Membru Banat
- Înscris
- 28 Apr 2016
- Mesaje
- 67
- Subiect Autor
- #1
Am gasit pe facebook acest contest.
1.Trebuie sa faci un scurt videoclip despre spygear si sa il uploadezi pe youtube si in descrierea videoclipului sa pui
2.Trebuie sa dai share pe facebook la si sa adaugi URL videoului tau.
Premii:locul 1 -1000 $
100 $ la primii cu 10 cu cele mai multe intrari pe psotarea lor (like/comment/share)
cupon de 10$ la restul participantilor
Premiile consta in cupoane pentru electronice,gadget-uri.
Data limita:31 iulie 2016
Descrierea contestului in engleza:
Ankaka SPY Gear Contest - 1st Prize $1000 Cash
(1) Make a short video about spy gear and upload to youtube. Any topic is good as long as it is about SPY gadgets. A URL of must be included on your video description, please see the video description of this below video as example:
(2)Click on the SHARE button on this post
and share on a group/page/your own timeline. In the box of ”Say something about this…”, put in your youtube video URL.
1st Prize: USD $1000 Cash
Popularity Awards: $100 each to 10 entries. Awards will be based on how many of your friends SHARE/LIKE/COMMENT/ your post. You will be offered with a list of 2 hundreds of electronics gadgets to pick as your rewards.
Everyone else: $10 coupon
Deadline: 2016-7-31.
1.Trebuie sa faci un scurt videoclip despre spygear si sa il uploadezi pe youtube si in descrierea videoclipului sa pui
2.Trebuie sa dai share pe facebook la si sa adaugi URL videoului tau.
Premii:locul 1 -1000 $
100 $ la primii cu 10 cu cele mai multe intrari pe psotarea lor (like/comment/share)
cupon de 10$ la restul participantilor
Premiile consta in cupoane pentru electronice,gadget-uri.
Data limita:31 iulie 2016
Descrierea contestului in engleza:
Ankaka SPY Gear Contest - 1st Prize $1000 Cash
(1) Make a short video about spy gear and upload to youtube. Any topic is good as long as it is about SPY gadgets. A URL of must be included on your video description, please see the video description of this below video as example:
(2)Click on the SHARE button on this post
and share on a group/page/your own timeline. In the box of ”Say something about this…”, put in your youtube video URL.
1st Prize: USD $1000 Cash
Popularity Awards: $100 each to 10 entries. Awards will be based on how many of your friends SHARE/LIKE/COMMENT/ your post. You will be offered with a list of 2 hundreds of electronics gadgets to pick as your rewards.
Everyone else: $10 coupon
Deadline: 2016-7-31.