40+ siteuri Paid to write

23 Sep 2011
Toate sunt luate de pe un forum strain,nu il postez aici,dar probabil multi activeaza si acolo.Nu ma obosesc sa traduc pentru ca daca nu va descurcati cu cititul mai mult ca sigur nu va descurcati nici cu scrisul.Totul este copy/paste,materialul nu este al meu.

Get $10-$1000 for your articles!!!



highlights.com is a children's learning website, and they pay anything
from $25, up to $50 and beyond for creative stories and articles.


http://personalmoneystore.com/moneyblog ... rtunities/

personalmoneystore.com have three different ways to pay their writers.
They have outright payments for freelancers, which usually pay a
minimum of $15, and they also have pay per post and commission-based
payment methods. This is a great site for testing your writing ability, and
picking the right payment model for you.



developertutorials.com are looking for content which is based on design
and programming. They pay $50-$100 per tutorial, and $30-$50 per



Youth Today is the national trade newspaper for people who work with
children and youth. Payments start at $150 for small pieces and can rise
to $2,000.


http://www.mothering.com/sections/submi ... bmission_g

mothering.com pay between $200 and $500 for a magazine article.
Although they are quite strict, if you do your research or hire a good
writer, you can make a nice profit from this website.



These guys are looking for articles, which teach other writers how to
become successful particularly in writing novels. They pay 5 cents per
word for original articles, to a maximum of $100 (articles over 2000
words are paid $100); $25 for reprints; $15 for humor. They will also
exchange advertising space for articles, which could be a very lucrative
avenue for you



associated content.com is one off the many sites which pay per
performance of your content once it is published to the site their site. This
is typically $1.50 for every one thousand page views it receives. What I
like about associatedcontent.com, is that they also offer upfront payment
ranging from $2 to $15 for certain types of content.



mylot.com pays you in a variety of ways, from answering questions to
posting comments and content. The payments may not be as high as
some other sites, but if you enjoy writing them this is a great place to earn
some nice side income.



Helium.com offers all kinds of opportunities for writers and publishers.
They pay upfront payments for your contributions as a writer, they also
offer daily revenue share of their advertising, and they now have writing
contest where you can in money by winning contests.
At the time of writing this, Helium.com are paying between $20 and $200
for each article submitted to their marketplace.



this is a website that publishes articles and earns advertising revenue
through Google Adsense. As a writer, you share the revenue generated
through the Google ads displayed on the site. If you write articles, which
gets a lot of views, this could result in quite a lot of residual income over



You create original and unique content in any format, and triond publish
your content on the most relevant website according to its topic.
Due to their large network of partners and affiliated websites, you get a
lot of recognition and more readership while building a portfolio and
earning revenue. It's not just writing either, they also accept photographs
and music.
You get paid by sharing revenue from advertising, which is split 50-50.
Again, this is another site where you may not get paid a lot initially. But
over time, your content can add up to generate a full-time income through
this shared revenue business model.



Ehow.com is a general how-to website with lots of traffic and readership.
They have now started paying $15 per short article, and writing articles
for this particular website is a total breeze as they are usually short and


https://www.demandstudios.com/freelance ... iters.html

demandstudios.com pay approximately $15 per article, and also offer
revenue-sharing. This is one of the leading websites for the revenuesharing
model, and at $15 per article, it's a great place to get started at a
freelance writer.



This site publishes literary fiction, essays, and poetry being written today,
both by established and emerging authors. They will consider works of
fiction of any length, from short shorts to novellas and self-contained
novel excerpts. The stories and essays, they pay a flat fee of $1000. For
poems, they pay $100 each!



This is a huge marketplace of freelance writing jobs. Just this one site
alone will give you a huge selection of work as a freelance writer, but
unlike some of freelance sites, these jobs often pay much higher and
really value their writers.



This is another website which offers lots of freelance writing
opportunities. Again, this is a place where real chicks and high paid jobs
can be found instead of battling for work at five dollars per hour. I've
personally found jobs paying $25 per article on this website, and often
much higher.



This is possibly one of my favorite sites for writing content for. The great
thing about constant-content.com, is that as a contributor and writer, you
can sell three different levels of usage rights. You can sell usage rights
for lower value, unique rights for medium price point, and full rights at a
significant sum of money.
There are plenty of successful writers who are selling for rights to the
work of hundred dollars per article. This is also a great place to find out
what kind of content is in demand on what people are willing to pay good
money for. (I'll talk you through this later on in this guide)



textbroker.com is a great place for the average writer to earn good money
submitting content. Depending on the quality of the article, you can be
paid anything up to $25 for 500 words.



This website is geared towards people looking for a long and sustainable
career in writing. They offer upfront payments and revenue-sharing, and
provided a great community and support system for the aspiring writer.



These guys pay up to $20 per article, and cover all most every imaginable
topic on the planet.



This is a more specialized website, looking for experts content in the form
of essays. They pay up to $16 per page and offer a whole lot of support
and guidance. Although not for everybody, you will see how to use sites
like this to make money even if you are not an expert or can't write to
their standards



This is similar to 4writers.net above, and they pay between $6 and $20
per page.



This is a really interesting site that has a unique payment method.
Basically, you submit content in the form of slides, videos, articles and
answers... and then you get paid a certain dollar amount for every 1000
views of your content. The dollar amount you get paid the 1000 views
depend on the current index. It's a bit like the stock market for content,
and the higher the index, the more you get paid per day. You really have
to visit the site, and read more to understand this properly!



This website specializes in electrical commerce, banking and finance.
Posting your own article: $ 5, Posting news: $1, Posting an article found
online: $ 1, Posting hot forum topic found online: $0.3, Posting
an original interview: $ 5
They also pay $50 for “sensation articles” or exclusive interviews.



This website pays up to $16 per page, but they focus on essay writers.
You also need to be qualified, but again, if you read this report. You'll
soon see how to get around this small barrier.



These guys buy articles from new and established freelance writers. They
pay between $10 and $20 per article. The article should be at least 6
paragraphs (800 words) and generally no more than 12 paragraphs (1600
words) in length.
They also offer to pay more money, the article if you link to them and
send them traffic. Except articles on pretty much anything you can think
of an Islamic show some kind of passion, you're good to go!



This is an amazing little site with a great concept. Basically, this is where
people go to get their products and websites reviewed for credibility
purposes, or to get extra exposure and sales for their business.
They pay reviewers to do reviews for them via the reviewme.com
marketplace. As a blogger or writer in general, this is a great and fun
opportunity for you to write reviews and get paid between $20 and $200
for each review that you post on your site. You will need your own blog
for this, but it's worth it!



This is a software marketplace, which provides reviews on all types of
software. As a writer, you can get paid to submit reviews of software.



This website buys and sells essays as a broker. This is another
opportunity for you to write and submit essays and get paid good money
in the process. Again later in this guide will show you how to get around
this if you can't write essays yourself. What is really important to
remember, is that essays pay good money…so there is a massive
opportunity just waiting to be exploited here.



This is a Joomla tutorial website, and they pay up to $20 per article.



This is the questions and answer community driven website. This site
pays $20 per 650 word article.



Writers at KPwriting assist customers in the development of essays, term
papers, theses, and dissertations. They will send you a quick test before
you get accepted and open your account, but I am led to believe the pay is
very good.



This is another website which provides tips on a whole range of subjects.
You earn revenue share across multiple platforms and types of content on
the site. There's also a big opportunity to get recognized and advanced
your writing career by being associated with this website.



about.com is a huge information portal, who not only pay for content but
also represents a huge opportunity to become an industry expert,
published author, or in demand professional.



AuctionBytes-Update is a free twice-monthly email newsletter targeted
towards experienced and new users of online auctions. AuctionBytes-
Update is full of practical information for buyers and sellers written in an
easy-to-read and entertaining style. For certain types of content, they pay
you $20. None of their content exceeds 500 words, so this can be a nice
little earner for you!



This website normally pays writers good money. However, it is
backlogged at the moment.



This website pays up to $120 per submission. However, they do have a
bit of a slow turnaround of accepting work.



This is a technology-based website, providing reviews, tutorials and
guides. They pay between $20-$200 per article.



EscapeHomes are paying up to $20 per submission for real estate and
travel articles.

http://www.internationalliving.com/Abou ... ite-for-Us

This website pays you $50 for every submission that they decide to use.
They also show an interest for photographs, which may be another
lucrative side income.



This normally pays good money. However, it is backlogged at the



This website pays you every time somebody downloads/purchases one of
your submitted letters. They have 3500 writers earning good money right
now, so why not join them?


http://cellphoneforums.net/announcement ... cellphone-

This website pays you $10 per cell phone review.



This website is looking for “Contemporary prose or poetry written from
personal experience that reflects the thoughts and feelings people today
want to communicate to one another, but don't always know how to put
into words.”
They provide a vast array of postcards, cards and other printed material.
They are basically looking for content such as greeting messages, and
special poems. They pay $300 per poem!



This website pays $20 per review. The topics of your possible reviews
include games, comic books and movies. This is a really fun way to earn
good money giving your opinion!


http://www.suite101.com/freelance_writi ... =About_Fre

Suite101 currently has openings for nonfiction freelance writers across all
subject matters. With over 4,000 writers, 24 million monthly readers and
lifelong advertising royalties, Suite101 offers a well-established platform
for getting published, read and paid.



I'm not actually sure what the payment structure is for this website, but I
do know that this website is currently looking for good writers. I also
know that this website gets a lot of new leads every day and is a very
reputable establishment... which just that the pay is going to be good and
the work is likely to be consistently flowing.

NOW GO MAKE SOME $$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!