
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
PS. cind pretul la BTC o sa fie 20k raspunsul este simplu iti mareste pretul la per TH/S la CONTRACTE si pretul la MINERII ,exemplu concret eu am cumparat CONTRACTE BTC 2025 in februarie , martie cu pretul de 11$ /TH/S , fata de acum cind este 29 $ . TH/S , si au fost perioade cind a fost si mai scump , verifica in postarile mele anterioare cam de prin luna februarie , martie .

CRYPTOUNIVERSE sint DISTRIBUITORII OFICIALII CANAAN producatorii minerilor AVALON , deci si la mineri cumparti de noi cistiga destul de bine pt cai ei cumpara MINIM 50 BUCATI si automat au alt pret de distributie si noi platim pret de detail.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017

Hello cornel64,

A deposit of 0.01385800 BTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. The deposit was received on 39WH8GcjWnphW38xNwfULEioYZuvydqmYd with transaction ID e9b949ce1cb360bb89ad59d5ac217a6ed71c7b84d112e1d287a8342ac046d373.

Thank you for using!


27 Iun 2012

Explica-mi ceva , te rog
De exemplu , as vrea sa incep cu o investitie de $200 , pe Bitcoin 2025 . Asta inseamna ca fac o singura plata de $200 si atat ?
SI 4 ani de acum in fiecare zi , primesc btc de la miner ?
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Inscriere aici apoi click ADD BTC iti apare Screenshot_8.pngsi in casuta Amount to replenish scrii suma in BTC pe care vrei sa o adaugi ex 0.020 aprox 220 $ , sa ma rog cit vrei, dai click pe VERDE REPLENISH si iti genereaza adresa BTC CRYPTOUNIVERSE unde trebuie sa triminti BTC , BTC trimiti toata suma o data , PT ca o sa iti apara in BALANCE si de acolo o sa efectuezi plata ptCONTRACTUL BITCOIN 2025


Dupa ce ai BTC in BALANCE dai click pe tariffs , click cursor ,selectezi de ce suma vrei sa cumperi apoi click buy si o sa iti apara modalitatile de plata , selectezi buy to BALANCE si dai ok .


PS , DA CONTRACT VALABIL PINA LA 1.01.2025 , bineinteles daca optezi pt acest tip de contract BITCOIN 2025, si o sa produci zilnic suma care este trecuta la DAILY PROFIT , aceia este suma NETA , maintenance deja este scazuta deja , bineintelesc daca BTC creste o sa primesti mai mult pt ca maitenance pe toata durata contractului ramine aceiasi indiferent de cursul BTC .

Daca platesti cu BTC o sa ai si acest BONUS in BALANCE.

Ultima editare:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
An exclusive interview with the VP of a multifunctional cloud mining service provider, Cryptouniverse
Casper Brown Interviews July 30, 2019


In an exclusive interview with the VP of Cryptouniverse, he explained how a miner doesn’t require to make a large investment to start mining. He explained how, with Cryptouniverse, a user can start mining with a mere $50[approx].

1. How did the project come to be?
Our story dates back to 2015. The crypto industry was just starting to form. For two of my friends and mining was a passion. We would analyze the blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and POW-mining, buy and test every video card we could find.
In 2017, we created our first test farm. We started with two rigs only, but two months later we already had 54 rigs, 10 ASICs S9, and were waiting for a brand new L3 to be delivered. By October we set up the second mining farm. Running test farms allowed us to collect a large number of invaluable statistics and get an idea of what works and what doesn’t.
2. When was the company founded and by whom?
We created CryptoUniverse on 14th of February, 2018 – with the same two colleagues of mine who had been in the project since the very beginning. Back then we had a team of 8 people, but in just a couple of months we opened a new office and our staff quadrupled. Then we put all our mining experience and statistics together and built our first fully-functional data center in Kirishi, the Leningrad region. We’ve been expanding ever since. Currently our company currently has 126 employees and we are represented in several countries.
3. Please provide the current rundown on the company. What were the goals of creating CryptoUniverse?
Our initial vision was to introduce more people to the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain. The goal is to build up trust and create a user-friendly, transparent platform where everyone could get easy access to the mining industry.
At the moment, CryptoUniverse offers cloud mining services with a wide range of contracts for any strategy and any budget, and are developing new features as well. We put the needs of our clients first, so we aim to reduce the number of clicks. One of the latest advances is an option to make payments with Visa and Mastercard.
4. Plans for the next five years?
As the number of our clients is constantly growing, we are scaling up. This summer, we plan to open a new, advanced data center. It will be a technopark, where, besides cryptocurrencies, we will be working with AI, BigData, and IoT. Second, we are developing a new platform with advanced features. It will be a space where you can mine, store your earnings, exchange cryptocurrencies, sell and buy mining contracts, and so on.
Besides that, we plan to enter the US market. We will also be working on our side projects – for example, the Mining University, where we will provide relevant knowledge in the field of cryptocurrencies.
5. Where are the Data Centers located?
Our main data center is located in Kirishi, Russia, and the new one will be built in Irkutsk region. We decided to take advantage of the cold Siberian climate and easy access to hydropower. It allows us to save on cooling systems, so we can be more energy-efficient, set low contract prices and, last but not least, to be more green.

6. Talk about your equipment: is it competitive?
Absolutely. We are constantly testing new models of miners in our data centers and offer only those models that proved to be most efficient. For example, last May we bought new miners from Сanaan (AvalonMiner 852, 911 1041F, 1041) and Bitmain Antminers (S15, T15, S17, T17). We are collaborating with major manufacturers of mining equipment: we’ve been working with Bitmain and Canaan, and Innosilicon will join them in the nearest future as our new partner.

7. Can you dispel the myth that to be a miner you need a lot of starting capital for equipment?
Actually, it is not a myth. The mining costs will depend on your strategies. If you build your own mining system, then the required starting capital is high, and so are the maintenance costs. Home-based miners must learn to work with the software, maintain the operating state, provide constant cooling of equipment, and deal with the noise problem. The electricity costs can eat over 50 percent of their income. Cloud mining is way more accessible. When you choose to mine in the cloud, you delegate all these issues to your cloud mining provider.

8. How much capital is enough to become a miner on your platform?
You won’t need a large capital to start mining with CryptoUniverse. The minimum amount of the initial investment is about $50. I am saying ‘about’, because the volatility of crypto market is high, and the prices are slightly changing all the time – sometimes even more often than once a day. However, the contract price is comparable with the cost of going out to a bar. Mining is a more healthy alternative.
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9. How can one invest in these platforms?
By buying hashrate, buying miners or investing directly in the company. Buying hashrate is the easiest way to start mining. Buying your own miner is more profitable in the long run, but it is a long-time investment – 2-3 years minimum. In future, there will also be an option of equity participation in buying a miner.
There’ve been many suspicious cryptoprojects lately, and I am aware that many investors are afraid of entering the market because of the fear of losses or fraud. CryptoUniverse stands for trust and total transparency. Our data centers are real and open for a visit to all our clients and potential investors.
10. What cryptocurrencies or payment methods do you use?
We mine BTC and LTС, the cryptocurrencies that have proved to be the most stable over the years. Of course, we accept both of them. There are also options of making payments through SWIFT and the European SEPA system to the IBAN current account. Recently, we have partnered with Connectum – an online bank that has a financial license in Great Britain and acquiring licenses by VISA and Mastercard, which guarantee reliability and high quality of services they provide. So now we accept card payments as well.
11. What guarantees do you offer your clients in terms of security? There have been cases of hackers getting into wallets and exchanges.
We comprehensively approached the issue of security, starting from the choice of building materials for our data centers, to elaborated hack and fraud protection. CryptoUniverse has a unified security and monitoring system with a duplicate alert system. Security and IT-specialists are duty 24/7.
The system is protected from DDOS- and hacker attacks, and the servers are audited every month. To protect the funds, we use cold wallets and encrypted private keys. When someone tries to withdraw money, the system carries out behavioral analysis; then each transaction goes through a manual audit. Yes, it increases the processing time but provides a high level of protection in return. Thanks to this system, there has not been a single disputable situation related to the withdrawal process in the entire history of CryptoUniverse. In addition to all the above, we have 700 thousand dollars in our share capital, so we bear full financial responsibility. We own the land and the buildings, which makes us independent from tenants and also forms a valuable part of our assets.

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
La o zi de la inceperea promotiei pentru CONTRACTE BTC deja cam 15 % sau vindut , pe masura ce creste procentul de contracte vindute acum am observat ca scade si procentul de discount aferent , in acest ritm in maxim 5-6 zile o sa se vinda toate contractele respective asa ca cei care doresc sa beneficieze de reducere respectiva le recomand sa cumpere contracte cit mai curind pt a beneficia de un procent cit mai mare de reducere.

Ultima editare:
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
There are some firms which enable people to create accounts with them and go ahead to take part in the practice of mining for a simple cost.

Cloud mining provides an established system to mine a digital asset like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc. without installing all the hardware and other necessary equipment. There are some firms which enable people to create accounts with them and go ahead to take part in the practice of mining for a simple cost. The practice enables the process to be globally accessible by massive participants. There are so far 3 models including hosted, virtual host and leased hashing power.

This kind of practice automatically makes people partakers in pools, however, the process includes purchasing a particular quantity of hash power. Every contributor possesses a fair share of returns in fraction to the allocated hashing power. As cloud mining is strictly carried out through cloud, it disallows concerns like the maintenance of paraphernalia, power expenses, etc.

Cloud computing is among the highly rising trends in which computing services like storing equipment, servers, catalogues and software are obtained through the cloud or in another cases via internet. Those firms also make charges based on usage basis – the way other companies pay for the goods or services (water, electricity, rent) they use.

Many people choose cloud mining due to the absence of need for buying an expensive equipment which would take lots of space at their homes. Anton Makarchuk, the CMO of CryptoUniverse, the Eurasian largest multifunctional cloud mining service, who has been working in the company from the beginning and has strong knowledge in mining processes, thinks that “cloud mining helps to popularize mining and crypto as a whole.”

Screenshot at Aug 11 13-33-24.png

He told Coinidol:

“Pool mining is an excellent and reliable method for obtaining cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, in today’s world there are not that many places where the infrastructure and cost of electricity allow for sufficiently profitable mining.
This is exactly why cloud mining exists. This kind of mining allows people who are interested in crypto, but are unable to mine on their own equipment, obtain cryptocurrency remotely. Cloud mining is much more accessible than doing it at home. For many people around the world, cloud mining becomes their entry point into the crypto market.”

Are There Scams in Cloud Mining?

Generally, mining is the pillar of digital asset models like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc. This is a practice by which transactions are securely confirmed and put to the public ledger called blockchain. Furthermore, it is through this process that fresh tokens are released. Therefore, the mishmash of the two allows people from different corners of the globe to carry out mining with less technical know-how and hardware setup.

Mining pool is the combining or pooling of assets or resources by miners that split their processing power over a system, to divide the reward by the same token, depending on the quantity of work they added to the prospect of getting a block.

Pools have more variables than cloud mining. Therefore, the latter differs from the pool in a sense that participants pay a service provider to the miner for them and they get the rewards. Participants pay for their hashrate (hashpower), and then be paid a particular amount in cryptocurrency on a daily basis.

The process of cloud mining is somehow easy and just needs an individual to create an account with any firm through its official website and choose particular stuff such as the contract time, hashing power, etc. Albeit, the existence of deceitful firms or phonies, scams, Ponzi and Pyramid schemes, including Genesis mining, Hashflare, Bitcoin Savings and Trust, OneCoin, Bitconnect, etc.cannot be disproved, and so, participants have to be very certain of the cloud mining firm. Participants should be careful before investing in such projects.

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
How Services Are Improving the Crypto Mining Landscape in 2019

August 23, 2019

How Services Are Improving the Crypto Mining Landscape in 2019

One of the most ingenious elements of the cryptocurrency movement is its emphasis on empowering users. While sending transactions to friends, family, and customers through a bank transfer relies on the bank itself, a crypto transaction gives complete autonomy to the recipient and sender, thanks to peer-to-peer decentralized technology.
Many digital assets are able to stay decentralized thanks to a process known as cryptocurrency mining. This process works by temporarily using a device’s resources in order to verify the integrity of all transactions on a cryptocurrency network.
Back in the early days of Bitcoin, the average user was able to earn money as a reward for running mining software on their computer or device. While this is still the case to some degree, the popularity of the cryptocurrency landscape has led to the emergence of businesses dedicated solely to crypto mining.
As a result of the influx of crypto mining businesses, the average user or small mining farm in 2019 can usually earn just a small fraction of the amount that large crypto mining operations are able to.

In addition, running crypto mining software from your computer can prove extremely costly once you receive your energy bill, as the process is quite resource-intensive. At-home electricity costs can, in many cases, entirely negate the amount of profit earned while crypto mining.
Furthermore, security is a concern with crypto mining—to withstand the required loads, the electrical wiring in a home facility should be strong to mitigate the risks of fire. Ventilation is also critical to keep the miners cooled. Moreover, crypto mining can be noisy due to the operation of the processors.
Finally, the feasibility of crypto mining is limited to one’s engineering abilities. More specifically, if a miner breaks down, you can expect additional expenses in hiring a specialist to fix the miner.
“Mining hotels” have emerged as a way of making crypto mining profitable again for the average user
So-called cryptocurrency “mining hotels” have emerged as a solution to many of the woes that prevent users from earning money while crypto mining. Similar to a regular hotel, mining hotels provide accommodation. This accommodation, however, is not designed for people. Instead, it is designed to house dedicated cryptocurrency mining equipment and is often situated in locations that are crypto-friendly or provide cheap deals on electricity.
There are numerous benefits to leveraging mining hotels. They often provide cheaper electricity costs, a safe and dry atmosphere to operate powerful devices designed for crypto mining, and may even have additional features such as on-site technical support and 24-hour security.
How projects are improving upon the concept of “mining hotels” to provide better services
While crypto mining in your own home is no longer a viable or profitable option, innovative services are finding new ways to empower users who want to take part in the crypto movement. By having professionals establish dedicated mining equipment on your behalf in locations with affordable electricity, you can easily mine digital assets and earn a profit.

Cryptouniverse, a service with expertise in the field of crypto mining, is expanding on the idea of mining hotels in order to provide more efficient mining services for everyday consumers.
By allowing ordinary users to leverage its dedicated mining center and state-of-the-art hardware, Cryptouniverse is empowering the community and restoring a time when users were truly in control of the crypto landscape and their own mining profits.
“It gets more expensive every single year to deploy mining farms for individuals, and profitability leaves much to be desired,” said Cryptouniverse VP, Nikita Gribkov. “Buying used hardware can lead to even higher losses because of low durability due to extended usage. And organizing a profitable business requires cheap electricity that only companies can afford.”
Addressing these issues was a priority for Cryptouniverse, a company that has grown to operate seven branch offices in major Russian cities — and an additional office in Edinburgh, Scotland and Tallinn, Estonia — since its launch in 2017.
Cryptouniverse’s mining center is located in Kirishi, near Saint Petersburg, Russia, allowing its mining operations to benefit from affordable electricity. When users get involved with this service, they are purchasing brand new equipment, and benefit from 24/7 online equipment monitoring, 6 degrees of automatic protection against overloads and high temperatures, and ready-to-go physical hardware.
There are various hardware options available for users, all of which are designed to efficiently engage in around-the-clock cryptocurrency mining. These options currently include the ASIC Bitmain Antminer S9k, Antminer S9 SE, Avalon 1041, Avalon 1041 (turbo), Antminer T17, and the Antminer S17.
Their devices represent some of the best options on the market right now for crypto mining. On Cryptouniverse’s website, users can weigh their options by considering the cost, maintenance fee, hash rate, and daily profit associated with purchasing each miner. Since these are physical pieces of equipment that users purchase to run in Cryptouniverse’s mining center, they are subject to availability.
Ultimately, cryptocurrency mining doesn’t have to just be a money-making tool for massive mining farms. Thanks to innovative new services, users and smaller mining operations can once again start earning money through mining digital assets like Bitcoin and Litecoin
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
Coin Idol

The use and adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ether, Ripple and others, has continued to grow worldwide.

The use and adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ether, Ripple and others, has continued to grow worldwide. Nevertheless, a lot of cryptocurrency maniacs cannot manage to purchase expensive paraphernalia to carry out mining and that is the reason why they decide to seek other best alternatives such as cloud services, that can properly work for them.

Cloud services are on the increase even though most people in the cryptocurrency industry don’t understand it, and the going-on has proved to be generating real profit provided adequate investments are provided. The process offers hashing power for rent, and this therefore means that there is no need to buy, install or look after the rented equipment.
What to Consider Before Joining a Cloud Service
With this alternative, there is actually no worries with power bills, noise pollution and attendance problems. A participant just becomes a member of the team, get to unite with the rest of the users and then carry out cryptocurrency mining efficiently.
However, the challenge has been to find a dependable platform among many scams which arise unexpectedly. Let us see some major recommendations which will enable those interested to choose a reliable service and circumvent being scammed or cheated.
1. Look into the public address
2. Don’t focus on services which provide an iron-clad success guarantee
3. Look into the firm’s level of transparency
4. Check the reviews and customer feedback
5. Check the social media activity
6. Confirm whether the service provider has mining farm
7. Discover what type of rigs they are using
8. Look out if the platform promises you high profit immediately after you purchase the contract
9. Understand how to compute profit
10. Completely and properly read and understand the contract details before you make any purchase
Cloud mining experts also offer additional advice on how to protect your funds against scam. Anton Makarchuk, the CMO of CryptoUniverse, the Eurasian largest multifunctional cloud mining service, who has been working in the company from the beginning and has strong knowledge in mining processes, told Coinidol:
Screenshot at Aug 24 13-36-00.png

“To tell whether a given cloud mining service is not a scam, you need to look for several things:
1) Confirmation that the company owns its own mining equipment, and enough of it.
2) A lot of information about it online (both positive and negative reviews). There needs to be a lot of reviews, as that confirms that the company has a lot of clients. If there are only positive reviews online, that’s a hint that there’s something fishy going on. There is no company that satisfies 100% of its clients.
3) Being registered in a “good” jurisdiction. A company that is registered offshore or isn’t registered at all inevitably raises questions. When a company is registered in the EU or a “favorable” Asian jurisdiction, that allows for clients to turn to a just court system in the event of a dispute.”
Advantages of Disadvantages of Cloud Mining
Traditional pools need dedicated rigs. People who participate in mining want to learn how to set up a rig, arrange program, take care of a facility, look for adequate and cost-effective electricity.
Nevertheless, common people find it hard to access all these basic resources, hence becoming a big barrier for cryptocurrencies mining investments.
The pros of cloud services include: fragmental investment friendly; no special skill is needed; and save time and electricity. The cons include: contract providers sometimes flee; frauds; contract providers tend to turn off rigs when the token’s price connected to the contract drops to the lowest point where revenue can’t pay for cost for particular period.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
How Services Are Improving the Crypto Mining Landscape in 2019

How Services Are Improving the Crypto Mining Landscape in 2019

One of the most ingenious elements of the cryptocurrency movement is its emphasis on empowering users. While sending transactions to friends, family, and customers through a bank transfer relies on the bank itself, a crypto transaction gives complete autonomy to the recipient and sender, thanks to peer-to-peer decentralized technology.
Many digital assets are able to stay decentralized thanks to a process known as cryptocurrency mining. This process works by temporarily using a device’s resources in order to verify the integrity of all transactions on a cryptocurrency network.
Back in the early days of Bitcoin, the average user was able to earn money as a reward for running mining software on their computer or device. While this is still the case to some degree, the popularity of the cryptocurrency landscape has led to the emergence of businesses dedicated solely to crypto mining.
As a result of the influx of crypto mining businesses, the average user or small mining farm in 2019 can usually earn just a small fraction of the amount that large crypto mining operations are able to.

In addition, running crypto mining software from your computer can prove extremely costly once you receive your energy bill, as the process is quite resource-intensive. At-home electricity costs can, in many cases, entirely negate the amount of profit earned while crypto mining.
Furthermore, security is a concern with crypto mining—to withstand the required loads, the electrical wiring in a home facility should be strong to mitigate the risks of fire. Ventilation is also critical to keep the miners cooled. Moreover, crypto mining can be noisy due to the operation of the processors.
Finally, the feasibility of crypto mining is limited to one’s engineering abilities. More specifically, if a miner breaks down, you can expect additional expenses in hiring a specialist to fix the miner.
“Mining hotels” have emerged as a way of making crypto mining profitable again for the average user
So-called cryptocurrency “mining hotels” have emerged as a solution to many of the woes that prevent users from earning money while crypto mining. Similar to a regular hotel, mining hotels provide accommodation. This accommodation, however, is not designed for people. Instead, it is designed to house dedicated cryptocurrency mining equipment and is often situated in locations that are crypto-friendly or provide cheap deals on electricity.
There are numerous benefits to leveraging mining hotels. They often provide cheaper electricity costs, a safe and dry atmosphere to operate powerful devices designed for crypto mining, and may even have additional features such as on-site technical support and 24-hour security.
How projects are improving upon the concept of “mining hotels” to provide better services
While crypto mining in your own home is no longer a viable or profitable option, innovative services are finding new ways to empower users who want to take part in the crypto movement. By having professionals establish dedicated mining equipment on your behalf in locations with affordable electricity, you can easily mine digital assets and earn a profit.

Cryptouniverse, a service with expertise in the field of crypto mining, is expanding on the idea of mining hotels in order to provide more efficient mining services for everyday consumers.
By allowing ordinary users to leverage its dedicated mining center and state-of-the-art hardware, Cryptouniverse is empowering the community and restoring a time when users were truly in control of the crypto landscape and their own mining profits.
“It gets more expensive every single year to deploy mining farms for individuals, and profitability leaves much to be desired,” said Cryptouniverse VP, Nikita Gribkov. “Buying used hardware can lead to even higher losses because of low durability due to extended usage. And organizing a profitable business requires cheap electricity that only companies can afford.”
Addressing these issues was a priority for Cryptouniverse, a company that has grown to operate seven branch offices in major Russian cities — and an additional office in Edinburgh, Scotland and Tallinn, Estonia — since its launch in 2017.
Cryptouniverse’s mining center is located in Kirishi, near Saint Petersburg, Russia, allowing its mining operations to benefit from affordable electricity. When users get involved with this service, they are purchasing brand new equipment, and benefit from 24/7 online equipment monitoring, 6 degrees of automatic protection against overloads and high temperatures, and ready-to-go physical hardware.
There are various hardware options available for users, all of which are designed to efficiently engage in around-the-clock cryptocurrency mining. These options currently include the ASIC Bitmain Antminer S9k, Antminer S9 SE, Avalon 1041, Avalon 1041 (turbo), Antminer T17, and the Antminer S17.
Their devices represent some of the best options on the market right now for crypto mining. On Cryptouniverse’s website, users can weigh their options by considering the cost, maintenance fee, hash rate, and daily profit associated with purchasing each miner. Since these are physical pieces of equipment that users purchase to run in Cryptouniverse’s mining center, they are subject to availability.
Ultimately, cryptocurrency mining doesn’t have to just be a money-making tool for massive mining farms. Thanks to innovative new services, users and smaller mining operations can once again start earning money through mining digital assets like Bitcoin and Litecoin.

Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017

We added cashback for all BTC contracts. Only until the end of August

The Fast and the cloudios sale is rebooted! Now you can have 7% cashback for all BTC contracts you buy in addition to current 12% discount. Didn’t have a chance to buy one in the first place? Grab one before it ends on the 1st of September.

By the way our new Hobbs 360 and Shaw 480 cloud mining promo contracts are still waiting for you. They are available only during “The Fast and the Cloudious” sale. All our current discounts and bonuses can be applied to these contracts.

Less then $400 000 worth hashrate of $1 484 000 total sale hashrate is left by the time we send this letter. The finish line of the sale is really close. Even if you already took part in it, you should still tell your friends about this promo. Because you receive from 8% to 10% of their investments.

The sale ends on the 1st of September. Don’t miss your chance to earn some extra profit!

Cheers and much love, CryptoUniverse.
Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
NOI MINERI de la AVALON , 1047 - 37TH/S si 1066- 50TH/S cu minare incepind din luna octombrie si noiembrie .


Team Spirit
7 Apr 2017
PLATA nr.28 - ceruta azi dimineata si in 5 ore in walet , nu am mai retras de pe 11.08 pt ca ce am produs intre timp am reinvestit.

Hash: SHA256

Hello cornel64,

A deposit of 0.01815500 BTC has been received and confirmed into your CoinPayments Wallet. The deposit was received on 39WH8GcjWnphW38xNwfULEioYZuvydqmYd with transaction ID 07630041297db852d69fb57caad5e7baff3fe98a86069c2fc6ecd1f9361387cf.

