lazy to click on it

"September is a busy month. As people in the community are increasingly interested in NEO's Smart Contracts and dApps, we spend a lot of time to support this. We are recording in order to provide better information to all developers. The main problems of the community are mostly about how to create assets based on the NEP-5 agreement. The documentation for NEP-5 is now under review and is under review. Hope to be released to the community in the next few days.
September also has a lot of offline activities. The third global block chain summit was held in Shanghai in 2017, thus attracting a large number of block chain lovers in Shanghai . This gives us the opportunity to meet a lot of people interested in the block chain to understand their project. We also met a lot of NEO lovers, we are very happy to talk with these lovers and answer all their questions. At the end of the monthly report will also note the other things we will do.
In September, NEO has completed the following work:
The Council website applies for and issues assets on TestNet: https://neo.org/testNet/create
NEO TestNet has the same code as MainNet, creating assets on TestNet, deploying contracts and invoking contracts that also require (test) NEO and GAS. NEO and GAS for these tests can be obtained at the above link. But also through our Slack on #develop channel to request GAS.
TestNet NEO and GAS can also be used to test your dApp in the Coz contest: https://cityofzion.io/dapps/1 GAS cost list link: http://docs.neo.org/en-us/sc/systemfees.html To help develop smart contracts and dApps, we summarize the GAS cost required for system debugging calls on the above pages. You can also use this as a reference when preparing your dApp for a contest.
Digital Asset Issuance File under the NEP-5 Agreement: (proofreading)
In order to meet the needs of the community developers, we have compiled a tutorial on the issue of digital assets based on NEP-5 on NEO. The current document is in the final proofreading, and then translated into English.
Website development
The neo.org website is being upgraded to an ASP.NET Core 2.0 architecture and make some degree of content changes. The overall design and back-end has been completed, and the current UI design and front-end development is in progress. Is expected to be on the line in late October. At the same time, will open source in GitHub, allowing community members to develop and modify.
Consensus node to center
The NEO Council is preparing for the centralization of the first quarter of 2018. We are conducting extensive simulations of voting and governance mechanisms to optimize their processes. We also started the P2P network optimization work.
Private Key Encryption and Decryption Test (NEP-2)
NEP-2 has been extensively tested to ensure that its encryption and decryption functions for WIF-format private keys are valid and secure. For more information on NEP-2, please see: https://github.com/…/42256bdea7d5c769a65464…/nep-2.mediawiki Community Contribution Award Scheme (TBA)
The NEO Council and Coz's principal members drafted an incentive program to reward community members who identified the vulnerability in the source code. Follow the non-public disclosure guidelines and report to us before the reward plan is implemented will also be eligible for rewards (dev@neo.org) .
New team member
Welcome to our latest NEO team member, Yu Yan! Yu Yan has a wealth of technical documentation experience in the IT field, has been in the IT industry for more than 12 years, covering industry sectors including network communications, office software, video conferencing and middleware products. Has worked at Oracle R & D center in Oracle and will now be writing in NEO management techniques. Have their joining, honored to!
Technical Support
NEO engineers upgraded Microsoft technology support for smart contracts and helped RPX contract testing, publish rpx-manager, and support other parties with NEO technical knowledge.
INNOXNEO open night third
Developers Liu Lingqi, Tan introduced how to write C # Smart Contracts, how to use Smart Contract API and how to deploy and call Smart Contracts. They also discussed the use of Smart Contract with the participants.
INNOXNEO open night fourth
Senior research and development manager Malcolm Lerider introduced the advantages of developing dAPP above NEO. He explained in detail about the incentive measures and how the voting system would affect transaction costs. Community Operations Fred Huang shared the contribution of NEO to the NEO ecology and community, as well as one of the best teams from the community.
NEO party held in beer house
NEO founder Da Hongfei and Zhang Zhengwen beer house in Shanghai and the majority of block chain enthusiasts face to face line exchange. The party attracted a large number of block chain lovers, investors and NEO fans. This party is because it is a casual network party, so there is no video demo.
Join INNO xAustrade Blockchain Seminar
NEO is invited to participate in INNO xAustrade Blockchain Seminar. The Australian Chamber of Commerce delegation shared some of their ideas on the outlook and application scenarios of technology and projects in the chain area. INNOSPACE + founders further on how they focus on cutting edge technology trends, including the NEO optimistic.
Block Chain Programming Day - Hangzhou Station
The block chain developer made a course on the use of C # in the NEO to prepare a smart contract in Hangzhou Science and Technology Temple. Science and Technology Temple is Hangzhou's business incubation center. Approximately 30 interested developers of this course participated in the course"
HOLD Strong & GO Long With NEO

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