- Înscris
- 17 Noi 2010
- Mesaje
- 245
- Subiect Autor
- #1
UPDATE: cum nu stiu ce au de gand sa faca cei de la CA sfatuiesc cei 4 reffi activi ai mei sa decida daca se opresc sau continua, dar din ce am citit in ultimele stiri nu va mai fi garantat venitul pasiv de pana acum, deci rog ca fiecare sa faca ce vrea daca continua sau nu, eu inca nu sunt hotarat, probabil voi mai continua 1-2 luni sa vad daca va fi ceva de noile promisiuni sau nu... asadar a 4 luna (sau cine ramane la a 3)va fi ultima in care voi mai oferi cei 10$
imi pare rau si multumesc pentru colaborare
p.s. cateva randuri din ultimele stiri: Even the concept of revenue share, which has been widely misrepresented and inaccurately understood, was created as one more way to reward our most active, purposed members. We've had exciting, challenging quantum growth over the last year. We've grown so fast that it is unfortunate that some members misunderstood or even misrepresented parts of our program to others. If you are ever in doubt of Club Asteria's vision and our position on anything, take the time to read over our Code of Ethics and Conduct, Terms of Service and Policies and Procedures. These clearly outline what our program is all about, and it is each member's personal responsibility to follow these -- and to hold any other member accountable when they are not.
Club Asteria can make no guarantees of passive income, but simply to provide the tools and resources -- the programs, training, education, systems and products -- that allow each individual member the opportunity to directly and actively establish a secure financial future -- for themself and their family.
imi pare rau si multumesc pentru colaborare
p.s. cateva randuri din ultimele stiri: Even the concept of revenue share, which has been widely misrepresented and inaccurately understood, was created as one more way to reward our most active, purposed members. We've had exciting, challenging quantum growth over the last year. We've grown so fast that it is unfortunate that some members misunderstood or even misrepresented parts of our program to others. If you are ever in doubt of Club Asteria's vision and our position on anything, take the time to read over our Code of Ethics and Conduct, Terms of Service and Policies and Procedures. These clearly outline what our program is all about, and it is each member's personal responsibility to follow these -- and to hold any other member accountable when they are not.
Club Asteria can make no guarantees of passive income, but simply to provide the tools and resources -- the programs, training, education, systems and products -- that allow each individual member the opportunity to directly and actively establish a secure financial future -- for themself and their family.
toata lumea, ma rog majoritatea cred ca stie despre ce este vorba, daca nu stie cineva, atunci pe scurt si la obiect:
- investesti 20$ in fiecare luna si in 2-3 ani ajungi sa castigi in cel mai rau caz 480$ pe luna sau un maxim de 1600$, depinde de profitul companiei
- daca clubul are un profit bun atunci in 4-5 luni deja ajungi sa nu mai bagi bani din buzunar ci din profitul obtinut
- daca tu esti membru gold si inviti alti oameni sa se inscrie sub tine atunci obtii de pe urma lor 9$ lunar, deci o idee foarte buna sa va finantati fara sa scoateti bani din buzunar.
alte detalii le poti obtine pe net sau pe acest forum, daca vreti imi dati un pm si va ofer informatiile adunate de mine (sunt si eu la inceput, sa nu credeti ca stiu prea multe si nici nu vreau sa credeti ce va spun eu ci sa va convingeti voi).
oferta mea este simpla, dau cei 10$ (desi primesc 9$) inapoi pentru cei care se upgradeaza si platesc 20$ pe luna.
deci timp de 5 luni de zile dau 10$ in fiecare luna cand primesc banii de pe urma voastra si a sasea luna o ofer cadou 20$ bonus. normal ar trebui ca din a 7 luna sa va puteti autosustine, acum depinde de ratele de profit care variaza in fiecare saptamana intre 3%-10%. in cazul in care nu ajungeti sa aveti un profit din care sa va autofinantati, o sa va ajut si o sa va ofer in limita a cei 10$ restul pana la 20$ pana cand ajungeti pe profit.
banii ii trimit in Alertpay deci va rog sa avei cont de AP fiindca asa ii scot si eu.
modificare, clarificare: ca sa nu fie probleme si alte vorbe, banii vi-i trimit in AP in maxim o saptamana - 7 zile (dureaza cateva zile pana ii primesc si eu si am luat o marja mare pentru orice alte probleme)
orice intrebare este binevenita, astept pm, sper sa facem impreuna un pas important spre libertatea financiara.